Huge Farmhouse Estate
Moving Auction
'65 Olds Cutlass F85, '62 Buick Electra 225, Antique Furniture, Tools,
Car Trailer, Beer Signs
Saturday May 18, 2013
Due to the death of my husband, I will sell the following
described personal property at 10280 Dana Lane, Williamsville, Il.
Located approximately 4 miles east of Williamsville on Main St. to Dana
Lane then south ¼ mile to 10280 Dana Lane. Watch for signs.
SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2013 @10:00 AM
Cars will sell at 12:00 pm (noon)!
Olds Cutlass “F85” 2 door, white w/ blue racing stripes, 330 ci. V-8,
orig. interior, Hurst shifter w/ AT, Jensen stereo, rad. tires, VIN#338375m286931,
showing 32,876 miles. Purchased at Volo Car Museum by Mr. Gave. 1962
Buick Electra “225”, white w/ excellent white & tan int., 401ci. V-8
Nail Head motor, pwr. brakes & steering, am/fm/cd, fender skirts, orig.
hubcaps. Both of the cars are beautiful! Cars & titles held until checks
clear or released w/ cash payment. Cars being sold subject to owner’s
approval. “Load Trail” 7’x16’ w/ 2’ beaver tail trailer, wood deck,
ANTQ. FURN.: 5 shelf barrister book shelves; 4
poster Queen bed; Victorian chair; Victorian side table; heavy ant.
butcher block; “Schotters” 4’ Coffee & Spice box; Victrola (modernized);
“Twelve Trees” baby pig print; Seth Thomas mantle clock; Timex display
case; service writers desk; old podium; 1939 6 brnr. 2 oven 2grill Magic
Chef gas stove; hoosier cab.; Flamingo mirror; porc. top med. table;
“Vargas” girls prints; cement yard orn. inc. 2 stone lions; wrought iron
trellis & settee & arch; shadow box; linens; glassware; artwork; books;
stop light.
TOOLS: Craftsman tool chest; Craftsman 2400psi
pwr. washer; Coleman 8750 watt Pwrmaster gen.; Rigid 3000psi pwr.
washer; Coleman MagnaForce 60 gal. upright air comp. twin cyl.;
Craftsman 16” ch. saw; PorterCable table saw; Tool Shop pwr. miter saw;
Delta band saw; DBD 42” floor fan; Yard Machines tiller; Reddy Heater
salamander; Dewalt elect. drills; Stanley planes; Ace bench grinder; gas
water pump; Swisher log splitter, 22 ton force w/ 6 hp; Poulan Pro
riding lawn mower; 20 hp, 42” deck; Craftsman GT5000 rider; 5’x8’ single
axle trailer; yard wagon; Craftsman SP lawn mower; 200 gal water tank;
alum. Ramps; 200 gal. overhead fuel tanks; gun cab.; York free wts; plus
BEER SIGNS: Coors Light; Miller Light; Zima;
Top Dogs Australian; Michelob Golden; Oly; Tetleys; Camel cigs.
AMMO: some .22, .357, 12 ga., & 9mm ammo (some
hollow pts.)
PREPPER EQUIP.: Case of Haz-Mat suits; masks;
injury kits; S.W. radio; Walkie-Talkies; case of New Zealand canned
butter; firewood.
FURN: GE apt. size freezer; Galaxy apt. size
freezer; plus more.
Owner is
selling almost all of her personal property
and moving
to a much smaller home.
We will
appreciate your attendance.
Terms: Cash or check w/ proper ID. Not
responsible for accidents. Announcements made day of auction will take
precedence over printed material.
Lunch by Max & Virginia Hankins.
Derek Long Auction Service
New Berlin, Il. Ph. 217/483-4379
Go to www.dereklong.com for
Owner has some very nice antiques and the cars are extremely nice!
This is a very abbreviated list.
Hope to see you on the 18th!
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