Page 30 March 23, 2017
2017 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine
What is one of the most interesting or memorable
events that happened during your career?
There are several ranging from important
things such as confirming soybean cyst nematode
in Logan County and the ensuing testing and
education programs, co-authoring the 4-H Crops
project manuals, starting the Master Gardener
Program in Logan County, and conducting the
Focus on the Future activities for Logan County
with the Community Resource and Development
Council to the things like coordinating State Fair
Swine exhibitors to meet with President Reagan and
working through all the Secret Service screenings
involved. The formation of support groups such as
the Logan County 4-H Foundation and the Logan
County Extension Educational Building Association
are also at the top of the list. An appendectomy right
after finishing the fall European corn borer survey in
2004 was very memorable!
Is there something interesting that happened at
the fair that you could share?
Horrible storms one year on the first day
of the livestock show were memorable, as I was
running back from the main office at the fairgrounds
to the livestock show arena after checking with
Emergency Services and the National Weather
Service. Running through about three inches of
water and extremely windy conditions wasn’t any
fun. My hat blew off and was never seen again, and
my glasses literally blew off. I had to find them in
the water before getting everyone to the more secure
corner of the show arena. That’s one reason the new
bath house was built on the livestock end of the
fairgrounds, as it is also a storm shelter!
Could you tell about your major
accomplishments or something you did in your
career that you are proud of?
There are many things, and some are
in the memorable events section. However, the
single item I’m most proud of is the small part
I may have played in the lives of youth which
may have contributed to their success and their
leadership roles in the communities they now live
in. The Extension mottos from “Helping You Help
Yourself,” “Investing in You,” to “Extending
Knowledge – Changing Lives” have been good
4-H night at the 2016 Logan County Fair