Gary Beaver Newman has sold his Gutter Business and has no
need for the below surplus equipment.
2011 United 7x16 tandem axle trailer, rear
cargo doors, offside door excellent condition; 2004 Haulmark,
7x16 tandem axle trailer, rear cargo doors, offside door;
Maxim 6x12 tandem axle Bobcat trailer;
Grover 5 gutter machine; Grover 6
gutter machine; (these are the Cadillac of the gutter machines
and are both in good mechanical condition.) Brand New Mark II,
106 Trimaster aluminum break;
LADDERS: 28-32 aluminum and fiberglass extension
ladders; several aluminum orchard ladders; various length
aluminum orchard ladders; step ladders; ladder jacks; ladder
stand-offs; walk boards;
SHOP EQUIPMENT: Large Craftsman rolling chest w/14
drawers; Craftsman top box w/8 drawers; Delta 12 drill press,
bench mount on stand; Contractors 3000 pressure washer; Emglo
portable air compressor; Craftsman 3 HP Radial Arm saw, very
little use; pedestal grinder; jack stands; Super-Vee power drain
cleaner; White-transit level;
HAND TOOLS: Dewalt 3/8 drills & screw guns; C/P ½ drive
impacts; air chisels; brass hammers; claw hammers; tin working
tools; bolt cutters; gear pullers; pipe wrenches; Vice grips;
Channel locks; hand wrenches; 1/4 1/2 socket sets; breaker
bars; ratchets; hole saws; chisels; pry bars; riles; screw
drivers; nut drivers; Crows Feet; pliers; clamps; drill bits;
(2) Chinese quarter token amusement
machines; fire extinguishers; (5) Igloo water jugs; new tires;
shop vac; quartz light stand; several boxes of trim coil
24x50white; aluminum tread plate tool box; metal saw horses;
screws nails;
Beaver would like to thank the 1,000s of satisfied customers
that have allowed him to service over the last 20+ years. Mike
Hinton has purchased Rainbow Gutters and will continue to
provide the outstanding service that Beaver has given to Central
Illinois for over two decades.
Several other sellers will bring items of personal property
to be sold on this day.
Gary Beaver Newman, Owner
(217) 737-3435
Mike Maske Auction Service
(217) 519-3959
119 S. Lafayette St
Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
Illinois Auction License 440.0000157
TERMS: Cash, credit cards or good negotiable check
payable on the day of the Auction. Registration video taped and
a valid photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers
must show provided number for each and every purchase.
Announcements sale day take precedence over printed material.
Not responsible for accidents or property after sold.
See colored pictures at
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White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St. Lincoln, IL 62656
Saturday, July 19, 2014
10:00 a.m.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
12:00 noon
See full listing &
photos at or, Auctioneer

shaker w/glasses- 1 good, 2 need work; crocks-2, 5, 8, 15, 20
gal.-some w/blue band ; beer signs/lights/posters-Stag, Miller
Lite, Natural; large red/white Mills & Novelty scale w/key;
doctor scale; companion glasses/pitcher to Fiesta; Fiesta
& Harlequin collection
boats/pitchers/teapots-all colors; extensive marble
collection-50+ bags/boxes; 2 Hoosier cabinets;
salt/peppers-range sets; Tom & Jerry-black w/gold trim, white,
other; milk bottles; liquor/medicine misc. bottles; butter
churn; misc, depression glass; Formica red top alum. table;
barware-glasses/steins/Seagrams gin glasses/ice bucket; various
partial sets of dishes-Calico pattern/Orange poppy/Homer
Laughlin Hacienda & others; Hall-casseroles/teapots/hot
chocolate set/Autumn Leaf dishes & more; ice cream
sundae/parfait glasses; iron skillets; advertising
items/postcards/many from Havana and Il. River; green crap table
cover/gambling boards/tab sheets/dice/elect. spin games/Sweet 16
game; barber items; Homer Laughlin misc. pcs.; copper pots;
lanterns; records; BB gun; food grinder misc. toys/games/antique
Southern Pacific & New York Central train sets; toy JD
snowmobile; cameras; rolling pins; liquor decanters; camel back
trunks; green rotary phone; many glass juicers; syrup pitchers;
radial arm saw; cigar boxes; parking meter; Stag umbrella;
Playboy magazines; jadeite bowls; coll. of drink stirrers; wood
handled saws; 8 mm projector; restaurant size pans; school
desks; oval copper tub; Betty Crocker Pillsbury cookbooks &
others; wooden grinders; lg. Bulova clock; Coke bottles/trays;
lamps; Coke/Canada Dry shelving units; old wringer washer; glass
door kitchen cabinets; Stihl chain saw sign & clock; barn/glass
lanterns; Clayton pot belly stove; cigar boxes; Outdoor
magazines from 1935-39; statue of bum & bum next to barber pole;
books; bowl/pitcher in wooden stand; .
utensils/dishes/glassware; fans; shelving; wagon wheel; gun
cabinet; cabinets/shelving; double desk; dryer; wash tubs; sm.
chest freezer; elect. keyboard; marking kits for leather/fabric;
Sharp music system w/speakers; fans; watches.
hand/garden tools; tillers; new 2 ball receivers for truck;
fishing poles & tackle; oars/canoe paddles; manuals; port. air
tank; weed eaters; tool boxes; gas cans; gas post hole digger;
saw blades; 2 power washers; 2 JD garden wagons; chain saws;
chain hoists; pressure washer; duck decoys; radial arm saw;
tillers; most tools & outdoor equipment will be sold at the
property in Havana on July 26th starting at 10:00 along with the
real estate at that location.
There are many more items than are
listed here.
Mr. Arnold had been a collector all of his life with many
varied interests and collections. The family would appreciate
your attendance.
Estate of
Robert C. Arnold,
Havana, IL
Viewing Friday, July18th , from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Lunch will be served.
NOTE: The coins and guns, that are
in house will be sold at 6:00 pm on Thursday, July 24th.
Real Estate of Mr. Arnold and balance of
tools, outdoor items, vehicles and buildings will be sold on
July 26th, 2014 beginning at 10:00 at the property in Havana.
There is a separate listing for that sale.
Terms: Cash on the day of the sale or
check with a valid picture ID. Not responsible for accidents or
for items after they are sold. Announcements on the day of the
sale take precedence over printed material.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Il. License Numbers: 440000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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Barney Mason Estate Auction
Saturday July 19, 2014 - 10:00AM
1227 1250th St , Lincoln, IL 62656
Due to the death of our good friend Barney Mason, the
below listed tools and personal property will be sold at public
auction on the Mason Farm located 3 miles south of Lincoln, just
off of Primm Road.
Travel south of Lincoln, IL on Primm Road approximately 3 miles and at the top of the hill turn
right on 1250th Street, go another Ό mile on 1250th
and the sale site will be on the left.
TOOLS: 5 hp Craftsman 25 gal portable air
compressor; blacksmiths anvil; B/D Versa pac; battery screw
drivers; Craftsman & Porter cable battery drills; Handy Man
jack; extension cords and trouble lights; grease guns; log
chains & binders; ; Craftsman tool chest; battery chargers;
flash lights; files & rasps; pipe & Crescent wrenches; bench
grinder; c-clamps; torch heads; staple guns; tape measures &
rules; hand saws; circular saw; drill bits; masonry bits;
Dremmel; open end wrenches; belt sander; hand sander; soldering
iron; glue gun; 4 ½ grinder; pipe vise; hammers; propane torch;
nut drivers; sm. floor jack; bolt cutters; jack stands;
Craftsman work benches; circular saw set equipment; band saw;
table saw; router table W/router; several electric drills; jig
GENERATORS: 11 hp, Montgomery Wards 4500
watt generator; (2) 10 hp Pincor 4500 generators; CBR 295 arc
welder; Generac 4000 watt;
HOUSEHOLD: cast iron skillets; Simplex 3
burner stove; Never Fail box sheller;
APPLIANCES: shop vac; Singer sewing machine;
clock radios;
LAWN & GARDEN: several wheel barrows; lawn
charts; 48 lawn sweeper; (2) Batchtold weed mowers; push type
fertilizer spreaders; blowers & string trimmers; lawn & garden
tools; wood and aluminum step and extension ladders; small
windmill; barrel cart; limb trimmers; garden hoses; small cart
tires; ax, hatchets, steel wedges; push mowers; push brooms;
lawn Thatcher; silage fork;
MISCELLANEOUS: NIB Archer oil 5-30, 10-40,
CML lubricants; 5 gal auto trans & hydraulic fluids; grease; 20
lb LP cylinders; portable LP heaters; camp stoves; b-b-q grills;
electrical supplies; 2x4,6,8,10,12 lumber; electric motors;
sump pumps; lawn chairs; binoculars; file cabinet; car ramps;
storage bins; roll-s-way camp cots; floor fans; misc. exercise
equipment; golf clubs; CBs; stainless steel sink; brand new
Sterling bathroom doors; Reese hitch; saw horses; sm belt drive
wood lathe; fishing rods & reels & equipment; camping lanterns;
foot locker; gun rack; chalk board; peg board; boat winches;
Ford & Chevy truck toppers; misc. work benches;
Mason, Owner
For more information contact: Joe Mason (217)
Mike Maske Auction
119 S. Lafayette St, Mt. Pulaski, IL 62748
(217) 519-3959
TERMS: Cash or approved check on the day of
the auction. Not responsible for accidents. All items must be
removed from the sale site on the day of the auction.
Lunch Served: Lake Fork Community Center
will serve the meal and a partial menu will include pork chop
sandwiches and bar-b-q pork.
Barney Mason loved to
attend auctions and find treasures. Came to this unique auction
and find your own treasures.
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Public Estate Auction
To Settle the Estate of
H. Owen Johnson Trust
Auction to be held on Saturday July 19, 2014
Auction Starts at 10:00 a.m.
Auction to be held at 15917 Millstone Road,
Mclean IL 61754 |
Directions: From Mclean go east on Rt 136 2
to the Waynesville Road.
Go South on Waynesville Road 2 miles to Millstone Rd.Go East
(left) 1 mile to curve continue North ½ mile to farm.
Watch for signs.
Tractors, and Motorcycle -
Farmall H 1948 Not Running, Farmall
M 1952 Not Running, Farmall Super M 1953 Not Running, Honda
360 Motorcycle Not Running
Shop Accessories -
LP Heaters, Propane Tanks, Briggs and
Stratton Gas Motors, Automotive LP Equipment, Regulators Pumps
Tanks - Hoses, Copper Tubing, Drills, Drill Presses, Rope
Arc Welder, Air Hoses, Heating Duct Work, Stainless Steel
Sheeting, Gas Cans, Air Compressors
and Shop Tools - Air Tools, Dewalt Chop Saw, Several
Milwaukee and B&D Power Tools, Wrench Sets, Socket Sets, Cement
Tools, Bench Grinders,
Hand Grinders, Skill Saws, Table Saw, Sawzalls, Drill Bits,
Floor Jacks, Tool Chests, Heating and Air Conditioning Tools,
Crescent Wrenches, Pipe Wrenches, 48 in. Pipe Wrench with
Multiplier, Heating Repair Tools, Sheet Metal Tools, Metal
Working Tools, Craftsman Metal Lathe > 8x36 in. bed, Tool Boxes,
Battery Chargers, Oxy Acetylene Torch, New Torch Gages, Grease
Guns, Sledge Hammers, Punches and Chisels, Large Pipe Wrenches,
Tap and Dye Sets, Chains and Chain Binders, Chain Hoists, Large
Shop Vises, Automotive Tools, Metal Nibbler (New), Micrometers,
Calipers, Reamers, Pipe Threaders, Stihl Chainsaw
Scrap and Miscellaneous Metal
- Large Piles of Iron and Pipe, Motor Blocks, Metal Duct Work,
Old Electric Motors,
Old Automotive Parts, Copper Wire, Electrical Wire

Antiques and
Collectibles - Gas Railroad Lantern, Collectible Oil
Cans, Tractor Manuals JD IH AC, Vintage Tractor Part
Boxes, Records Vinyl, Automotive Repair Manuals, Chicken Coop,
Barrel Carts
Terms: Cash or Good
Check, items must be settled for that day. Not Responsible for
Accidents or Merchandise After Sold.
See Photos @ #12635 Full sale bill |
This is a very Large Estate Sale. Owen has been collecting for
60 plus years. This is just a partial listing,
more is being added daily. Bring a friend and plan for the day,
something for everyone!
We will run 2 trucks simultaneously. All Items must be removed
within 2 weeks after the sale Aug. 2, 2014.
Food and restrooms will be available. Please contact Naughton
Auction Service
Please contact Naughton Auction Service
Auction Service
Dan Naughton Lic. #441.000312
Cell # (217)304-6502
Atlanta, IL
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