Logan County Genealogical & Historical Society
across the street from Lincoln Depot.
Friday, Oct. 6, from 8 to 5.
Saturday, Oct. 7, from 8 to 1 p.m.
12 padded folding chairs; 2 rattan chairs; framed pictures of Logan
County Courthouse, Postville Courthouse, Old State Capital, & more;
picture frames; 1982 Logan County History; tea service; pitcher & bowl;
Lincoln Centennial Newspapers; 9 volume set Alexander Dumas books
published 1893 including The Count of Monte Christo & The Three
Musketeers; History of the Knights of Columbus; genealogical & popular
books; CDs, VCR tapes, and DVDs including Barbie, 4 Illinois Stories PBS
Series including Cubs Cardinals story; & a Civil War series; quilt top;
cross stitched quilt; hand crocheted quilt; afghan; doilies; table
cloth; throw pillows; heated mattress pad; seasonal garden flags; desk
and table lamps; exercise equipment including body stepper, hand
weights, & resistance bands; scanner; DVD player; end table; quilt rack;
child's rocking chair; wooden puzzles; Little Tykes play kitchen;
Playschool Grill; lots of play dishes, pans, & food; vases, glassware,
dishware, pan sets; ! Kitchen items; coffee makers; George Foreman
Grill; toaster; cordless phone; storage files; train case; Christmas
items; three ring binders; collectible postcards; dried arrangements;
canister set; cookie jar; incubator; mirror; clothing items & work
boots; & much miscellaneous.
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