Misc. for Sale
Walk-in Sale Saturday 2/16
Gently used &
new prom & homecoming dresses, shoes & accessories. Some items currently
displayed at O'Donohue's in downtown Lincoln.
ranging from 0-14.
Sale date
Sat. Feb 16th 9am-12
Kickapoo Street
Just north
of the 4-way lights downtown Lincoln
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For Sale -- TOOLS!
Power tools, hand tools, tool boxes, all excellent
Call 671-7573
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Estate sale
Lots of Elvis paraphernalia, pillows, pictures, clocks, Knick Knacks.
Also Roosters galore. Any kind any color. Very beautiful and well taken
care of.
If you are an Elvis collector or a Rooster fan
and would like to purchase something
please call 618-210-6798.
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Lovely Cable piano
Other items
for sale
2 large
breed dog crates: one plastic, one collapsible wire frame with metal
base tray. $70 each.
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Tons of good used furniture arriving daily!
Hurry while selection is good!
Dolls, toys and games, tractors and trucks, sewing machines,
blankets and comforters, electric fireplace, tools, caps, yard
ornaments, food dehydrators, large display of cute knick knacks,
collectibles like: Elvis, the Beatles, NASCAR, Pillsbury Dough Boy,
Precious Moments, Revere Ware cookware, Coke, John Deere, Harley
Davidson, metal signs and more. There’s something for everyone this
Christmas! Stop in today.
Country Boys Store
1228 Woodlawn Road
Lincoln IL 62656
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For sale: Used washers, dryers and ranges.
Six-month warranty. McEntire Appliance, 403 Broadway, Lincoln, 732-4874.
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