500 attend Veterans Day celebration

[NOV. 12, 2001]  Report to be posted



[to top of second column in this article]


Plane crashes in Queens;
New York under shutdown

[NOV. 12, 2001]  Report to be posted



[to top of second column in this article]


Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Monday, Nov. 12

316th day of the year


"Whenever I hear the word culture, I reach for my revolver." — Hermann Goering

"We’re all eccentrics. We’re all prima donnas." — Harry Blackmun


1833 — Aleksandr Borodin, Russia, composer ("Prince Igor")

1840 — Auguste Rodin, France, sculptor ("The Kiss," "The Thinker")

1908 — Harry A. Blackmun, Illinois, Supreme Court justice (1970- )

1929 — Grace Kelly, Philadelphia, Monaco princess and actress ("Philadelphia Story," "Rear Window")

1934 — Charles Manson [No Name Maddox], Cincinnati, Ohio, criminal (Tate-LaBianca murders)

1945 — Neil Young, Canada, singer and songwriter (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)

1961 — Nadia Comaneci, Onesti, Romania, gymnast (Olympian, gold medals in 1976, ’80)


324 B.C. — Origin of Era of Alexander

1035 — Canute "The Great" King of the Danes (1016-1035) dies at 41

607 — Boniface III ends his reign as Catholic pope

1775 — General Washington forbids recruiting officers to enlist blacks

1859 — Jules Leotard performs first flying trapeze circus act (Paris). He also designed the garment that bears his name.

1938 — Hermann Goering announces he wants Madagascar as a Jewish homeland

1939 — Jews of Lodz, Poland, are ordered to wear yellow armbands

1946 — First drive-up bank window established (Chicago)

1948 — Japanese premier Hideki Tojo sentenced to death by war crimes tribunal

1955 — Date returned to in "Back to the Future" and "Back to the Future II"

Serving country, serving community:
One veteran's life-altering moment

[NOV. 10, 2001]  It’s Germany, World War II.  An American soldier finds himself in a desperate situation; he’s alone and on foot in a small village in Germany.  He must walk back to the safety of his own side through enemy territory. The odds are slim that he will make it. Amazingly he sees two planes on an isolated airstrip on his first day.  Then, wouldn’t you know it, two German soldiers show up. He watches and, as luck would have it, they both climb into one of the planes and take off, leaving the other plane free for the taking.  There sits his best means of getting out quickly and alive. A crushing moment in reality:  The soldier does not know how to fly. 

It certainly didn’t look it at the time, but his luck had not really run out.  He began to walk and, two weeks later, half starved and to the point of total exhaustion, Lindy Fancher arrived in safe territory.  He later received the Silver Star for his bravery.

That nearly life-ending incident deeply impacted Fancher. “I vowed then that when I got back I would learn to fly,” Fancher recently recounted at a farewell party.  It became apparent in the years to come that the real recipients of blessings from his near-life-costing misfortune are the residents of his hometown, Lincoln. Not only did he learn to fly, but over the years he spent countless hours teaching others. 

Fancher has been a major contributor to the development of aviation in Logan County.  Numerous comments made at his going away party on June 29 credited him for many years of work, sacrifices and forward thinking. “I appreciate Lindy and all those like him that make the airport work,” said a Logan County Board member.

“He has made the airport and Heritage in Flight museum what it is today.  There's never been a better champion for aviation and community spirit.  And most of all Lindy is a true believer in his fellow man.  He always brings a smile to all strangers and friends that pass in his presence,” according to HIF.


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In addition to his local aeronautical contributions, Fancher has had a number of other influences in the community as well.  He was known to be a magnet for teenagers while running the Blue Inn Restaurant, a popular hangout located across from the Tropics.  There’s a story and a supposed picture that goes around about him teaching teens to water ski on a canoe paddle out at Lincoln Lakes.

Last employed by Lincoln Office Supply, Fancher is presently retired. He and his wife, Vada, have recently moved from Lincoln to Atlanta, Ga., to be closer to their son Jim and his family.

On this day before Veterans Day, Lincoln Daily News would like to honor Lindy Fancher, and each and every other veteran, particularly those that live in our communities in Logan County.  While not all have been rewarded with a Silver Star or made notable influences, all bravely offered their services on behalf of our county. We owe every one our admiration and thanks.  We mourn those who lost their lives. We thank each and every one that comes back and continues to give so graciously in our communities. Your mere presence is vital to the character of our communities and our country.  We salute you!

[Jan Youngquist]


Illinois Senate meets to deal with new budget, anti-terrorism legislation, vetoes

[NOV. 10, 2001]  The Illinois Senate convened Wednesday for the first day of the fall veto session, poising itself for six more days of legislative action to deal with vetoes, reductions in the fiscal year 2002 budget, antiterrorism legislation and emergency legislation, according to Sen. Claude "Bud" Stone.

Topping the list of priorities for fall action is revamping the state’s budget to meet lower revenue expectations following the Sept. 11 tragedies. Lawmakers are facing a $500 million shortfall and are looking at ways to fill the gap.

Antiterrorism legislation will also be a top priority as lawmakers look for ways to not only increase homeland security but also to fund it in the wake of an already tight budget. Senate President James "Pate" Philip has already suggested designating a special state lottery to fund antiterrorist measures and allow citizens to show their patriotism. Lawmakers will consider this and other proposals.

Fourteen Senate bills were vetoed by the governor this year, and six more have amendatory vetoes pending action. Lawmakers may choose to reject or accept the governor’s recommendations on the legislation.


Motions were filed to override the governor’s veto of the following:

•  Broadcast Industry Free Market Act (SB 720) — Prohibits TV, radio or cable stations from requiring employees and prospective employees to refrain from employment in a specific geographic area for a period of time after they terminate employment with the station.

•  Library task force (SB 635) — Creates a nine-member task force to explore ways to better coordinate the current library system. The members would serve without compensation.


[to top of second column in this article]

•  Small business (SB 1522) — Makes plain-language descriptions of laws or administrative rules affecting small businesses available on the Internet.

A motion was filed to accept the governor’s changes to the following:

•  Aviation DUI (SB 647) — Increases penalties for operating or repairing an airplane while intoxicated. The suggested changes correct a conflict with the proposed penalties.

•  Circuit Breaker (SB 1493) — Makes all Circuit Breaker program applicants approved for benefits between July 1 and Dec. 31 eligible for benefits through June 30 of that state fiscal year and any applicants approved between Jan. 1 and June 30 eligible for benefits through June 30 of the following state fiscal year. The suggested changes move the implementation date to Jan. 1, 2002, making it consistent with current law.

Legislators will return to Springfield to continue veto action Nov. 13-15 and Nov. 27-29.

[News release]

Stone to serve on two Senate committees

[NOV. 10, 2001]  Sen. Claude "Bud" Stone has been appointed to serve on the Agriculture and Conservation Committee and the Licensed Activities Committee in the Illinois Senate.

The appointments, by Senate President James "Pate" Philip, were made official Wednesday, the first day of the fall veto session.

"I’m pleased with the assignment to two very important committees," said Stone, R-Morton. "Illinois’ number one industry is agriculture, and agriculture is a big part of the 45th Senate District. We need to do all we can to protect the family farmer, increase exports of our agriculture products and help boost the rural economy through value-added products. Conservation issues are important too. Illinois has been blessed with an abundance of natural resources, and proper management of those resources is a responsibility I take seriously."

The Licensed Activities Committee is a lesser-known but influential legislative panel.


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"No other committee has as much to do with consumer protection as the Licensed Activities Committee," said Stone. "This committee looks at all legislation dealing with the more than 670,000 professionals licensed by the state of Illinois. This includes doctors, lawyers, home repair professionals, architects, barbers, athletic trainers, pharmacists, accountants, social workers and others."

Stone was sworn into office on July 16 to serve as 45th District senator following the retirement of Sen. Bob Madigan. Stone and his fellow Senate colleagues met at the State Capitol on Wednesday, Nov. 7, for the start of the fall veto session. Veto session workdays are scheduled for Nov. 13, 14 and 15 and on Nov. 27, 28 and 29.

[News release]

Wright advocates no increase in health insurance premiums for retired teachers

[NOV. 10, 2001]  On Nov. 8, the Retired Teachers’ Association of Logan and DeWitt counties had a meeting at Bonanza in Lincoln. Rep. Jonathan Wright, R-Hartsburg, and Rep. Bill Mitchell, R-Forsyth, attended to discuss the funding of the Teachers’ Retirement Insurance Program.

The funding for the program, also known as TRIP, is estimated to be $28.8 million less than needed for fiscal year 2002. Central Management Services warns that the shortfall will require an 80 percent increase in health insurance premiums for retired teachers in fiscal year 2002.

"Such an increase is unacceptable," Wright said. "Retired teachers have already been required to absorb a 21 percent increase on health insurance premiums this year. Such increases are devastating on retired teachers living on fixed pension income," he said.

Rep. Wright supports the efforts in the veto session to address the short-term problem to avoid any increase in health insurance premiums for retired teachers. "The proposals are being formulated," he said. "At this time, I have not been provided the details of any proposals, but I will support any effort to avoid the increase in premiums."


[to top of second column in this article]

Complicating the situation is a new proposal from Speaker of the House Michael Madigan. "It is my understanding," Wright said, "that Speaker Madigan will not call any bill to the floor for vote that addresses the retired teacher insurance program unless there is a commitment to provide $20 million for the retired Chicago teachers pension fund."

Wright continued, "The fund for Chicago teachers is sufficiently funded at this time, and there is no need to provide additional funding. My concern is that such an effort by the speaker could prevent us from addressing the more urgent problem facing the TRIP program."

During the meeting with the local association of retired teachers, Rep. Wright and Rep. Mitchell responded to many questions from those in attendance. "It was a great turnout, and I enjoyed the opportunity to visit with all of these people to address their concerns," Wright said.

[News release]

Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Saturday, Nov. 10

314th day of the year


"Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,

The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.

The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay —

The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay."
— Martin Luther (While Luther is credited with writing this, and many other songs, most scholars now agree that Luther had no hand in this one.)

"God will not forgive us if we fail." — Leonid Brezhnev to Jimmy Carter


1483 — Martin Luther, Eisleben, Germany, founded Protestantism

1879 — Vachel Lindsay, Springfield, Ill., poet ("Johnny Appleseed")

1955 — Jack Clark, Pennsylvania, all-star outfielder (Giants, Cards, Yanks, Padres)

1956 — Sinbad, comedian and actor ("A Different World," "At the Apollo")

1959 — MacKenzie Phillips, Alexandria, Va., actress (Julie in "One Day at a Time")

1968 — Sammy Sosa, San Pedro, Dominican Republic, outfielder (Chicago Cubs)


1567 — Battle at St. Denis: French government army vs. Huguenots

1775 — U.S. Marine Corps established by Congress

1801 — Kentucky outlaws dueling

1808 — Osage Treaty signed

1836 — Louis Napoleon banished to America

1864 — Austrian Archduke Maximilian became emperor of Mexico

1871 — Stanley presumes to meet Livingston in Ujiji, Central Africa

1885 — Gottlieb Daimler’s motorcycle, world’s first, unveiled

1891 — First Woman’s Christian Temperance Union meeting (in Boston)

1905 — Sailors revolt in Kronstadt, Russia

1908 — First Gideon Bible placed in a hotel room

1940 — Arthur Neville Chamberlain, British premier (1937-40), dies at 71

1951 — First long-distance telephone call without operator assistance

1954 — Iwo Jima Memorial (servicemen raising U.S. flag) dedicated in Arlington

1969 — "Sesame Street" premieres on PBS-TV

1982 — Vietnam Veterans Memorial opens

1989Germans begin punching holes in the Berlin Wall


[to top of second column in this article]

Sunday, Nov. 11

315th day of the year


"Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded." — Fyodor Dostoevsky

"A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week." — George S. Patton


1821 — Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky, Russia, novelist ("Crime and Punishment")

1885 — George S. Patton, general, "Old Blood and Guts"

1896 — Charles "Lucky" Luciano, Sicily, New York City Mafia gangster

1901Sam Spiegel, producer ("On the Waterfront," "The Bridge over the River Kwai")

1904 — Alger Hiss, State Department official and spy

1911 — King Hussein of Jordan

1915 — William Proxmire, senator, D-Wis. (Golden Fleece Awards)

1922 — Kurt Vonnegut Jr., author ("Slaughterhouse Five," "Sirens of Titan")

1925 — Jonathan Winters, Dayton, Ohio, comedian ("J. Winters Show," "Mork and Mindy")

1951 — Fuzzy Zoeller, New Albany, Ind., PGA golfer (Masters 1981)

1962 — Demi Moore [Guynes], Roswell, N.M., actress ("Seventh Sign," "Blame it on Rio")

1963 — Vinnie Testaverde, NFL quarterback (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)

1974 — Leonardo DiCaprio, Los Angeles, actor (Luke in "Growing Pains")


1620 — 41 Pilgrims land in Massachusetts, sign Mayflower Compact (just and equal laws)

1647 — Massachusetts passes first U.S. compulsory school attendance law

1831 — Nat Turner, former slave who led a violent insurrection, hanged in Virginia

1864 — Sherman’s troops destroy Rome, Ga.

1865 — Mary Edward Walker, first Army female surgeon, awarded Medal of Honor

1889 — Washington admitted as 42nd state

1918 — Armistice Day; World War I ends (at 11 a.m. on Western Front)

1921 — President Harding dedicates Tomb of Unknown Soldier

1922 — Largest U.S. flag displayed (150’ by 90’); expanded in 1939 (270’ by 90’)

1939 — Kate Smith first sings Irving Berlin’s "God Bless America"

1942 — During World War II Germany completes their occupation of France

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Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Friday, Nov. 9

313th day of the year


"People without firmness of character love to make up a 'fate' for themselves; that relieves them of the necessity of having their own will and of taking responsibility for themselves." — Ivan Turgenev

"A spirit of national masochism prevails, encouraged by an effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals." Spiro T. Agnew

"If the king’s English was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me!" — Ma Ferguson, first female governor of the state of Texas, explaining her state’s lack of interest in learning Spanish


1731 — Benjamin Banneker, Ellicott, Md., black mathematician and surveyor (Washington, D.C.)

1802 — Elijah P. Lovejoy, American newspaper publisher and abolitionist

1818 — Ivan Turgenev, Russian novelist, poet and playwright ("Fathers and Sons")

1825 — Ambrose P. Hill, lieutenant general (Commander 3rd Corps, ANV)

1841 — Edward VII, king of England (1901-10)

1918 — Spiro Theodore Agnew, 39th vice president (R) (1973-77)

1931 — Whitey Herzog baseball manager (St. Louis Cardinals)

1932 — Carl Perkins, singer ("Blue Suede Shoes")

1934 — Carl Sagan, New York City, astronomer, author and professor ("Cosmos," "Broca’s Brain")

1935 — Bob Gibson, Cardinal pitcher (Cy Young, NL MVP 1968)


1799 — Napoleon becomes dictator (1st consul) of France

1862 — U.S. Grant issues orders to bar Jews from serving under him

1864Sherman issues preliminary plans for his "March to the Sea"

1865 — Confederate Gen. Lee surrenders to Union Gen. Grant at Appomattox

1918Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates after German defeat in World War I

1923 — Beer Hall Putsch; Nazis fail to overthrow government in Germany

1924 — Miriam "Ma" Ferguson becomes first elected woman governor (of Texas)

1938"Kristallnacht" (Crystal Night) Nazi storm troopers attack Jews

1953 — Abdul-Aziz ibn Sa’ud, founder of Saudi Arabia, dies (born c. 1880)

1953 — Dylan Thomas, author and poet, dies in New York at 39

1970 — Charles DeGaulle, French president, dies at 79

1988 — John Mitchell, former attorney general, dies of heart attack in Washington

Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Thursday, Nov. 8

312th day of the year


"I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken — and I’d rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived." — Margaret Mitchell (Rhett Butler in "Gone With the Wind")

"I unconsciously decided that, even if it wasn’t an ideal world, it should be and so painted only the ideal aspects of it — pictures in which there are no drunken slatterns or self-centered mothers … only foxy grandpas who played baseball with the kids and boys who fished from logs and got up circuses in the backyard." — Norman Rockwell


1226 — Louis VIII, the Lion, King of France (1223-26), dies at 39

1656 — Sir Edmond Halley, first to calculate comet’s orbit (Halley’s comet)

1900 — Margaret Mitchell, writer ("Gone With the Wind")

1927 — Patti Page, Claremont, Okla., singer ("Tennessee Waltz")


1308 — Duns Scotus, who coined the word "dunce," dies

1789 — Bourbon whiskey first distilled from corn (by Elijah Craig, Bourbon, Ky.)

1793 — Louvre in Paris opens

1889 — Montana admitted as 41st state

1895 — Wilhelm Rontgen discovers X-rays

1933 — King Nadir Shah of Afghanistan assassinated by Abdul Khallig

1970 — Tom Dempsey of New Orleans Saints kicks NFL record 63-yard field goal

1978 — Norman Rockwell, artist, dies in Stockbridge, Mass., at 84

1979 — ABC broadcasts "Iran Crisis: America Held Hostage" with Frank Reynolds (the forerunner to "Nightline")

No firetrucks in the basement, please

[NOV. 7, 2001]  They don’t build firetrucks the way they used to.

Today they build them bigger and heavier. And that’s causing a little problem for the Lincoln City Fire Department, which will soon get delivery on its new 43,000-pound rescue-pumper. The new truck weighs 5,000 pounds more than the truck it is replacing.

The new truck was slated to go into Bay 1, next to Bay 2. In one of those bays, a 54,000-pound truck with an aerial ladder now sits. Bays 1 and 2 are over a basement, which is used as a workout room for Fire Department members.

The question bothering Fire Chief Bucky Washam is whether the floor in Bays 1 and 2 will support the 97,000 pounds of combined trucks. The bays were built back when trucks were smaller and weighed a lot less, when two firetrucks weighed less than one of the new ones with all its updated equipment.

He could put the new truck in Bays 3 or 4, which have no basement under them, but the doors in those bays are not tall enough to allow the Fire Department to install one piece of equipment that comes with the new truck, a big hose nozzle called a deluge monitor. The doors of Bays 3 and 4 can’t be made any taller.



[to top of second column in this article]

Chief Washam asked the Fire, Water and ESDA Committee of the Lincoln City Council on Nov. 5 if they could find $3,500 to $4,000 to get an engineering study made of the floor of Bays 1 and 2 to be sure it can withstand the additional weight.

"We could be on borrowed time now," Washam said.

Alderman Bill Melton thought it would be money well spent. "I’d sure hate to see the new truck wind up in the basement," he said.

Alderman Benny Huskins of the fire committee referred the matter to Alderman Pat Madigan of the buildings and grounds committee. Madigan said he thought his committee could probably find the money for the study.

Until the Fire Department knows how much weight the floor can stand, the truck won’t be parked in Bay 1.

Huskins summed it up. "If people see the new firetruck parked outside, they’ll know why."

[Joan Crabb]

Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Wednesday, Nov. 7

311th day of the year


"The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end." — Trotsky

"From the point of light within the mind of God, let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let light descend on earth. From the point of love within the heart of God, let love stream forth into the hearts of men."Billy Graham


1867 — Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie, discovered radium (Nobel 1903, 1911)

1879 — Leon Trotsky, Russian Communist theorist, Bolshevik

1918 — Billy Graham, Charlotte, N.C., evangelist (Crusades)

1922 — Al Hirt, New Orleans, La., jazz trumpeter ("The Greatest Horn in the World")


1775 — Lord Dunmore promises freedom to male slaves who join British army

1805 — Lewis and Clark first sight Pacific Ocean

1811 — Battle of Tippecanoe, gave Harrison a presidential slogan

1837 — Abolitionist Elijah Lovejoy murdered by mob at Alton, Ill.

1865 — London Gazette, oldest surviving journal, is founded

1874 — First cartoon depicting elephant as Republican Party symbol, by T. Nast

1940 — Tacoma Narrows ("Galloping Gertie") Bridge collapses, Washington

1943 — Detroit Lions 0, New York Giants 0; last scoreless tie in NFL

1944 — FDR wins fourth term in office, defeating Thomas E. Dewey (R)

1962 — Eleanor Roosevelt, former first lady, dies at 78 in New York City

1962 — Glenn Hall set NHL record of 503 consecutive games as goalie

1962 — Richard Nixon quits politics; "You won’t have Nixon to kick around"

1978 — Gene Tunney, former heavyweight boxing champ, dies at 80

1980 — Steve McQueen, Slater, Mo., actor, dies at 50

Casey’s gets city OK for Fifth Street store

[NOV. 6, 2001]  By an 8-2 vote, the Lincoln City Council agreed to vacate an unused alley so Casey’s General Store can build a facility at 314 S. Jefferson St., across from the Postville Courthouse. The store will face Fifth Street.

The Casey company did a title search on the property and determined that the 16½-foot-wide alley belonged to the city, although it had not recently been used or maintained by the city. The alley now reverts to property owners on either side and can be purchased by Casey’s, although the city will reserve a permanent easement for public utilities.

Casey’s needed the alley vacated so that the firm does not have to ask for a variance from a rear setback requirement. The variance might have been hard to get because the city code says the hardship that causes a petitioner to ask for a variance must not be "self-created." The variance might be considered "self-created" because Casey’s representatives knew ahead of time they would need it, City Attorney Bill Bates explained at an earlier meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Although opponents of the plan spoke up at previous Lincoln Planning Commission and City Council meetings, no one voiced an objection at the Nov. 5 council meeting. Earlier, opponents objected to more traffic and noise in the neighborhood, competition for already existing businesses, and placing a Casey’s store in a possible future historic preservation district.

Aldermen Glenn Shelton and Michael Montcalm voted against vacating the alley. At an earlier meeting both also voted against rezoning the property from residential to commercial.

Casey’s representatives said building will begin in the spring.

Smith asks support for industrial park

Council members also heard a request from Mark Smith, economic development director, for a show of support for creating a 63-acre industrial park north of the city.

Smith said that he and the Economic Development Council were not asking for a financial commitment at this time but simply for general approval of the concept.

"I’m asking the City Council, ‘Is this an idea you want to endorse?’ Before we can start talking figures to people, we need to know if you think it is a good idea." He said the EDC planned to talk to some real estate investment trusts, who will want to know if there is community support for the industrial park.

Alderman Joseph Stone said he was concerned about annexing 60 acres of "raw farmland" before it is zoned for industrial use.

City Attorney Bill Bates assured him the council would rezone the land before bringing it into the city.

Stone said he was still not sure this is the right time to enter into a major project with the economy as soft as it is.


[to top of second column in this article]

"I’m not opposed to the concept. I’m just not sure this is the time to do it," he said.

"I don’t know when the perfect time is going to be," Alderman Steve Fuhrer said. "We’ve talked about it and nothing has ever been done. We should be ready when the economy does come back. If this is going to be a venture we can make work, the time is now."

Grant Eaton, sewer plant manager, reminded the council that sooner or later, the city would incur some costs for the project. He also said, however, that new grant money is becoming available and he would start applying for it. "I think it’s a good idea to have an industrial park," he concluded.

"I’m scared of saying, ‘Yeah, it’s a great idea,’" Alderman Pat Madigan said. "I’d like to sit down with the finance committee and ask if this is feasible." However, he said, as long as the city was making no financial commitment, Smith and the EDC should go ahead and "do the legwork."

Bates pointed out that this was only a preliminary discussion of how the city might participate. "It cannot possibly at this time be a financial commitment. We are not making a commitment by endorsing this as a reasonable project," he told the council.

Although no vote of confidence was taken at the meeting, Smith said later that he was satisfied with the council’s reaction.

"All the EDC wanted was to be able to say, ‘The community supports the idea of the park and the exploration of the details of the project.’ If there are no strong objections, the EDC takes that as a green light to go ahead and put together the details," he told the Lincoln Daily News.

"Everybody understands that there are tons of details to be addressed. What EDC was asking was the blessing of the council to allow EDC to explore the options in detail."

In other business, the council approved waiving bidding requirements and authorized spending $15,575 for Tremont Roofing Company to install a new roof on the city’s maintenance garage at 111 N. Hamilton St.

The council also approved a permit for the Veterans Day parade from the safety complex to the courthouse on Nov. 11, pending the receipt of a certificate of insurance.

They also heard that Kendall Fitzpatrick has successfully completed his one-year probation with the Lincoln City Fire Department and will receive his permanent appointment as firefighter.

[Joan Crabb]

Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Tuesday, Nov. 6

310th day of the year


"All we ask is to be let alone." — Jefferson Davis

"The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just." — Abraham Lincoln


1832 — Joseph Smith, son of founder of Mormonism

1851 — Charles H. Dow, co-founder of Dow Jones and first editor of Wall Street Journal

1854 — John Philip Sousa, musician

1861 — James A. Naismith, inventor (basketball)

1932 — Don King, fight promoter

1948 — Glenn Frey, Detroit, Mich., rock vocalist (Eagles) ("Take it Easy")

1955 — Maria Shriver [Mrs. A. Schwarzenegger], Chicago, newscaster ("Sunday Today")


1632 — King Gustavus Aldophus of Sweden, dies in battle

1789 — Father John Carroll is appointed as the first Roman Catholic bishop in the United States

1860 — Abraham Lincoln, representative, R-Ill., elected 16th president

1861 — Jefferson Davis elected to six-year term as Confederate president

1923 — Jacob Schick is granted a patent for the electric shaver

1947 — "Meet the Press" debuts on NBC-TV. The program becomes a weekly broadcast on Sept. 12, 1948.

Anxieties are high following terrorist attacks and threats

How have we prepared in
Lincoln and Logan County?

It’s on the radio, TV, in all the media. You hear it in the office, on the street and maybe at home — threats of terrorism. America is on high alert. Here in central Illinois, away from any supposed practical target areas, perhaps we feel a little less threatened, but we are still concerned. So how concerned should we be, and how prepared are we for the types of situations that could occur?

Whether the threat is domestic or foreign, violent, biological or chemical, our public health and rescue agencies have been preparing to respond to the situations. Lincoln Daily News has been at meetings where all the agencies gather together as the Logan County Emergency Planning Committee to strategize for just such a time. Our reports have not even provided every detail that every agency has reported; i.e., a number of representatives from differing agencies such as the health and fire departments, CILCO and ESDA went to a bioterrorism and hazmat (hazardous materials) seminar this past August.

Here are some of the articles that LDN has posted pre- and post-Tuesday, Sept. 11. Hopefully you will see in them that WE ARE WELL PREPARED. At least as much as any area can be. Every agency has been planning, training, submitting for grants to buy equipment long before Sept. 11. We can be thankful for all of the dedicated, insightful leaders we have in this community.



[to top of second column in this section]

America strikes back

As promised, the United States led an attack on Afghanistan. The attack began Sunday, Oct. 7. American and British military forces made 30 hits on air defenses, military airfields and terrorist training camps, destroying aircraft and radar systems. The strike was made targeting only terrorists.

More than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East have pledged their cooperation and support the U.S. initiative.

Online news links

Other countries




























Saudi Arabia



[to top of second column in this section]


United States










New York



Stars and Stripes
(serving the U.S. military community)


Washington, D.C.





More newspaper links



Schedule set for street closings
for railroad crossing repair

[OCT. 29, 2001]  The schedule for railroad crossing closings in downtown Lincoln to allow Union Pacific to install new crossings has been set, according to Donnie Osborne, street superintendent. In order for five crossings to be repaired yet this year, two will be closed at one time, but they will not be adjacent, he said. Each closing will be for one week only, unless weather conditions delay the work.

  • Pekin and Clinton streets — Closed week of Oct. 29

  • Decatur and Pulaski streets — Closed week of Nov. 5

  • Broadway Street — Closed week of Nov. 12

Osborne said repairs will include new concrete panels and new approaches, which should eliminate the bumpy crossings motorists have been experiencing lately. The Tremont Street crossing has already been completed.

[Joan Crabb]

Landfill to be open seven days a week for leaf and brush disposal

[OCT. 12, 2001]  The city landfill on Broadwell Drive will be open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for leaf and brush disposal, beginning on Oct. 15, according to Donnie Osborne, street superintendent. Plans are to keep the new schedule in place until Dec. 15, he said. 

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