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On 06/22/2022, a sale will be held at 9:30 am at IAA,
Inc., 301 Madigan Dr, Lincoln, IL 62656 PH:
855-686-8589. During which IAA, Inc. will sell the
following articles to enforce a lien existing under the
laws of Illinois against such articles for labor,
services, skills, or material expended upon or storage
furnished for such articles at the request of the
following designated person(s), unless such articles are
redeemed within the thirty (30) days of this publication
of the notice, TERESA MARIE HUTCHENS 2015 Chrysler 200
Vin# 1C3CCCAB6FN705097. Daily Storage Owed $20.00 per
day beginning on 1/25/2022 IAA Stock# 30344344
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On 06/22/2022, a sale will be held at 9:30 am at IAA,
Inc., 301 Madigan Dr, Lincoln, IL 62656 PH:
855-686-8589. During which IAA, Inc. will sell the
following articles to enforce a lien existing under the
laws of Illinois against such articles for labor,
services, skills, or material expended upon or storage
furnished for such articles at the request of the
following designated person(s), unless such articles are
redeemed within the thirty (30) days of this publication
of the notice, ALEXANDER MARK HOFFMANN 2020 Ford Escape
Vin# 1FMCU9DZ7LUA52183. Daily Storage Owed $20.00 per
day beginning on 1/14/2022 IAA Stock# 29405837
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