Garage Sales
Three Family Yard Sale
120 Bond Street Mayfair Subdivision
Friday, September 21 and
Saturday, September 22
from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Lots of household items, some small furniture items,
lots of great deals.
Canceled if Rain
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Family Sale
1211 N.
Ottawa, Lincoln.
Sept. 21 - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sept. 22 - 8 a.m. to Noon
Clothing of
all sizes, household items, toys, recliner, glider chair,
exercise equipment, BAGGO bags game, TV, DVD players,
microwave, something for everyone.
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Household Sale
537 4th
Street Lincoln
Sept. 22
Saturday, Sept. 29
10 am till
2 pm.
Christmas deco & so much more.
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