The ice cream social starts at noon. Also on the schedule of events
are an antique tractor and car show, Junior Olympics at the
ballpark, kiddie tractor pull, live music, and drawings for prizes.
Registration for the antique tractor and car show begins at 11 a.m.
The show runs from noon to 7 p.m. and features the Land of Lincoln
Antique Engine & Tractor Club and the Railsplitter Antique Auto Cub.
All others with antique tractors, cars and trucks are welcome. There
will be activities for antique tractors.
Junior Olympics competition will be at the ballpark beginning at
2 p.m. This event is open to kids of all ages through high school.
There will be a pedal tractor pull for kids at 4 p.m.
Live entertainment will be provided by the Tennessee Borderline
country band from 5 to 8 p.m.
The Latham Firefighters will conduct five large prize drawings at
8:30 p.m. Tickets can be bought from any firefighter or at ice cream
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column] |

Serving of sandwiches, ice cream, cake and soft drinks will start
at noon at the firehouse. Those purchasing food items will receive
free tickets for prizes donated by area merchants. Drawings will be
held during the afternoon and evening.
The Latham Firefighters invite everyone to an afternoon and
evening of family fun.