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LINCOLN DAILY NEWS July 29 - August 6, 2016
4-H Beef Show - Heifer and Steer shows
Thursday morning at the
Logan County Fair, the
4-H Beef show was held,
starting at 8 a.m. By 9:30
a.m., Logan County had
a new Grand Champion
Brandon Hickey won that
honor with his crossbred.
In a tight competition,
Reed Naughton took the
Reserve Championship
with his Angus steer.
This year the
show was a bit
smaller than in
the past, but what
the contest may
have been lacking
in quantity, was
certainly made up
in quality.
In the Market
Heifer category,
Genna VanWye
took the Grand
Champion title with Luke
McLaughlin coming in
with the reserve.
All the contenders took
home blue ribbons.
Photos by Nila Smith