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Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2016
published daily from 8am Lincoln, Illinois

LDN -- Top Stories

The Lincoln Community High School Speech Team will advance three speakers in two categories to the State Semi-finals in Peoria this weekend. Left to right: Claire Conrady in Original Comedy, and Justin Woods and Lena Stapleton in Dramatic Duet Acting. The students will compete once on Friday and then again on Saturday morning. If they are in the top six of the 18 that advance from all six Sectionals across the state, they will then compete once more for the title of State Champion. Congratulations to all the members of this year's Speech Team for jobs very well done, and good luck over the weekend!

Photo by Jennifer Keith   [Click on pictures for larger images]

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Lincoln Park District
Family fun
and fitness

By Fitness Director Jacki Pavlik

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