18, 2013]
Dissolutions of marriage:
Ramlow, Justin C.,
30, Logan County
Ramlow, Kayla V.,
25, Logan County
Married July 28, 2012
Separated Feb. 1, 2013
Dissolution May 1, 2013
Petitioner: wife
Cause: mental cruelty
Gary, Ray, 36,
Logan County
Gary, Roseanne
Marie, 31, Cook County
Married Sept. 17, 2004
Separated Jan. 8, 2009
Dissolution May 3, 2013
Petitioner: husband
Cause: irreconcilable differences
Kern, Chad M., 33,
Logan County
Kern, Crystal M.,
34, Menard County
Married Sept. 30, 2006
Separated Feb. 15, 2013
Dissolution May 15, 2013
Petitioner: wife
Cause: mental cruelty
Raymond, Reece D.,
39, McLean County
Raymond, Teri A,
40, Logan County
Married June 17, 1995
Separated October 2002
Dissolution May 15, 2013
Petitioner: wife
Cause: irreconcilable differences
top of second column] |

Fuchs, Wesley
Miner, 34, Logan County
Fuchs, Christine
Marie, 32, Logan County
Married July 7, 2001
Separated Aug. 15, 2012
Dissolution May 16, 2013
Petitioner: wife
Cause: irreconcilable differences
Koke, Scott M, 41,
Sangamon County
Koke, Lacy, 30,
Logan County
Married Oct. 20, 2007
Separated Aug. 1, 2012
Dissolution May 18, 2013
Petitioner: none listed
Cause: irreconcilable differences |