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2016 Area Fall Festivals
Lincoln Daily News
September 13, 2016
Other kid’s activities on the square Saturday
included face painting, story time, bingo and
even a movie on the courthouse lawn.
For the big kids in all of us, there was an
amazing car show that featured everything
from a 1971 Case Tractor to vintage
automobiles of various makes and models.
Please see the slideshow for a closer look at
all the fabulous forms of transportation that
donned the northeast side of the square.
A terrific concert by the Community Band also
took place in the gazebo on the courthouse
Demonstrations of rug-hooking and barrel-
making also were featured at the Mount Pulaski
There was also an ongoing Market Days
Vendor Fair on the square, as well as Bounce
House, etc. keeping the kids entertained for
hours with their colorful and
bouncy attractions.
Keeping up with the “Where a kid can be a
kid” theme was the afternoon parade. Perhaps
one of the biggest kids of our community,
retired teacher Mary Ann Radtke, served
as the Parade Grand Marshall. The parade
had many fabulous entries to go along with
the firetrucks and tractors that also make the
parade outstanding. Parade winners for the day
were Team Landon in First Place, Moochelle’s
Kid Kare in second and Girl Scout troop 1070
in third.
Rounding out Saturday’s events were the
Anchor 6:19 band featuring Mount Pulaski
native Joe Pharis on drums.
The Brickyard also sponsored an eating
contest, but for those who wanted to sit down
and take their time eating a meal, the F.O.P.
served a delicious pulled pork dinner in the big
Hypnotist William Mitchell also entertained the
crowd and the band, 90’s Daughter headlined
the Jaycees Beer Tent.
In addition to the Fall Festival activities, there
were some class reunions in town for the
weekend. The Class of 1986 held their 30th
year reunion at the Brickyard while another
group held their festivities at the American
Legion Home.
All in all it was a great weekend, as the
weather turned out to be perfect following the
disappearance of the early Saturday morning
cloudy skies.
Finally, just the gathering of friends, family
and familiar faces always make the weekend
a fabulous experience. Whether you are just
coming back to Mount Pulaski for a brief visit
or you live you life here on a daily basis, it’s
nice to know it is a place “Where a kid can be
a kid.”