Logan County Circuit Court announces resumption of court operations

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[June 08, 2020]   Based on the Administrative Orders of the Illinois Supreme Court and the Chief Judge of the 11th Judicial Circuit, the Logan County Circuit Court will resume court operations beginning June 1, 2020.

The resumption of court operations will be a transition that will take into account health precautions for the general public and employees. For example, court calls will be reduced and staggered in scheduling, social distancing will be maintained, facial masks/coverings will be required, and daily cleaning will occur.

To assist those with court cases, please be aware of the following:

Check case status before coming to court. It is necessary that court dates and times for court dates and times to be adjusted in order to maintain reduced capacity in the courtrooms. All parties and attorneys should check with their Circuit Clerk's website for case status and hearing
time before coming to the courthouse. Parties should arrive no more than 10 minutes prior to their scheduled court event.

Represented parties excused in some instances.

Unless ordered by the judge or directed by their attorney, parties in civil and family cases are strongly encouraged not to attend routine court hearings. Attorneys should advise their clients not to attend court unless their attendance is strictly necessary given the nature of the hearing at issue.

Additional Persons Discouraged Due to Social Distancing. Litigants are strongly discouraged from bringing any other person with them to the courthouse. Social distancing results in reduced capacities in the courtrooms and buildings.

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Due to space constraints, it is strongly suggested and encouraged that only necessary parties shall attend court proceedings.

Court Access/Entrances. Based on the Chief Judge's Administrative Order, all persons entering the courthouse shall wear a face-covering. In addition, all persons entering the courthouse shall be required to have their temperature taken. Access to the courthouse may be denied if:

1. A person is not wearing a face-covering, unless medically unable to do so.

2. A person exhibits flu-like symptoms (i.e., cough, chills, fever, shortness of breath).

3. A person has been directed to quarantine, isolate or self-monitor at home for Covid- 19 by any medical provider and are still under said directive.

4. A person had contact with another person that has tested positive for Covid-19 and is awaiting their own Covid-19 results.

[Jonathan Wright
Logan County Resident Circuit Judge
Logan County Courthouse]

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