Farm Equipment Auction
Thursday, December 5, 2024 10:00 a.m.
1318 700th St., Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
Brooker has been forced to retire due to health reasons. He will
sell the below listed Farm & Livestock equipment to the highest
bidder on the Brooker Farmstead located 4 miles west of Mt.
Pulaski, on the Elkhart Blacktop.
COMBINE: 2010 CAT Lexion 570R combine, S#57600330, DT 712 x
42 dual drive tires, 750/65R26 rear tires w/Mud Hog unit, 1,974
sep. hrs., 3,032 engine hrs., Sonny Brook accelerator, Ag Leader
yield & Moisture, globe and monitor sold separately; 2012,
Gherinhoff Elite XL Northstar 8-30" corn head, S# 101120191830
w/2 header height sensors and adjustable deck plates; 2013, 30'
Class F900 grain platform, S# 43302114, w/Harvest Hand 5th wheel
trailer; Ag Leader GPS6500 NMEL173770156G, BFN17313721,
SMGLN-D2L-0T0-(AGL), P/N : 4004225 globe; Ag Leader Integra
S#242001515927 monitor;
TRACTORS: 2010 CAT Challenger MT 675C, A# V155009, 4210 hrs,
430/80R50" dual rear, CVT powershift transmission, 420/85R34"
dual fronts, 5,000 rear weights, no front weights, Ag Leader RTK
ready; 1998 New holland 9882 4 wheel drive tractor, S#D107744,
5,362 hours, in frame overhaul less than 1,000 ago, bare back,
Cummins N-14 engine, 12 spd transmission, Trimble guidance, CFX
750; White 2-135 Front wheel assist tractor, S#302910-439,
18.4-38" single rear, 14.9-28 fronts, 3935 hours, powershift
transmission, 2 pr hydraulic outlets; White 185 S# 401002-185T,
7065 hrs, 18.4-38" duals, powershift transmission, 3 pr.
Hydraulic outlets, 11 front weights; White 2-135 Series 3 two
wheel drive tractor, S#301190-437, 18.4-38"w/duals, 6449 hrs,
powershift transmission, 3 pair of outlets; Oliver 1850 tractor,
diesel engine, 18.4-38" tires, 2 hydraulic outlets; Case 680 CK
backhoe S#9101563, 8' front bucket, 23" hoe bucket, unknown hrs;
Oliver 550 tractor, gas engine, S#71200, 14.9-24" rear, 3 point,
selling with 1510 loader; Oliver Super 55 gas tractor w/loader,
12.4-28 rear, SE 15-0206 #20027518, w/ shuttle transmission;
Allis 5020 two wheel drive, twin cylinder diesel tractor, 5126
hrs, selling with a Woods RM500 3 point mower and Allis 48"
belly mower;
TRUCKS: 2002 Sterling twin screw tandem,
VIN#2FZHANAK62AJ76994, 20' steel bed, tarp, cargo doors, CAT
3126 engine, 258000 miles, 10 spd. Trans.; International 4400
twin screw tandem grain truck VIN# 1HTMSAAR93J048984, 20'
aluminum bed w/cargo doors, tarp, Allison automatic trans.; 1989
Volvo/GMC VIN#41VDBCG9KW624952, CAT 3206, Fuller 13 spd. Trans.,
unknown mileage, 20 steel box, tarp, wood floor, cargo doors;
1988 International S1900 single axle truck w/gravel bed VIN#
1HTLDTVR6JH549394, DT466 engine, selling with Hasting hitch snow
plow; 1976 Chevy C60 truck, no bed; 1975 Chevy C60 no bed, VIN#
CCE614V12096; 1963 Chevy Bucket truck (salvage);
OLIVER RELATED: (2) Oliver top links; Oliver quick hitch;
several Oliver tool boxes (one Truman Woll & Son); Oliver 88
side curtains; Oliver 88 grill; 770 & 88 side shields; Oliver
belt pully; 77 or 88 pto; used 55 or 550 and 1955 or 2255
hydraulic pumps; used voltage regulators & coils; 1800
generator; Oliver wheel weights; Oliver weight brackets; White
front end weights; White top link; Oliver 1800 step; pto cover;
PLANTER & DRILL: 2010 Kinze 3600, 16-31 planter, colters all
rows, residue managers on corn, 8 row shutoff clutches, Ag
Leader ready, also PM 3000 monitor, Kinze units; 18 hole John
Deere grain drill on rubber; Friesen seed bag handler;
TILLAGE: 44' Case IH Tiger Mate, c-shank, field cultivator,
3 bar spike & rolling reel harrow; 27' Case IH 4300 c-shank
field cultivator, 5 bar spike harrow; 2009 RMX 340 , 24' disk,
no harrow; JD 510 7 shank disk ripper; Steiger 11' disk digger
w/leveler; 11 shank International chisel plow; 41' Yetter 3541
flat fold rotary hoe used on only 120 acers; 8' 3 point disk
with mounted harrow; (2) 8' pull type disks; White 598, 6 bottom
14" to 22" plow; Oliver 5 & 6 bottom plow; 3 bottom pull type
plow; Harrowgator w/manual wings; JD 15' cultimulcher, inboard
wheels; Dunham Leer 10 cultimulcher;
MOWERS: Bush Hog 1865 E-1 48" , boom mower, flail shredder,
S# M1641394, 540 pt; IH 1300 7' sickle bar mower; Woods 72 3
point mower;
TRAILER & WAGONS: J & M 675-14 grain cart, 30.5-32" tires,
tarp, auger replaced 5,000 acres ago; Brent 540 gravity flow
wagon, 2 brakes; (4) Kill Bro. wagons several on JD 1065A gears;
(2) 8x16 rack wagons on JD gears; empty additional running
gear; 1600 gal stainless steel tank on heavy gear; 1000 gallon
poly tank on gear; wood flare bed wagon; sm. mower trailer, no
COLLECTIBLES: Gamet Mfg. brass grain probe; nail keg; (2)
cream separators; (2) wood (1) metal corn shellers; bull rake;
(14) steel implement wheels; Mt Pulaski railroad depot mail box
cities like Caro, Galesburg, Quincy, Pontiac and more (56 bins);
LIVESTOCK: Campbell 16', tandem axle livestock trailer, VIN#
61656175, mfg 3-1975; JD hay stack mover; Bearcat roller mill
No.24R; New Idea No.15, pto drive manure spreader; 3 point bale
fork; clamp on bale forks; approximately 300 bales of wheat
straw; steel posts;
MISCELLANEOUS: Miller CP 200 welder w/Miller-Matic wire
feed; metal box full of bearing and sleeve pullers; Rink 8', 3
point blade w/2 cylinders; (2) metal, commercial 12.5 x13
commercial garage doors w/openers; 5 box scraper, 3 point; (8)
12 bin fans; gas bin dryer fan; 5 Cardinal center bin gates;
new Cardinal auger head; 22 transfer auger w/5hp 3 phase
motor;(3) sweep augers w/motors; 50' of 9" U trough and auger; 6
bin jacks; 25x 8 tow strap; Craftsman band saw & joiner;
scroll saw; Schumacker 225 amp battery charger; (4) brand new
stub shaft axles for C/IH 4600 F/C; Craftsman tool box; Cat 3208
starter; IH diesel Truck muffler and exhaust pipes; knock off
sweeps; implement tires; post hole digger; pallet of landscape
blocks; wire panels & gates; end gate seeder; power grease gun;
wire winder; blacksmith shears;
the Brooker Auction Frank Buckles will sell the following: 1972
Chevy C50 grain truck, 13 bed, 350 V8, 4/2 transmission, 47,000
miles, roll over tarp; White 2-105 diesel, cab tractor, single
18.4 34 tires, Westendorf loader, front weights, weak clutch;
Kent & Carole Brooker Owners
Mike Maske Auction Service
119 S.
Lafayette St., Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
pictures at
AUCTION TERMS: Cash, credit card or approved check payable
on the day of the auction. Registration videotaped and a valid
photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number. Internet Buyers
must settle all accounts on the day of the Auction. Internet
Buyers must arrange for their own shipping. Announcements made
sale day take precedence over printed materials. The Auction
Service is not responsible for accidents or property after sold.
All purchased items must be removed from the sale site less than
2 weeks from the day of the auction. Information and pictures
for this auction can be seen on
in person or on-line at
Antique Auto Parts Auction
Saturday, October 19th, 2024
Starting at 10:00 a.m. in New Holland, IL
(Turn west at New Holland Banking Center at the end
the block)
There are thousands of parts being sold sorted by year, make,
and model. Chevrolet models, Corvette, Camaro, Chevelle, and
Nova, plus Pontiac, Ford, and Mopar parts!
See photos and advance sale bills on our searchable website; (ID: 16096); and (ID #: 7924)
Knollenberg Auction Services
158 E. Chestnut St., Mason City IL, 62664