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2017 Wellness Expo
Lincoln Daily News Wednesday, February 15, 2017
What are your health
priorities and how will
you meet them in 2017?
Wellness is all about you being the best you
can be. It is proactively managing your health
thru prevention and intercession: keeping your
body strong through good nutrition, exercise,
remediating bad habits, training, rest, and
setting good expectations and goals. A strong
body and mind resists disease better, heals faster,
works harder, and seems to enjoy life much
more. Wellness is an important ingredient in
people’s lives.
But wellness is not a solitary pursuit. It is a
community activity. It requires individuals
working together with the many healthcare
providers in our community to achieve a richer,
fuller life. All the healthcare and protection
agencies and businesses pull together to afford
individuals the opportunity to have wellness,
whether from the aspect of prevention or the
aspect of treatment, the community is there for
Your physician is in the business of assessment,
directing, making and keeping you well. The
local hospital provides services and programs
to increase your stamina, heal your body, and
make you better. Emergency responders are
there at your call to protect you, deliver you, and
revive you when you are down and out. And
so many other participating businesses and
agencies provide opportunities to escape drug
addiction, escape addiction to tobacco, escape
addiction to alcohol, exercise to have a fit body,
engage intellectually to have a fit mind, to name
a few.
Nutritionists provide guidance for a rounded
diet, whether you are on your target weight,
need to lose or need to gain. Pharmacies look
after your health and dispense life saving and life
enhancing drugs which help you to avoid life-
degrading and painful symptoms, and control
disease. Police and firemen are there in the
community to help protect and save your life
and health when it is threatened. And there are
many more examples of how the community
helps protect, direct and maintain your wellness.
This issue of Wellness magazine tells a few of
those stories, stories of programs, and struggles
and successes and our community. It also tells
the story of the annual Wellness Expo put on
by Healthy Community Partnership and the
Lincoln Park District, two important partners in
helping people maintain their wellness.
We hope you find direction and value in the
articles in this edition.