Rather, it's an infestation of grass bugs.
The Oregon State University Extension Office gets calls about the small insects every year, but nothing like this summer. Extension agronomist Darrin Walenta says this year's population has reached "plague-like numbers."
Walenta says the bugs have no known predators in the region. He says they haven't been studied much because they're considered a nuisance
-- not an economic problem.
But Natalie Bustos tells the La Grande Observer newspaper (http://is.gd/TrWFuG) that the bugs are more than a nuisance.
Bustos says she lives with bees and bears, but she can't live with tens of thousands of bugs. She checks her furniture every half-hour, and dumps her vacuum three times a day.
Information from: The (La Grande) Observer, http://www.lagrandeobserver.com/