Wednesday, August 26
Jesse White Announces One-Year
Extension of Driver’s License Expiration Dates for Seniors
Age 75 and Older
New expiration date will be one year from current 2020
expiration date
State of Illinois updates safety
guidelines for restaurants and bar establishments to protect
patrons and workers from COVID-19
To further prevent spread, face coverings use will be
required during interactions with wait staff and food
service workers
University of
Illinois Extension
Controlling crab grass can be a
summer-long task
National Ground Water Association
recommends utilizing new tool for private well owners offers valuable information for well owners
New Dialing Procedure for Customers
Within 217 Area Code
"permissive dialing" starts Saturday, mandated this coming
University of
Illinois College of ACES
Decline in U.S. bird biodiversity
related to neonicotinoids, study shows
Tuesday, August
25, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Collective total climbs to 240 with
two new cases on Tuesday - Pdf
Tuesday, August
25, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
8,417 tested - 8,177 negative - 240 positive - 193 recovered
- ONE death
Tuesday, August
26, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,680
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Tuesday, August 25
Logan County Board briefs for August
New Dialing Procedure for Customers
Within 217 Area Code
"permissive dialing" starts Saturday, mandated this coming
Lincoln City
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 Committee of
the Whole meeting agenda - Pdf
Lincoln Rural Fire Protection District
receives $2,000 Grant from Ameren Illinois
Funds will help improve community and first responder safety
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital
Supports Local Breastfeeding Moms
USDA Accepting Applications to Help
Cover Costs for Organic Certification
Pritzker Administration Launches $150
Million in Emergency Mortgage Assistance
Applications Now Available to Help 10,000 Homeowners at:
Attorney General Raoul challenges FDIC
rule that allows predatory lenders to bypass interest rate
Monday, August
24, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Fourteen new cases since Friday - Pdf
Monday, August
24, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
8,323 tested - 8,085 negative - 238 positive - 182 recovered
- ONE death
Monday, August
24, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,612
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Monday, August 24
Saturday, August 22
Logan County among 20 Illinois
counties at Warning Level for Coronavirus Disease
Scarification and Oil & Chip projects
begin Monday in Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital
Announces Colleagues of the Month
Dave Melton Family Singers in San Jose
on August 30th
August 2020 FSA Newsletter
Slim Randles'
Home Country
Nothing wrong with being the town dog
Preserve Your Garden Produce for
Delicious Winter Meals
by Melinda Myers
Rukayatu Ibrahim, MD, Joins
Springfield Clinic Pediatrics
Friday, August
21, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Four new cases confirmed on Friday -
Friday, August
21, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
8,025 tested - 7,801 negative - 224 positive - 171 recovered
- ONE death
Friday, August
21, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 2,208
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease

Friday, August 21
Scarification and Oil & Chip projects
begin Monday in Lincoln
List of streets scheduled for work -
Stacie Skelton named to 2020 4-H Hall
of Fame
Nicole Baade earns Juris Doctor at
Harvard Law
Hope for Jace fundraiser Wednesday at
the Country Aire
Statewide Unemployment Drops to 11.3%,
Payrolls Increase in July
Free legal answers for Civil Appeals
coming to Illinois
Purdue takes fall agronomy courses
online, registration open
Thursday, August
20, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Twelve new cases confirmed on Thursday
- Pdf
Thursday, August
20, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
7,851 tested - 7,630 negative - 221 positive - 124 recovered
- ONE death
Thursday, August
20, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,832
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Thursday, August 20
Wednesday, August 19
North Ottawa Street gets a new set of
Mount Pulaski
CUSD 23 Board of Education
Board approves return to school plan
By Superintendent Lamkey
Attorney General Raoul files lawsuit
over attempts to undermine U. S. Postal Service
Severe Operational Cuts Could Hobble Postal Service on the
Eve of a National Election
USDA to Host CFAP Producer Webinar
August 19, 2020
Local Pediatrician’s Tips Help Kids
Transition to Daily Use of Masks
Tuesday, August
19, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Four new cases in Logan County on
Tuesday - Pdf
Tuesday, August
18, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
7,579 tested - 7,374 negative - 205 positive - 97 recovered
- ONE death
Tuesday, August
18, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,740
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Pritzker Administration Extends
Deadline to Apply for Emergency Rental Assistance
Applications for Rental Assistance now Available until
August 28th at