Legal Notices
Notice of Public Hearing for Renewal of
E-Learning at Hartsburg Emden
The Hartsburg Emden School District #21 Board of Education will
host a public hearing on the renewal of the E-Learning Policy as
required by the Regional Office of Education #17. This meeting
will take place at the next board meeting on June 17th, 2024 at
6:55 pm at 400 W. Front St, Hartsburg, IL. At this meeting, the
terms of the proposal will be presented and an opportunity for
allowing public comments will be provided to address the
use of E-learning days in place of emergency days.
MTAD # 6 will hold a budget hearing
for the 2024-2025 fiscal year on June 18th at 7 p.m. at
Orvil Township Building, 251 S. 1st St., Hartsburg, IL.
