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Recent obituaries
Arvin, Owen Glendon
Barackman, Patsy Eileen (Joplin)
Barger, Tristyn
Bossmann, Mark
Burger, Raymond Edward
Coyne, Ronald Edward
Daniels, Blanda Ernestine “Tina”
Daugherty, Elizabeth
Delaney, Kenneth H. “Kenney” Jr.
Hoover, Dolores
Josserand, Gordon P. “Doc”
Joyce, Maurice Dean
Liesman, Katherine "Kathy" L.
McCaine, Kiara Nicole
McGee, Albertine Brenda Marie
McIntosh, Carolyn Louise
Poe, Charlotte M.
Scroggin, Joyce
Shehorn, Sandra
West, Joan Lillie
Wibben, Darrell L.
Wyles, Elizabeth Louise Schneider
For other
past obituaries
Other area obituaries
Hurley Funeral Home
Locations: Mason City, San Jose, Greenview,
Petersburg, Chandlerville, Havana

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