June 1
May 31
Chamber to celebrate
100 years with downtown party
Jason Hoffman
sculpture 'Constellation' to be unveiled Tuesday
WLB cumulative honor
roll for 2012-2013 school year
Health dept. now accepting debit and credit cards
Logan County resident
ordered to pay taxes
FEMA hiring workers to help with flood
Medicine and music return to Old State
Capitol during June 7-9 encampment
This day in history
May 30
By LDN staff
Harris defense
takes a personal approach in closing statements
By LDN staff
Wright delivers rebuttal, jury goes home for night
By LDN staff
Weather alert:
Weather Service, Central Illinois issues tornado
watch through 8 p.m.
Logan County
final multiplier announced
Flash flooding anticipated through Saturday evening
Relay For Life
master of ceremonies and honorary chairs announced
Open house at
Lincoln office of Center for Youth and Family
Logan County
4-H forms Herb-N-Kids SPIN Club
Theatre Company, Delavan, presents 'Prairie
Playwrights: Four Plays Three Authors'
Harris murder trial:
USDA Farm Service Agency urges producers to
report prevented and failed acreage right away
available to help schools arrange trips to
Lincoln Presidential Library
This day in history


May 29
U of I news:
New facility
to link research and commercial viability for
advanced biofuels
Mutual releases 2012 Life Safety Achievement
Award application to recognize fire departments
This day in history
May 28
'We should thank
God that such men lived'
Lt. Col. Stan
Manes delivers a Memorial Day message in Mount
Family Fun Day 5K fundraiser brings out a good group
of runners
Carroll Catholic students enjoy 'Field Day'
Album 2
Possibility of more severe
storms and heavy rains continues
Extension offers
youth programs in June
American Legion 17th
District Auxiliary hosts Illini Girls State tea
Christopher Harris murder trial:
Unemployment falls in most areas compared
with last year
This day in history
May 25
Red Cross provides safety tips for Memorial
Day holiday
IDOT suspends non-emergency roadwork to
improve traffic flow during holiday weekend
'Click It or Ticket' Memorial Day
mobilization in Illinois
IDES offices closed May 27 to observe
Memorial Day
Customers should certify; services available on
This day in history