Guest teacher leads healing paint class at Lincoln Art Institute

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[June 22, 2016]     Send a link to a friend  Share

The Lincoln Art Institute in downtown Lincoln hosted a unique event Friday evening. Lincoln resident Marcia Cook invited Brenda Peoples from Springfield to teach a class called Meditate, Paint & Create. The participants, many of whom had never put brush to canvas before, were in for a treat and a surprise concerning their inner artistic talent.

The idea for the evening’s journey through art came from Marcia. “I saw the description on Facebook and immediately connected with it. I wanted to bring a spiritual and meditative time to Lincoln. Creating a holistic and spiritual community in Logan County has been a goal of mine,” she said.

The facilitator for the occasion was Brenda Peoples, a Springfield resident. Brenda is a shamanic minister and has received specialized training attending workshops around the country in the healing arts through meditation.

Why fine art as a healing medium? “I have always longed to paint, to use art in the healing process. The act of meditating before beginning a work on canvas seems to draw out the inner turmoil I was feeling, leading to a healing journey,” Peoples said. She has also apprenticed with others involved in the healing community to find the personal tools necessary to pass her passion on to others.

The process began at the Lincoln Art Institute with a discussion of the subject for the evening, trees. “I really am drawn to a community, whether it is one of people or natural objects, and trees form a courageous community,” explained Peoples. She led a discussion of how we as individuals resemble trees, how there are no two alike. She then asked the gathering to think of how they resembled trees.

The next step was a moment of meditation for each person to focus their energy toward the task at hand, to try to draw upon their inner strength to begin the creative process.

Peoples pointed out that this class was not a traditional art instruction class. “I was just here to begin the process, but what appears on the canvas is a product of each person’s inner self,” she said.

While Brenda Peoples provided canvas, paint and brushes, what appears in the painting is unique to each person. In addition to the usual supplies for painting, she also provided stones, grass, dirt, and other items that represent the earth. These items would make the finished product three-dimensional, not just a flat work of paint.

Two hours later, the paintings were finished, and the differences between them could not have been more vivid. Each person was able to create a three-dimensional image that was totally personal. To complete the evening, each artist explained what their work represented to them.

Marcia Cook was pleased with the way the evening played out. “I hope we can have other events in the future with like minded people,” she said.

As for those in the group who had never painted before, one need only repeat the words of Moses Pinkerton, artist in residence at the Lincoln Art Institute, who recently was heard to remark, “We are all artists. Somewhere inside everyone is the spark of art waiting to find expression.”

By Curtis Fox

Brenda Peoples displays a painting she completed during a Meditate, Paint & Create class. It is a very personal expression.


Blank canvases awaiting an artist’s touch.

Host for the evening Marcia Cook.

Each person was able to complete a unique work of art based on meditation and inspiration. Moses Pinkerton, owner of the Lincoln Art Institute, is in the back. Moses believes that we are all artists.

Painting supplies plus rocks, grass, and dirt that could be used to make the painting 3-Dimentional.


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