2017 Wellness Expo
Lincoln Daily News Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Page 31
appropriate facility. Expenses paid
by the fund include purchasing gas
cards for volunteers who are providing
transportation to treatment facilities.
Once again, it was St. John UCC which
was the first to step up to the plate and
work to supply this need. The church
partnering with the Lincoln Community
High School National Honor Society and
Culver’s Restaurant in Lincoln held the
first General Opioid Treatment Assistance
Fundraiser on January 15th. At that first
fundraiser the group raised approximately
The Heroin Task Force and its working
groups continue to meet on a regular
basis. In addition to addressing
treatment, the groups work to establish
programs for prevention, enforcement,
and harm reduction.
The prevention programs will include
education for children and parents to stop
early experimentation with drugs and
alcohol. Because drug use is obviously
illegal, local law enforcement agencies
are working on a number of projects that
are not for public knowledge, but the goal
is to reduce the availability of the drug in
our community, and to prosecute those
who sell illegal drugs to our citizens.
While a great deal of money was raised
for the Narcan kits, the kits are also quite
expensive and the need for replenishment
continues. Additional funding will be
required for Narcan, as well as to support
the General Opioid Treatment Assistance
Tonita Reifsteck (left) represents St. John’s Outreach
Ministry Team - Sandy Meinershagen, chair; Jack
& Nancy Leich, Lois Leonard, Dan Row, Suzanne
Tockey, Lee Westerfield and Jim and Leslie Wilmert,
who worked hard all year at fundraising.