The public is invited to attend, but
to allow for space accommodations, please contact the office,
217-735-4499, by 4:30 p.m. Jan. 9.
The regular monthly meeting will
follow the annual business activity.
Local artists' expressions of a future world
The art exhibit "Predictions" opened on a
snowy and blustery evening to a steady stream of gallery visitors.
"Predictions" is the premiere event for the Logan County Art Association.
The show began Dec. 20 and runs until Jan. 12 at the Lincoln Art Institute.
"Predictions" was selected as the
theme for the show to coincide with the end-of-world predictions
mainly represented by the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar on
the winter solstice. Nine artists from Logan County contributed to
the exhibit, crafting their art to address their personal views on
the future, whether the world ends or, if not, how we as a species
move into and create the future.
Christopher Tice, professor of art
at Lincoln College, created a multi-layered piece he calls
"Utility," essentially his view of what the world would resemble
after a fire consumed the planet. The piece is an amalgam of
ordinary objects he placed on a container and finished off in his
backyard forge. While the melted objects retain their shapes and
seem random, Tice has created symmetry on the surface. He then
mounted a video projector above the piece that shows a subtle
movement, a cycle to time, in his words. "I am trying to create a
visual effect on a physical surface," Tice explained.
For the exhibit, Lincoln High
School teacher Jason Hoffman submitted three pieces that explore his
current focus on the link between a museum exhibit and one for an
art gallery. "My pieces explore a survival aspect, whether it is the
end of the world or a new beginning, and how we as individuals
respond to mortality," he said. To Hoffman, art is something he
thinks about every day -- how what he sees can be translated into
something that speaks about the issues we face in everyday life.
Moses Pinkerton, the host for the exhibit, also contributed
several pieces. "If a piece of my art turns out right, people should
be able to look at one of my works and tell what it is saying," he
said. He is not a big fan of the abstract movement. His piece
"Ripe," a hand holding an Earth burgeoning with possibilities, is a
personal view about the potential available to all of the occupants
of our planet.
Bonnie Mayo's two paintings strongly express her optimism, with
themes showing the sun rising on a landscape still occupied and
changed by people. For her, art is "a process of thinking about a
subject for several weeks and then getting to a point where it is
time to put paint on canvas," she said. "I wake up one day and know
the time is right to create the actual painting." She is also
careful to use a frame that accentuates the focus and colors of her
While the photos accompanying this article give a sense of what
the artists want to convey, the exhibit definitely needs to be seen
in person to appreciate the creativity.
The show "Predictions" is open at the Lincoln Art Institute, 112
S. McLean, until Jan.12. Pinkerton may be reached there at
217-651-8355 for more information.
Christmas tree pickup program starts Jan. 7
The street department in Lincoln will pick up
Christmas trees starting Jan. 7 for Ward 1, Jan. 8 for Ward 2, Jan. 9 for
Ward 3, Jan. 10 for Ward 4 and Jan. 11 for Ward 5. Trees must be by the curb
by 7 a.m. on the day of the scheduled pickup.
Trees must be free of all decorations and not
in a bag. Wreathes will be picked up if they are free of wiring.
Writer's Club will meet Jan. 8
Lincoln Writer's Club will
meet Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 6:30 p.m. in the Alumni Room of the Lincoln College
dining hall. Suggested topics: an era when you wish
to have been born; a memorable Christmas gift; a person you have
always admired; home remedies.
For more info, call 732-2723. All are
[to top of second
column] |

board election Jan. 30
A general membership meeting of the Humane Society of Logan
County will be on Jan. 30 in the Steinfort Room at Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital, 200 Stahlhut Drive.
The annual election for three seats on the board of directors of
the Humane Society of Logan County will be at this meeting.
Anyone who is current with their dues and has been a member for
at least three months prior to the election may declare their intent
to seek election to the board of directors. If you are interested in
serving on the board, you may send a letter of intent to the board
secretary, Wanda Stevens, at
Betterment Fund board introduces 'Rt. 66 Reinterpreted' Art Project
ATLANTA -- In celebration of Route 66 and all it stands for,
Atlanta -- located on the Mother Road, midway between Chicago and
St. Louis -- announces its first "Rt. 66 Reinterpreted" Art Project.
Modeled on Chicago's "Cows on Parade" exhibit, the Rt. 66
Reinterpreted project presents artists the opportunity to create
their own take on one of the 20th century's most iconic and
recognizable symbols: the U.S. Route 66 highway shield.
Participating artists will be provided a blank, 2-foot-by-2-foot
wooden cutout of the Route 66 sign, painted white, which will then
become their personal canvas. The only requirement in creating a
reinterpreted shield is to incorporate the text "Illinois U.S. 66"
somewhere on the face of the shield, in whatever size, shape or
color the artist desires. Everything else about the design, style,
background and color of the reinterpreted shield is left to each
artist's imagination and creativity.
The project is open to anyone 16 years old and above. Up to 50
entries will be accepted in this year's project, as determined by
the date applications are received. All 50 entries will be displayed
outside along Route 66 in downtown Atlanta from May 1 to Aug. 31,
The board of directors of the Atlanta Betterment Fund will select
10 shields out of the 50 entries as finalists. Shields selected as
finalists will be judged on originality of design, overall concept
and quality of execution.
Voting will then take place May 1-Aug. 31 to select the top five
shield designs as winners of the 2012 project. Anyone, anywhere may
vote, either in person at selected Route 66 attractions in Atlanta
or online via Atlanta's website at
The top five vote-getters will be the winners of the year's Rt. 66
Reinterpreted project.
At the conclusion of the project, the five winning shields, along
with the names of the artists who created them, will be displayed on
a permanent basis in the Atlanta Route 66 Park. Entries selected as
one of the top five winning designs will also be showcased at the
International Mother Road Festival in Springfield Sept. 27-29, 2013.
Artists wishing to enter the Rt. 66 Reinterpreted Art Project
must submit a completed application form, along with a $25 entry
fee. Completed applications are due on or before Feb. 1.
Applications received after Feb. 1 will not be accepted.
Completed Rt. 66 Reinterpreted shields should be carefully
packaged and returned to: The Atlanta Betterment Fund, 114 SW Arch
St., Atlanta, IL 61723. Shields should be submitted between March 1
and April 5, 2013. Shields received after April 5 will not be
The Atlanta Betterment Fund sponsors the Rt. 66 Reinterpreted Art
All decisions regarding judging are final. Entries selected as
finalists will be notified by April 30, 2013. Entries selected as
one of the top five winning designs will be notified by Sept. 1,
Click on the "Route 66 Art Project"
logo at for more information, including project
guidelines and an application form to enter the Rt. 66 Reinterpreted
Art Project. Or contact:
William Thomas
Atlanta Betterment Fund
114 SW Arch St.
Atlanta, IL 61723