Public Auction
Saturday, July 27, 2024 10:00 a.m.
Lake Fork Community Center, Lake Fork, IL
Auction will be conducted in conjunction with the the Dierker
Auction. Susan Horn will sell the following wood working
equipment which is in excellent condition. Lots of these items
are Like New; not a speck of rust or blemish of any kind.
SHOP EQUIPMENT: Delta 10” table saw, 1 1/2hp motor and
36” table extension; Sears 15” 12 spd, ½ hp floor standing drill
press; Delta wood shaper on stand; Delt 6” joiner; Delta band
saw; Delta 13” thickness planer; Wilton 5: shop vise; metal
cutting chop saw; pedestal grinder; Home built cyclone dust
collection system (better than new); MPHS grade school wood shop
work bench; 3 ton & 1 ½ ton floor jacks;
POWER TOOLS: Porter Cable belt sander; (2) Porter Cable
routers; Bosch 3/8” drill; Craftsman brad nailer; B/D 8” angle
grinder; Bosch power planer; True Power chop saw;
HAND TOOLS: bar clamps; c-clamps, wood clamps; pistol
clamps; tool guides; combination, framing and machinests
squares; wheel wrenches; Twist drill bits; auger bits; spade
bits; hole saws; plumbing supplies; wood chisels; screw drivers;
tape measures & rules; sledge hammers; lots of hammers; ¼”-1/2”
complete socket sets; Tap & Die set; pry bars; electrical
tester; gear pullers;
MISCELLANEOUS: 5400 BTU window air conditioner, like new;
circular saw blades; Dado blades; 7 selections of router bits,
several new never used. bolts; screws; fastners; plastic
buckets; Romex wire and related electrical; folding saw horses;
Aerosol products & paint; trailer hitches; plastic tool boxes;
Susan Horn & Kevin Horn, Owners
Mike Maske Auction Service
119 S. Lafayette St., Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
(217) 519-3959
See pictures at

On-Line Only
Antique & Military Collectibles
(On-line with
Bidding Ends July 19, 2024 5 p.m.
Preview, Wednesday, July 17, 10-5pm -Pick up Sunday July 21 10-5
Pat and Jim Glenn were collectors of good quality antiques and
collectibles. They passed that passion down to their son JR.
Below is a partial listing of that collection. All will sell on
an On-Line only Auction.
UNIFORMS & RELATED: WWI & II Army & WAC uniforms; wool
overcoat; shirts; uniform caps; helmets; leg wraps; spats; long
underwear; ammo pouches; Ruck sack; back packs; butt pack;
patches & campaign medals & ribbons; money belts; calvary
leggings; Chairman MAO hats
KNIVES & BAYONETTS & RELATED: 1907 British Enfield & 1907
Wilkerson bayonet; German bayonet; M 1 Garand bayonet; US
bayonet SA 1912; KABAR USMC knife; USN MK-1 knife; M-16 & AK 47
all rubber trainer rifle; Paris Mfg. wooden, trainer rifle;
trench art; Nazi mortar canisters from North African campaign
w/camel transport basket; canteens; mess kits; shaving kit;
first aid kits; sewing kits; canvas bucket; canned ration; flare
parachute; field artillery surveyors chest; foot lockers; pup
tent; hatchet; entrenchment tools; machete’s; walkie talkie;
goggles; identification playing cards; field phone; night stick;
Bugles; flare gun; camouflage face paint; personal radiation
dosimeter; water purification kit; M-! rifle cleaning kit; piece
of the Berlin wall; flashlight; Rocket launcher face mask &
BOOKS & MANUALS; Crisis by Churchill (1901) General Grant
(1880); maps; survival book; V mail stationary; War risk
certificate; Folding post cards “Camp Pine”; Squadron/Signal
publications; WWII training manuals; US Army Soldier pay record;
Vol 1-18 Photo History of "Why we won the war" Union Book &
Publishing WW1; lots of paper collectibles;
FURNITURE: Upholstered Victorian sofa from the parlor of
the Presidents house, Lincoln College, Lincoln, IL; walnut
cupboard; Sellers cabinet; pie safe; twin and single pedestal,
oak, 48” rd. table w/leaves; (2) Mission drop leaf oak desks;
straight back oak chairs; marble rd. top plant stand; oak swivel
chair; folding sewing tables; tea cart; drop leaf pine desk; oak
plant stand; (2) oak book shelves;
WICKER: 78” porch swing; gate leg table; 80” sofa; brown
rocker & matching straight chair; floor & table lamps; lamp
table; white & brown planters; fan back rocker; foot stool;
white rocker & matching chair; tea cart w/glass top;
CROCKS & POTTERY: Western cookie jar; Sterling porcelain
spittoon; Roseville hanging planter; Western & Weller flower
pots; crock canning jar; brown glaze bean pot; Fire King; Brush
McCoy; Old McCoy; Hull planter;
COLLECTIBLES: flat top trunks; coffee grinder; beer sign
& clock; Jockey pants, wind breaker & coat; galvanized milk box;
wood paint bucket; dresser sets; wood ironing board; graniteware
canners; swinging washing machine; advertising tins & cans;
slate board; Banjo & Bull Durham tobacco signs; butter churn;
Monarc stereo scope viewer; Muhammad Ali Getty Image photo;
Saturday Evening Posts from 40”s; Life magazines; Michael Jordan
Wheaties boxes;
Patricia & James A. Glenn Estates & James R. Glenn, Sellers
(217) 737-7316
Mike Maske Auction Service
119 S. Lafayette St., Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
(217) 519-3959
See pictures at
PROXIBID INTERNET AUCTION: This will be an On-Line only
auction with internet bidding on Proxibid.Com. Please register
with Proxibid to participate.
AUCTION TERMS: Cash, credit card or approved check
payable on the day of the auction. Internet Bidders will be
expected to settle all accounts on the day of the auction. The
Sellers will charge a $10.00 per item handling fee plus postage
for small items shipped. Furniture buyers will be responsible
for arranging their own shipping for larger items. Announcements
made sale day take precedence over printed materials. The
Auction Service is not responsible for accidents or property
after sold. The Seller is not responsible for items after being
Sold. Information and pictures for this auction can be seen on
Bid at
Public Auction
Saturday, July 27, 2024 10:00 a.m.
Lake Fork Community Center, Lake Fork, IL
Vernon &
Linda Dierker have decided to sell their home and have no need
for the below listed items. Free Hot Dogs & Drinks will be
GENERATOR & TRACTORS: 6,000 watt electric generator;
Craftsman 20 LT 1000 garden tractor; Speed EX lawn tractor w/1
bottom mounted plow;
TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: garage creeper; portable air compressor;
shop vise; floor jacks; B/D electric drill; drill bits; ½”
socket set; spade bits; hammers; hand wrenches; extension cords;
4” grinder; circular saw; orbital sander; jack stands; Craftsman
power washer with Briggs engine; miter saw;
LAWN & GARDEN: Nice Craftsman 24” Snow Blower-used very
little; Craftsman rear tine tiller; Black & Decker 20 volt
blower; electric chain saw; plastic gas cans; aluminum extension
ladder; pull type garden cart;
HOUSEHOLD: nice Kero-sun kerosene heater; exercise bike;
Huffy Boys bike; table flat ware; bedding; 2 drawer file
cabinet; 1 gallon butter churn; misc. kitchen appliances; Pyrex
mixing bowls; VHS & DVD’s; Tupperware; carved pool ques; Avon
figurines; Tonka dump truck; Legos; childrens wood blocks;
Stanley thermos; Selko clock; Sam Sung 35: flat screen TV; table
lamps; (2) maple lamp tables; cut down solid buffet made into
cabinet; plastic gas cans; bug zapper; just a few items of
items will be added by the day of the Auction
Vernon & Linda Dierker, Owners
Mike Maske Auction Service
119 S.
Lafayette St., Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
See pictures at