The Logan County Highway Department is accepting
applications for a road maintenance position. Duties will
include equipment operation and general labor needed to keep the
County Highway system in good repair.
Applicants must be trustworthy and self-motivated. Successful
candidates will have good communications skills and be able to
work limited supervision.
Applicants should have a background in construction and
experience working with others to accomplish assigned tasks.
Preferred experience includes the operation of tandem axle
trucks and construction equipment including backhoes,
motorgraders, and chipspreaders. Experience with truck-mounted
snowplows is also preferred.
Applicants should be familiar with preventative maintenance
procedures of trucks and equipment. Class B CDL with air brake
endorsement is required. Residence in Logan County is required. E.O.E.
Applications and full job descriptions are available at 529 S.
McLean Street, Lincoln, Illinois. (217) 732-3059
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Full Time Paraprofessional
Applications are being accepted for one full time
paraprofessional at Lincoln Community High School. Position
hours are from 7:45 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. with a beginning salary of
$12.88/hour plus benefits.
Interested parties should send
a letter of interest and a resume to:
Todd Poelker, Principal
Lincoln Community High School
Dist. #404
1000 Railer Way Lincoln, IL 62656
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