Garage Sales
824 1300th Street, Lincoln
Thursday, June 20, Friday, June 21, and Saturday, June 22
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Daily
Saws | Drills | Nailers | Gardening, Painting & Misc. Tools | Hedge
Trimmers | Sanders | Tool Cart | Seed Spreaders | Ladder | Utility Pump
| Portable Air Compressor | Speakers | Blu-Ray Player | Sony Sound
System | Flat Screen | Sleeping Bags | Tent | Cot Coolers | Bikes |
Razor Scooters | Table | Chairs | Patio Furniture Dresser | Hutch | Pool
Table | Elliptical | Strength Trainer
Volleyball Net and Poles| Children and Adult
Golf Sets
Motorcycle | Helmets | Ramps | John Deer Wooden
Wagon | Christmas Decor | Compact Refrigerator | Home Decor
Much More!!