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Thanksgiving Weekend Edition
published daily from 8am Lincoln, Illinois

LDN -- Top Stories

The staff of Lincoln Daily News will be enjoying a few days off during this Holiday weekend. We will, as always, continue to post local sports and news that is of importance to the community, but will not have a new edition until Monday.

Once again this year, we want to take this time to say "Thank you" to our loyal readers and to our advertisers who make it possible for our staff to daily do a job that they love.

We wish all of you the very best of Thanksgiving’s, and we'll see you with a new edition on Monday!

Today, Thanksgiving Eve, Lincoln Daily News is launching its online Holiday Magazine themed "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." The first special feature from the magazine to be highlighted today is a story of thanks and giving. It is the story of the Michael and Suzanne Gowin and their nine children. Michael and Suzanne speak candidly about their decisions to adopt and how that has challenged and blessed their lives in so many ways.

Photo provided by Michael Gowin Photography      (Click on image for larger version)

2015 Home for the Holiday
Special feature

True wealth found between thanks and giving

By Jan Youngquist

Click on cover for magazine


This Week's Top Stories


Community Calendar of Events

Day Planner


Safe Ride to be offered Thanksgiving Eve

Thursday, November 26 - Thanksgiving

  • No events on the calendar

Friday, November 27 - Thanksgiving weekend

  • No events on the calendar

Saturday, November 28 - Thanksgiving weekend


  • No events on the calendar


Public Meetings and Notices


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[click on cartoon for larger image]




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LDN Magazine Rack

A collection of LDN's finest periodical projects



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