2016 Worship Guide
December 7, 2016
A Lincoln Daily News Publication
Page 13
But the original Christmas is full of
something more. It’s full of heaven
invading earth in so many ways.
It’s absolutely impossible to believe in
the Christmas story without believing that
there is a God in heaven that is passionate
about interacting with His creation. He is
a God of miracles and He loves to reveal
An angel meets with Zachariah in the
temple to tell him of John.
An angel speaks to Mary.
An angel directs Joseph on multiple
occasions. Angels fill the sky and sing
their anthems in the fields with simple
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit “overshadows” the virgin
teenage girl Mary, encountering with her
in a powerful way, and plants the Son of
God in her womb.
The Holy Spirit leaps inside Elizabeth’s
womb and fills John, Jesus’ 2nd cousin,
with the power of the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit guides the old prayer
warrior Simeon to the temple at just the
right moment to find the Christ Child on
His circumcision day.
This story is filled with God given dreams,
supernatural protection, and divine
direction. This story, perhaps above all
other true stories, is filled with wonder and
mystery – and miracles.
Christmas –
God’s reminder
of miracles
and hope!
Kami and Darren Palmer, ministers
of Faith Assembly of God, Lincoln
or many, the nostalgia of this Christmas season is enough.
A manger scene… A shopping mall… A family gathering…
They all equate to simple good feelings and memories.