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Lincoln Daily News





Prairie Years

121 N. Kickapoo

(217) 732-9216

computer service



601 Keokuk St.

(217) 735-2677


internet services



601 Keokuk St.

Lincoln  62656

(217) 735-2677




Key Printing

Tom Seggelke

(217) 732-9879


When you feel stress
you need All About You

[MARCH 18, 2002]  Christmas bills have just subsided. Tax time is here. Wouldn’t it be nice to just relax?

Well, you are in luck. For about six months now, residents of Logan County have been visiting Beth Gohl and Sandy Slack over at All About You for everything from shoulder rubs to full oil massages. Services also include reflexology, which utilizes pressure points on the feet to stimulate or relax different parts of the body, and raindrop therapy, in which nine essential oils are dripped onto the back and massaged in.

All About You had their ribbon-cutting ceremony on Nov. 27, but they have been open since Aug. 6. According to Gohl, business has been good. "We’re able to pay our bills, so we’re happy with that."

Gohl and Slack use and sell products from the Young Living Essential Oils line. Young Living uses all natural ingredients; no chemicals are used even when growing the plants. Products include soaps, shampoos, lotions and vitamins.


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Their prices are rather reasonable. A simple massage (such as a shoulder or back rub) is $1 per minute for up to 20 minutes. A 30-minute massage is $25; a full hour massage is $40. Reflexology is $35 for 30 minutes or $50 for an hour. Raindrop therapy is $60.

All About You is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. Appointments are preferred for most therapy, but walk-ins can be accepted if the masseuses are free. Appointments are necessary for after-hours massages.

So, as taxes and bills weigh you down, there is a place you can go to relax, or maybe you want to order some relaxation as a gift for someone you know could use it.

All About You is a new business in the area. They are located downtown at 408 Pulaski St., Lincoln; (217) 735-4700.

[Gina Sennett]

City is asked for $1.1 million
for commercial park

[MARCH 14, 2002]  Lincoln has been asked to come up with $1.1 million as its share of the $3.5 million cost of improving a proposed industrial and commercial park, the city council learned at its work session March 12.

All of the city’s $1.1 million share is slated for various sewer improvements, including running a line to the proposed 63.5-acre site at Business 55 and Kruger Road, near the north Interstate 55 interchange.

Purchase of the property, a cost of $678,000, and other improvements adding up to $816,950 are projected as the county’s share. These include road improvements, electricity, landscaping and engineering.

Local utility companies and a private developer would cover the rest of the cost, which includes putting up a speculative building at a cost of about $1.3 million. A private developer, Tamkin of Los Angeles, Calif., has already made an offer to construct the building, but no contract has yet been signed, Smith said. The building would be a shell adaptable to many different uses.

Andrew Hamilton of Financial Solutions, a Springfield firm, who is serving as a consultant to the Lincoln and Logan Economic Development Council, presented the proposal to the council and gave a brief overview. The document, titled "Lincoln Commerce Park Development Project," includes background, site maps, projections for development and debt repayment, local fund analysis, demographic data and a section on qualifications of Hamilton and his firm.

Hamilton suggested the city develop the nine-lot project in phases to reduce the initial cost. The city could pay off the $1.1 million debt by 2008 if a building could be sold every year, he said. "It could very well be an investment that could pay out in a short time."

Mark Smith, economic development director, told the council he was not asking for a decision immediately. "Take it [the projection] home, read it and digest it," he said.

Hamilton will attend the council’s work session on March 26 to answer questions about the proposal and possibly follow up with information about funding sources, Smith said. No suggestions for funding were included in the proposal given to council members Tuesday.

The Economic Development Council has been working on the project for the past two years, Smith said. It was first presented to the public in October of last year.

The proposal shows that the population of Logan County has been decreasing since 1970, and, according to Smith, the county’s job and income growth lag far behind those of other counties in Illinois — so far behind that he described it as "negative growth."

The Commerce Park development was proposed to attract small manufacturing or distribution companies that would provide well-paying jobs, expand the local employment base, keep young people in the community, and expand and broaden the tax base, Smith said.



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At the October meeting, he said the developed park could bring in a total of $321 million in wages to employees and as much as $561,000 in property tax revenue yearly.

Finding ways to fund the project, however, could be a difficult proposition. The city is already facing a financial crunch, according to Alderman Steve Fuhrer, chairman of the council’s finance committee. Unusually low interest rates mean the city is not getting much income from its investments, and the recession means fewer dollars from sales taxes. At a recent meeting, Alderman Glenn Shelton noted that the city has spent about $446,000 more than it has taken in this fiscal year.

Although the council did not enter into any discussion of the plan on Tuesday, Fuhrer expressed hope that the project would be "a doable thing." Noting the possibility of many job losses at Lincoln Developmental Center, he said, "I’ve seen Lincoln regress. I think this is the way of the future. I think if we could have done this 20 years ago, we would have been better off. If we don’t take that chance now, it could be worse."

The EDC will be presenting its plan to the Logan County Board this week.

In other business, Jan Schumacher, vice president of Main Street Lincoln, told the council the group is close to choosing a candidate for director of the program. The 15 applicants have been narrowed down to two, she said. Past Main Street Lincoln director Wendy Bell was offered and accepted a position with the Illinois Main Street program in Springfield. She began working there earlier this year.

Philip Dehner of A.G. Edwards told the council that the 1,065 shares of Principal Financial Group the city recently received were a result of de-mutualization of the company. Formerly the company was owned by its policyholders; it is now owned by stockholders. The city held insurance policies on some employees through the company.

The shares are worth about $25 each, Dehner said, and after paying the cost of selling the shares the city will have an extra $25,000.

City Attorney Bill Bates said that in his opinion it is not legal for the city to buy or hold stocks, so the shares should be sold.

Before the meeting, the public grounds and buildings and ordinance and zoning committees heard from Ray Shinkle, representing Chicago firms Insite and Voicestream, who want to put up a 190-foot cell phone tower just off Connolley Road between Hicks Gas and Verizon Towers. The firm already has a tower in Atlanta and is considering another in Elkhart. Regional Planner Phil Mahler said the tower would bring income of $500 a month to the city.

[Joan Crabb]



Kroger adds new convenience technology

[FEB. 26, 2002]  Have you ever stood in a long line at a grocery store, watching the cashier scan item after item, repetitively? Have you ever thought to yourself, "I could do this, and faster too!" as the groceries trickle across the scanner? Well, now’s your chance!

Since 1987, The Kroger Co. has been slowly introducing its U-Scan checkout systems to Kroger and affiliate stores across the nation. And as of Valentine’s Day, these machines have come to Lincoln.

So what is a U-Scan? It is a checkout stand where you are the cashier. The large, modern-looking machines house a combination bar-code scanner and scale just like the normal counters. You unload your groceries, one at a time, scan them and place them in the bags provided.

[Kroger customer uses the U-Scan.

Photo by Bob Frank.]

The bags sit on a larger scale which measures the total weight of your bagged items. The computer knows how much every item in the store is supposed to weigh. If this weight does not match the weight of your purchased items as recorded in the computer, the cashier on duty is called to come and assist you.

This is both for your safety and for the safety of the store. If you place in your bag an item that you have not purchased, there is added weight. If you double-scan an item by accident and put only the one item in your bag, then there is less weight. Either way, a cashier is called to inspect your purchase.

The "carousel system" used by Lincoln’s Kroger allows for a very large purchase because it includes both a large, rotating, circular scale with eight bag stands (giving it its name) and a smaller rectangular scale for placing filled bags.

A computer screen above the scanner gives you instructions and tells you what items you have scanned and your total purchase price.



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When you complete your purchase, there are all of the normal options for paying for your groceries. A credit-debit card machine just like those at the normal counters is available for those payments. A bill reader and a coin reader are available for cash purchases. The bill reader will read any denomination of bill through $20 (larger denominations can be changed with the cashier on duty). If you would like to pay with a check, you proceed to the cashier’s booth at the end of the row and give him or her your check.

Sounds simple, right?

But what about all those little things that cashiers do? What about coupons, the Kroger card? What about alcohol and cigarettes? Who takes care of those?

Well, before you begin your purchase, the computer asks you if you have a Kroger card. Then you scan it, just like the cashiers do. At the end of your purchase, it asks for any coupons, and you scan those too. There is a slot below the scanner for coupons to be dropped in. When you scan alcohol or cigarettes, the cashier is called to check your identification.

As for all those other little things that cashiers do, such as smile or wish you a good day… well, human cashiers won’t ever go out of style. According to Annette Hinman, store manager of Lincoln’s Kroger store, U-Scans will never replace humans. She recognizes that some people like the human contact and "touch" that cashiers provide, and that some people like the efficiency and liberation of the U-Scans. She wants her patrons to have the choice between "full service" and "self-serve."

In fact, the two U-Scans that the store now has take up the same area as one checkout counter. And one person oversees both U-Scans, watching for any way he or she can help. So the U-Scan is not completely without human contact. You are not completely "on your own."

According to the manager, response to these machines has been very good. She said that people seem to be having fun learning to use them. And, as with all new technology, she has seen some children teaching their parents to use them.

So the next time you shop and Kroger, just try the U-Scans. You should find them easy, convenient and downright fun!

[Gina Sennett]

Gurga named editor of haiku journal

[FEB. 22, 2002]  Lincoln dentist and award-winning poet Lee Gurga has been appointed editor of Modern Haiku, the oldest journal of English-language haiku and considered the most important publication of and about haiku outside of Japan.


Founded in 1969 in Los Angeles, Calif., Modern Haiku has been edited by Robert Spiess of Madison, Wis., since 1978. Gurga has been assistant editor for the past four years.


Haiku is a form of poetry that originated in Japan about 300 years ago. Its essence is brevity, a seasonal reference and the recording of a "haiku moment," a singular experience that captures a greater and perhaps universal experience. Gurga describes it as "taking an ordinary moment and feeling it deeply."

The directions for those who wish to submit material to the magazine ask for "a three-line poem with images of the season linking human and non-human nature."

Along with original haiku, the magazine also publishes senryu (a form similar to haiku but with a humorous or ironic twist), translations, book reviews and Robert Spiess’ speculations on haiku, a series of 845 short philosophic reflections about the poetic form.

Gurga was born and raised in Chicago and became interested in haiku when he found a book of translations from the Japanese in a Chicago bookshop. He has won top prizes in haiku contests in the United States, Canada and Japan.

Two of his books, "In and Out of Fog" and "Fresh Scent," have won first prize in the Haiku Society of America’s Merit Book Awards. He also received an Illinois Arts Council Poetry Fellowship in 1998. In 2000 he won an Illinois Arts Council special assistance grant to speak at as haiku conference in Japan.



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With Randy Brooks, another haiku poet, he helped stage the 2000 Global Haiku Festival at Millikin University in Decatur. He publishes a monthly column in the Illinois Times newspaper and also in the Solares Hill newspaper in Key West, Fla.

Recently one of his poems was published in a Houghton-Mifflin reader for fifth-graders. Here is the poem, included in a section on autumn:

going out of my way

to crunch them as I walk;

first leaves of Autumn.

Haiku is thriving in the Midwest, Gurga says, in part because people here are in touch with the natural world around them.

Modern Haiku is published three times a year, in February, June and October, and has a circulation of about 800. Gurga is editor and publisher; Randy Brooks, director of the writing program at Milliken, is the web editor; Charles P. Trumbull, director of editorial yearbooks at Encyclopedia Britannica, is assistant editor; and Lidia Rozmus of Chicago Graphic Design is art editor.

Gurga and his family, wife Jan and sons Ben, A.J. and Alex, live on 77 acres of hilly and wooded land near Middletown, where he finds much of his nature imagery. The family also has a home in Key West, Fla.

With Gurga’s appointment as editor, Lincoln becomes the home of the Modern Haiku journal. Mailing address is P.O. Box 68, Lincoln.

[Joan Crabb]

See a related article, "Haiku for the Heartland," posted in LDN on Feb. 1, 2000.



Guzzardo to chair LCCS capital campaign committee

[MARCH 9, 2002]  Lincoln Christian College and Seminary has named John Guzzardo chairperson for the LCCS capital campaign committee for Lincoln and Logan County.

The goal for the committee is $300,000. A gift of $100,000 has already been received and committed to the renovation of the Earl C Hargrove Auditorium.

Gary Edwards, vice president of stewardship development for Lincoln Christian College and Seminary, says he is thrilled to have Guzzardo as a part of the capital campaign team. "John Guzzardo is an integral part of the history of LCCS and the community," he says.




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LCCS launched its capital campaign, "Same Foundation…New Generation," a little more than one year ago. To date, LCCS has reached more than $3 million of its $5 million goal. The money raised will be committed toward the following initiatives:

•  Campus improvements

•  Academic program enrichment

•  Academic program endowment

•  Scholarship endowment

•  Special projects

LCCS has been an active part of the Lincoln community since 1944. The seminary is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

[LCCS news release]


Venus takes on investing

[MARCH 5, 2002]  The Lincoln A.G. Edwards & Sons is presenting a seminar on April 11 and 13.

Seminar information

Women cannot ignore certain facts when planning for their financial futures. For example, 90 percent of women will become wholly responsible for their finances sometime during their lifetimes.*

You’ll discover ways to help you:

•  Plan for successful financial future.

•  Reduce your taxes.

•  Increase your investment income potential.

•  Build for your retirement.

•  Build a "rainy day" fund.

•  Accumulate money for a child or grandchild’s education.

*Source: Investment Company Institute


Bridget Schneider, financial consultant with A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.


•  Thursday, April 11, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

•  Saturday, April 13, 9-10 a.m.


Heartland Community College

620 Broadway St.

Lincoln, IL 62656


(217) 732-3877 or (800) 596-0014

Contact person

Brittney Van Fossan or Nina Westen

AES/CILCO presents check to LCCS

[MARCH 4, 2002]  John Dreusicke, account manager for AES/CILCO, recently presented the energy company’s annual contribution to Lincoln Christian College and Seminary. Gary Edwards, vice president of stewardship development for LCCS, accepted the $3,000 gift. AES/CILCO has been a generous supporter of LCCS for nearly 20 years.

"AES/CILCO is proud to play an active role in the communities we serve, supporting education, the arts and family activities," Dreusicke said.

Edwards says that annual giving plays a crucial role in the success of LCCS. "Gifts such as these provide money to help LCCS continue to offer exceptional education, implement new programs and meet the daily needs of our institution," he explains. "LCCS has benefited greatly from the many generous contributions from AES/CILCO and other loyal supporters in the Lincoln community."

[LCCS news release]


[John Dreusicke (left) of CILCO shakes hands
with Gary Edwards of LCCS.]
[Photo provided by LCCS]

New dean named at Lincoln College

[FEB. 28, 2002]  The Lincoln College board of trustees recently appointed Greg Eimer the dean of financial services, effective July 1.

Eimer, a native of Lincoln, holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Illinois State University and is also a certified public accountant.

Before coming to Lincoln College, Eimer worked for Abbott, Phillips & Co, Ltd. as an audit manager and individual and corporate tax adviser. He joined Lincoln College in February 1996 as director of accounting and personnel. In 1998, he was promoted to director of business services.

Lincoln College President Jack Nutt says Eimer’s leadership has kept the college on solid financial ground. "We are very pleased to have him fill this important position. He knows the changing demands shaping the business world and how they affect the direction of our school. He has a deep and personal knowledge of the business and financial worlds, proven abilities in interpersonal relations, good judgment, and a clear vision for how to take this school into the future."

Eimer is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Illinois CPA Society.

He lives in Lincoln with his wife, Beth, and son Jack.

[Lincoln College news release]

Heartland College considers building project

[FEB. 28, 2002]  NORMAL — The Feb. 19 meeting of the Heartland Community College board of trustees included reports on the scholarship program that focuses on volunteerism, official 10th day enrollment figures for spring 2002 and a proposed capital project.

Community Scholars

An update on the Community Scholars program, which provides scholarship opportunities for students participating in community service, was presented to the board. The report includes academic success, graduate rates, program activities and a list of the agencies that received volunteer support from the students in the 2001-2002 school year.

Tenth day spring enrollment

The official 10th day enrollments for the 2002 spring semester increased almost 8 percent over last spring, to 4,237. There was also a change in credit hour totals. A credit hour total of 32,033 reflects a 2.8 percent decrease from last spring.

Capital project proposal

A locally funded capital project to address increasing space demands for classrooms was recommended to the board for approval. The proposal emphasizes the need to address enrollment growth that has challenged current instructional spaces at the new campus to near capacity.

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The plan would provide an additional 12 classrooms that would expand available class space for high-demand courses such as the social sciences, humanities, communications and mathematics. If approved, the project is expected to be completed in time for the fall 2003 semester.

Construction of a facility with approximately 16,000 gross square feet would cost $4 million. It would be located on the east side of the existing Instructional Commons Building.

Heartland’s fall head count is expected to reach 5,000, a 20 percent increase from the current 4,200 (fall 2001).

[HCC news release]

The Chamber Report

The chamber of commerce is a catalyst for community progress, bringing business and professional people together to work for the common good of Lincoln and Logan County.

Bobbi Abbott, Executive Director

Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce

303 S. Kickapoo St.

Lincoln, IL 62656

(217) 735-2385


Honors & Awards

Main Street Corner News

Main Street Lincoln officers elected

[FEB. 13, 2002]  New officers for Main Street Lincoln were elected at the organization’s annual dinner this week. Community activist Jan Schumacher was elected president. David Lanterman, co-owner of Beans and Such, was elected vice president. Susie Fuhrer, owner of Blue Dog Inn, was re-elected treasurer. All three are longtime Main Street volunteers.

Fuhrer also was re-elected to a three-year term on the board, as was Jon Steffens, vice president of Eckerts Inc., who just completed his term as president. Tim McCormick, vice president of Farmers State Bank in Emden, and Jeannie Xamis, owner of Serendipity

Stitches, were also elected to three-year terms.

At the dinner, outgoing board member Paul Gleason was recognized for his contributions to Main Street.

Main Street Lincoln is in its eighth year of economic development and historic preservation of the Courthouse Square Historic District in downtown Lincoln. The group is always looking for volunteers for its new and ongoing projects.

[Main Street Lincoln news release]

Main Street Lincoln

303 S. Kickapoo

Lincoln, IL 62656

Phone: (217) 732-2929

Fax: (217) 735-9205

E-mail: manager@mainstreetlincoln.com


Job Hunt

Lincolndailynews.com makes it easy to look for a job in the Logan County area.

The Logan County Health Department is accepting applications for a full-time home health nurse. This 37½ hour per week position is for a registered nurse with at least two years of recent nursing experience. Candidate must be able to work independently and have excellent communication skills. Benefits include paid vacation and sick time, pension plan, group health insurance and 13 paid holidays. Work hours are between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. This position has no beeper or on-call requirement, but does include some scheduled weekend work. If interested, complete an application at Logan County Health Department, 109 Third Street, P.O. Box 508, Lincoln, IL 62656-0508. No phone calls please. EOE

Staff Assisted Independent Living, Inc. is an agency dedicated to providing CILA services to adults with developmental disabilities. We are currently looking to fill the position of QMRP. A successful candidate will have a bachelor’s degree in human services or a related field, and have at least one year experience working with people with developmental disabilities. Please send resume and letter of interest to S.A.I.L., Inc., ATTN: Allyson Kueker, Executive Director, P.O. Box 407, Beardstown, IL 62618.

Staff Assisted Independent Living, Inc. is accepting applications for DSPs in our Mason City and Havana homes. You will be working in a homelike setting with six individuals. Must have high school diploma or GED and a valid drivers license. Training will be provided on the job. For an application, write to S.A.I.L., Inc., P.O. Box 407, Beardstown, IL 62618, or call (217) 323-3126.

, you can list available jobs by e-mailing
ldn@lincolndailynews.com. Each job listing costs $10 the first week, $20 for eight days to one month. There is a limit of 75 words per announcement.

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