
Good NeighborsBenefits and SalesA Day in the Life...,

DiasporaFamily and Friends in the Armed Forces,  


May 2002

Sunday, May 5
WHO: Public
Donley-Winegardner benefit mostaccioli dinner
K of C Hall
11 am - 3 pm

SPONSOR: Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital
Centennial Celebration
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital
11 am - 3 pm

SPONSOR: Central School PTA
Open to the public
WHAT: Retiree open house honoring
Leonard Janet, Joe Hackett, Janet Hanning, Leslie Wilmert and Dale Wampler
WHERE: Adams School gymnasium
WHEN: 2-4 pm

Tuesday, May 7
SPONSOR: Lincoln Writers’ Club
Area people interested in writing
Monthly meeting
Pegram Room at Lincoln Public Library
6 pm

SPONSOR: School District 27
Spring concert of elementary cadet and concert bands
Lincoln Junior High School gymnasium
7 pm

Thursday, May 9
SPONSOR: Logan County Arts Association
Public; ticket admission; limited seating
WHAT: Showing of classic film "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"
WHERE: Lincoln Cinemas, 215 S. Kickapoo
WHEN: 7 pm

Friday, May 10
SPONSOR: St. John United Church of Christ
WHAT: Ice cream social

WHERE: 204 Seventh St.
WHEN: 4:30-7 pm

Friday and Saturday, May 10-11
WHAT: Poppy days; donations go to help veterans

Saturday, May 11
WHO: Public
WHAT: Atlanta townwide garage sales

WHERE: Throughout Atlanta
WHEN: 8 am - 2 pm

Wednesday, May 15
SPONSOR: American Red Cross
WHAT: Blood drive

WHERE: Lincoln Sports Complex
WHEN: noon-6 pm

Saturday, May 18
SPONSORS: Lincoln American Legion and Lincoln Heat baseball organizations
WHAT: Golf outing

WHERE: Northgreens Golf Course, Atlanta

WHO: Public
WHAT: Grand March for Lincoln Community High School prom 

WHERE: Logan County Courthouse
WHEN: 6 pm

Saturday and Sunday, May 18-19
WHO: Public
WHAT: "Illinois Goes to War, 1830-Present"; living history displays and demonstrations

WHERE: Postville Courthouse
WHEN: 10 am - 4 pm

Thursday, May 23
WHAT: Central Illinois Community Blood Center blood drive

WHERE: YMCA Activity Center, 721 Wyatt Ave.
WHEN: 3-7 pm

May 24-27
SPONSOR: American Legion
WHAT: Poppy days; donations go to help veterans

May 25-27
WHO: Public
WHAT: "Avenue of Flags"

WHERE: Steenbergen Cemetery, Mount Pulaski

Monday, May 27
WHO: Public
WHAT: Memorial Day celebration

WHERE: Logan County Courthouse
WHEN: 10:30 am

WHO: Public
WHAT: Atlanta Memorial Day festival

WHERE: Atlanta
WHEN: 10:30 am, memorial ceremony; 1 pm, antique tractor parade

WHO: Public
WHAT: Mount Pulaski Memorial Day ceremonies

WHERE: Mount Pulaski Cemetery and Steenbergen Cemetery




SPECIAL EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS:  LCT auditions for ‘Dearly Departed,’  Spring band concertMay meeting of Lincoln Writers’ ClubMaster Gardeners walkOasis anniversaryRotary plants tree at Lincoln College, honoring Herb AlexanderSchool retirees to be honoredLandfill open additional hoursLogan County LEPC committee appointmentsLincoln Area YMCA 2002 summer day camps

REGULAR POSTINGS FOR ORGANIZATIONS:  Addresses of city and county officialsGirl ScoutsLincoln Park District,  OasisYMCA


LCT auditions for ‘Dearly Departed’

It would be hard to imagine a goofier or funnier set of individuals than the members of a Southern family named the Turpins who are the central characters in Lincoln Community Theatre’s July 12-20 production of  "Dearly Departed." Despite the family’s earnest efforts to pull themselves together for their father’s funeral, other problems keep overshadowing the solemn occasion. Amidst the chaos, the Turpins turn for comfort to their friends and neighbors, an eccentric community of misfits who just manage to pull together and help each other through their hours of need, and finally, the funeral.

The comedy is directed by D. Ann Jones of Clinton.

Auditions will be on Friday, May 10, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and on Saturday, May 11, from 10 to noon at St. John Church of Christ, 204 Seventh St. in Lincoln. People wishing to audition should arrive at the beginning and plan to stay for the full two hours.

The director is looking for actors ranging in age from 20 on up. The play calls for a cast of four to six men, six to eight women, a trio of singers and one teenage girl. There are many parts for older "mature" actors.

A copy of the script from this play is available at the main desk of the Lincoln Public Library. It may not be checked out.

Season tickets for the summer performances, which also include the June production of "Hello, Dolly!" and the August production of "The King and I," are still available. Send check or money order ($20 for adult ticket; $12 for children through eighth grade) to LCT, Box 374, Lincoln 62656. For information on auditions or season membership, call (217) 732-4763 or (217) 732-2640.

[Judy Rader, LCT publicity chairman]

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Spring band concert

The elementary cadet and concert bands from District 27 will have their spring concert this Tuesday, May 7, at the junior high school gym at 7 p.m. Both bands are directed by Susan Kuhlmyer.

May meeting of
Lincoln Writers’ Club

The Lincoln Writers’ Club will have its regular meeting on May 7 in the Pegram Room of the Lincoln Public Library. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. All people in the area who are interested in writing are invited to attend. For further information, you may call Rebecca Johnson at 732-2723.

Master Gardeners walk

The Master Gardeners of Logan County are undertaking their first major event of the season. Saturday, June 8, garden enthusiasts will be given the opportunity to tour eight of Lincoln’s most attractive gardens.

On the tour are the perennial garden on the south side of the Extension office at the Logan County Fairgrounds, the "Children’s Gardens" just north of Jefferson School on Sixth Street, Mary and Jerry Moore’s garden at 121 Carter Lane, Pete and Dixie Ross’ garden at 1430 Delavan St., Dr. Don and Jan Sielaff’s garden at 135 Tenth St., Bob and Jody Graue’s garden at 4 Meadow Lane, Sarah Jacobs’ garden at 326 Park Place, and Bob and Lynn Neal’s Scully Estate gardens.

The tour will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine.

Tickets are $8 each and are on sale at State Bank, Logan  County Bank, CEFCU, Union Planters Bank and the Extension office. Make plans now to attend, and ask your neighbor to tour with you.

A new Master Gardener class will begin in September at the Logan County Extension office. All classes are taught by specialists and professors of the University of Illinois Department of Agriculture.

Oasis anniversary

The Senior Citizens of Logan County will have an open house at The Oasis from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, May 9, to celebrate 17 years of service. The public is invited to attend and take a leisurely look at the senior center, located at 501 Pulaski in Lincoln.

The event will feature a sampling of the services and activities the center currently offers. Featured services will include free glaucoma screening, Circuit Breaker information, veterans’ affairs, free hearing screening, van programs, computer classes, blood pressure checks, weekend activities, "Memories" class, ceramics classes, rug-looming class and general membership information.

Entertainment, cookies, cake, coffee and punch will be provided for your enjoyment.

Oasis board members will be available to answer questions.

The board of directors for the organization is known as a "working board" and has been chaired by excellent presidents. The initial president was Ed Bayer, 1984-1985, followed by Bernice Hackett, 1986-1987; Marge Fuller, 1988-1991; Gene Chapman, 1992-1994; Mary Alvey, 1994-1996; Nancy Amberg, 1996-1997; Dean Baker, 1998-2001; and the current president, David LaForge.

The Oasis senior center was chartered in May 1985 as a nonprofit charitable organization. Since then the organization has grown in membership and services to the citizens of Logan County.

The mission of the senior center is to provide services and activities that enhance an individual’s dignity, support independence and encourage involvement in and with the community.

Rotary plants tree at Lincoln College,
honoring Herb Alexander

Lincoln Rotary honored past member Herb Alexander by planting a hard red maple tree on the campus of Lincoln College on Friday, April 26, at 4 p.m. The tree is on the west side of the McKinstry Library.

Marty Ahrends, president of Rotary, said the gesture pays tribute to all the work that Mr. Alexander did for Rotary. "Herb epitomized the Rotary motto of ‘Service Above Self,’ both in his vocation as a retail grocer and as a man of the community," she said. "He spent countless hours planting and watering trees in Lincoln’s parks on behalf of Rotary. This tree will serve as a living tribute to Herb and all he has given to Rotary and the people of Lincoln."

Lincoln College President Jack Nutt said the gift is a wonderful idea. "Herb chaired the building and grounds committee for Lincoln College," he explained, "and I think everyone would agree that this gesture is a living memorial to what Herb was all about."

Herb Alexander became a Rotarian in April 1961. He served as club president in the 1980s and was a Paul Harris Fellow. He also served as a trustee of Lincoln College from 1978 until his death in February.

School retirees to be honored

The Central School PTA is sponsoring a retirement open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, May 5, at Adams School Gymnasium in honor of the following retirees:

•  Leonard Janet, principal

•  Joe Hackett, teacher

•  Janet Hanning, teacher

•  Leslie Wilmert, teacher

•  Dale Wampler, janitor

Landfill open additional hours

The city landfill at Broadwell Drive and Lincoln Parkway will be open additional hours starting Tuesday, April 16, through the end of May so Lincoln residents can dispose of yard waste, street superintendent Don Osborne announced recently. Hours will be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. The landfill will be closed Mondays.

Logan County LEPC committee appointments

Logan County Local Emergency Planning Committee, the LEPC, held its spring quarterly meeting at the Logan County Safety Complex recently. Yearly elections for all offices, voting delegates, committees and chairs were held. The following members will serve as officers for the year 2002.

LEPC committee appointments

* Indicates chair

Hazard analysis — Dan Fulscher*, Kathy Waldo, Lisa Funk, Mike Patridge, Bobbie Abbott, Steve Siltman

Response and preparedness — Lisa Funk*, Rick Nesbit, Sheriff Tony Soloman, Police Chief Richard Montcalm, IDOT representative Mike Esker

Community awareness — Dan Fulscher*, Bobbi Abbott*, Linda Nelson, Joan Crabb, Don Begolka, Ken Davison

Health services — Kathy Waldo*, Lloyd Evans, Gary Bellafiore, Barb Kline, Roger Leesman, Marsha Stoll, Debbie Cook, Steve Siltman

Training — Mike Patridge*, Delmar Stewart, Sheila Nelson, Lincoln City Fire Chief Washam, Tom Martin

Community resources — Steve Siltman*, Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis, Atlanta Mayor Bill Martin, Dayle Eldredge, Curtis Sutterfield of the Salvation Army, Devin Vannoy, Ed Houchins

Representatives of constituencies

The law requires that one representative from each of the following categories be included in the LEPC membership. The delegate and predesignated alternate are listed for each constituency.

Local representative of elected official — Dayle Eldredge; Bill Martin

Law enforcement — Ed Baunach, Tim Butterfield

Civil defense and emergency management — Dan Fulscher; Terry Storer

Firefighting — Robert Washam; Roger Leesman

First aid and EMT — Steve Siltman; Tom Martin

Health — Kathy Waldo; Lloyd Evans

Local environmental — Mike Patridge; Warren Wendlandt

Hospital — Barb Kline; Gary Auten

Transportation — Don Begolka; Brian Hinds

Broadcast, print, electronic media — Joan Crabb; Jan Youngquist

Community groups — Mary Elston; Tammy Buse

Owners and operators of regulated facilities — Lisa Funk; Sheila Nelson


Addresses of city and county officials

(Title, first name, last name, city or job title, address, city, state, postal code; phone)

Lincoln City Council members

Hon. Elizabeth Davis, Mayor, P.O. Box 353, Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-3912

Mr. David Armbrust, Alderman 3rd Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-4261

Mr. Steve Fuhrer, Alderman 2nd Ward, 1203 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-6679

Mr. Benny Huskins, Alderman 1st Ward, 412 N. Madison St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-3894

Mr. William Melton, Alderman 4th Ward, 1112 E. Burlington St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-2658

Mr. George Mitchell, Alderman 3rd Ward, 427 Wyatt Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-2151

Mr. Michael Montcalm, Alderman 5th Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-6606

Mr. Verl Prather, Alderman 2nd Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-4778

Rev. Glenn Shelton, Alderman 4th Ward, 920 Pekin St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-8749

Mr. Joseph Stone, Alderman 5th Ward, 270 Southgate, Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-1600

Mr. Pat Madigan, Alderman 1st Ward, 110 Park Place, Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-3724

Logan County Board members

Mr. Richard Logan, Chairman, Logan County Board, 1211 Fifth St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-8114

Mr. Lloyd Hellman, Vice Chairman, Logan County Board, 104 Prairie Lane, Emden, IL 62635;  376-3827

Mr. Roger Bock, Logan County Board, 450 450th Ave., Williamsville, IL 62693;  566-3867

Mr. Thomas Cash, Logan County Board, 230 S. Main St., Latham, IL 62543;  674-3423

Mr. Doug Dutz, Logan County Board, 119 Portland Place, Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-1478

Mr. Paul Gleason, Logan County Board, 1621 Rutledge, Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-9111

Mr. Jim Griffin, Logan County Board, P.O. Box 222, Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-7191

Mr. David Hepler, Logan County Board, 119 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-8586

Ms. Gloria Luster, Logan County Board, 106 N. Marion St., Mount Pulaski, IL 62548;  792-5275

Mr. Clifford Sullivan, Logan County Board, 519 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-2539

Mr. Dale Voyles, Logan County Board, 543 11th St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-7901

Mr. Terry ("T.W.") Werth, Logan County Board, 123 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-9314

Mr. Rod White, Logan County Board, 477 1700th St., New Holland, IL 62671;  732-4793

Girl Scout announcements

  • Girl Scout leader meetings:  the first Thursday of each month, at the usual time and place.

Websites with lots of ideas that Girl Scout leaders, families or kids can use: 

See the website for Girl Scouts, Land of Lincoln Council, at

You can send questions and suggestions to the council by clicking here:

Also, see the national Girl Scouts site at

Lincoln Park District notes

 You know summer is coming when it’s time to sign up for baseball and softball. Registrations are still being taken for boys and girls. Teams will be drawn at the end of the month. Men’s and women’s softball registration will close the first Saturday in May.

•  Plans are under way for Post Prom, which will be at the park district facilities on May 18.  The Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Task Force sponsors the event with support from the Healthy Families Task Force.  Prom-age young people may enjoy a night of fun without the concerns about the presence of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.  Games, DJ, pizza,
and a magician are slated to be just a part of
the night.

•  For those of you who don’t enjoy working out in the summer heat, we encourage you to join us for aerobics. All of our classes are in a private, air-conditioned room. We will even let you use our showers so you can leave after your workout as fresh and clean as when you came in. Aerobics schedules with class descriptions on the back are available at the front and back desks.  If you have any questions, call us at 732-8770 between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday.  On Sunday our office staff is available from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Oasis update

The Oasis, Logan County’s senior citizen center, at 501 Pulaski St. in Lincoln, is open weekdays (except holidays) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center also is open on Friday and Sunday nights for table games. Dominic Dalpoas is the executive director. Activities are open to all Logan County senior citizens, regardless of membership.

Van trips

A trip to see "Don Williams" at Nashville North in Taylorville is scheduled for May 11 at 4:15. The cost is $31 for ticket and transportation. Please call The Oasis, 732-6132, for a reservation.

Special 17th anniversary party

Join us from 4 to 6 p.m. on May 9 for our special celebration. We will have representatives from service agencies available to discuss the assistance that is offered. Current Oasis activity information will also be available. Entertainment and dessert will also be provided for your enjoyment.

Glaucoma screening

Call 732-6132 for an appointment to have a free glaucoma test between 9 a.m. and noon on May 17. The service is provided by the doctor from Drake Eye Care Center.

Computer classes

There are seats available for the June classes in computer basics, word processing, e-mail-Internet and spreadsheet-database. The fee is only $15 for Monday-Friday, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Call 732-6132 for a reservation.

Game winners

The weekday pinochle winner for April 19 and 23 was Helen Cart. Weekend winners were Esther Will for pinochle and Harley Heath for pool.


Friends of The Oasis members receive bimonthly newsletters by mail. For more information, call The Oasis at 732-6132 or 732-5844.

YMCA news

YMCA pool program

This summer the Lincoln Area YMCA is expanding upon its aquatics programming. The Y will now offer to teach swim lessons to small groups at private pools. If you own a pool and have a group of neighborhood children or relatives who need swim lessons, your family is eligible. The family that owns the pool will receive free lessons for their children as well.

The YMCA has created this "Backyard Pool Program" to help make neighborhood pools safe. So put your mind at ease and make sure that the children in your pool are safe. If you have any questions or would like to be a part of this new Y service, feel free to contact the YMCA. Together we can build strong kids, strong families, strong communities.

YMCA plans fund-raisers

Spring garden and art sale

The YMCA Youth Arts Council will be having a fund-raiser to help support their Art Outreach program. The fund-raiser will be May 3-5 at the YMCA Activity Center (old Odd Fellows Gym), 721 Wyatt Ave. Hours will be as follows: Friday 4-8, Saturday 9-5 and Sunday noon-4.

This is one event that you won’t want to miss! The YMCA will transform the gym into a grand and exotic garden setting with a garden cafe where you can enjoy a gourmet brunch, lunch or snack.

The youth instructors and volunteers will be designing and creating a vast assortment of mosaic potted planters, garden statues, fountains, hand-painted garden signs, steppingstones, garden plaques, an assortment of artwork, photography, organic body products (lotions, bath oils, body spritzers and bath salts), plus lots more.

Bring a friend and enjoy an hour or two of shopping and relaxing with a cup of herbal tea, or energize with aromatic coffees and cappuccinos.

Battle of the Bands

When: Saturday, May 18

Time: noon-?

Where: YMCA Activity Center, (old Odd Fellows Gym), 721 Wyatt Ave., Lincoln

The event is open to all bands (including garage bands) that would like to compete for this year’s title in the YMCA Battle of the Bands. For more information, call the YMCA office.

Admission is $3.

There will be a beverage and food stand. T-shirts and hemp jewelry will also be available.

Bring blankets or lawn chairs, kick back and enjoy a variety of music.

All proceeds help support the YMCA Art Outreach program and YMCA NYPUMS (minibikes program).

Lincoln Area YMCA 2002 summer day camps

YMCA summer day camp is the right choice to make when looking for fun and adventure for kids throughout the summer months. Mom and Dad can simply go to work each day knowing that their children will share hours of fun with their friends in a safe environment. Kids will fill their time at the Y this summer by enjoying lots of field trip fun, including swimming, ice skating, roller skating, hiking in area parks, a try at fishing, climbing on the YMCA low ropes course, archery, and visits to a water park, the Decatur Children’s Museum and the golf range at Lincoln Park District.

Children will enjoy the qualified and fun-loving YMCA staff as they play games and guide the children in various educational activities. Activities planned include singing camp songs, experiencing outdoor activities such as hikes in area parks, learning to tie knots, making special snacks, enjoying visits from guest speakers, playing various sports, and having special contest fun with entertaining "kid" games such as jacks, marbles, yo-yos, hula hoops, hacky sacks, Slinkies, spinning tops and much more. Children will also enjoy group arts and crafts, reading activities, storytelling fun, creative drama activities, skits, and will swim most days that weather permits.

Summer day camp will be offered at the following locations this year:

•  Children entering kindergarten to second grade — YMCA facility and outdoor grounds on Wyatt Avenue

•  Third through sixth grade — Immanuel Lutheran Church outdoor picnic grounds (1409 Pulaski St.)

•  Kindergarten through sixth-grade program for Atlanta — Atlanta Grade School


Announcement forms are now available online! Print out yours, fill it out, and bring it or send it in to Lincoln Daily News. We welcome your pictures, black and white as well as color. This free service is extended to all of our readers. Your announcement will be posted online. Anyone, anywhere can read it! Now Aunt Betty in Florida, Uncle Bob in Alaska, and Cousin Frank in Fiji can log in and read your announcement on Lincoln Daily News!

[Click here to see and print the wedding announcement form]

[Click here to see and print the anniversary announcement form]

[Click here to see and print the engagement announcement form]

When family and friends matter most

Fund-raiser Sunday

[MAY 3, 2002]  Family and friends of Ryan J. Donley and Daphne (Winegardner) Donley are getting together for a second time this spring in honor of the couple that was wed seven weeks ago at Holy Family Catholic Church. Unlike the celebration of new lives beginning together, this gathering carries a somber purpose. It is to raise funds to help pay off medical bills incurred by Ryan during their brief marriage. Ryan passed away from acute leukemia less than four weeks after they were wed. He had no insurance.

Six months after they met Ryan and Daphne were engaged to be married. They waited and worked for three years getting their lives in near-perfect order before they married. Ryan, a 2001 graduate of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, wanted to fly for the military. He completed Officer Training School in Knoxville, Tenn., on Feb. 22, 2002. He was a second lieutenant for Continental Express and a member of the 183rd Fighter Wing of the Illinois Air National Guard awaiting F-16 pilot training. He was supposed to report for UPT (pilot training) on April 2.


Daphne, like Ryan, had been working at her career dream too. She has just graduated from the same college, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, this past Saturday. Her goal is to fly for commercial airlines. She’s looking for a job in a field that has just sustained massive layoffs.

Daphne is the granddaughter of Leroy and Judy McCray and the late Nancy Winegardner. When Daphne was young, she and her parents, Tom and Barb Winegardner, moved south and currently reside in Florida. Besides her grandparents, she has lots of other aunts, uncles and other relatives still living here. With lots of family here, Lincoln remains their hometown, and the Donleys chose Lincoln for their March 16 wedding.


[to top of second column in this article]

The day after they returned from their honeymoon, Monday, March 25, Ryan went into the hospital. He had been tired and looked a little pale at the wedding, but who wouldn’t be, getting married in another state just following officer training. However, as it turned out he was more than just a little run-down. He was diagnosed that day with acute leukemia. They immediately began chemotherapy. Ryan just got sicker. He never left the hospital. Two and a half weeks later, on Thursday, April 11, 23-year-old Ryan passed away.


A new college graduate, at age 22, Daphne is an unexpected widow with no job and huge medical bills.

Contributions to help ease that debt are being accepted. All contributions will be used only toward the medical bills and nothing else. If you wish to contribute, you can make checks payable to Tom Winegardner or Daphne Winegardner and send them to Tom and Barb Winegardner, 132 Mystic Lane, Jupiter, FL 33458.

You can also attend the benefit mostaccioli dinner on Sunday, May 5, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the K of C Hall in Lincoln. Donations of $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under will be accepted at the door. There will be raffles and a 50-50 drawing.

[Jan Youngquist]

Benefits and Sales

Motor home — Looking for reliable used motor home, low mileage, in good condition. For full-time Christian music ministry. If you have a vehicle available, please contact Bill Dolan to make payment arrangements: (217) 735-2748.

People all across this country and, in fact, around the world, claim roots in Logan County. They have very interesting stories to tell, and some of them like to connect with those of us who stayed at home. Logan County Diaspora publishes the stories of former Logan County residents. With their permission, we also include their e-mail addresses so that old friends might be reunited.  If you wish to be part of the Logan County Diaspora, e-mail  

Diaspora correspondents

Click on names to see letters and stories.

v Indicates LDN sponsors

Family and Friends in the Armed Forces

Friends and relatives serving in the armed forces are listed here so we might all hold them in our thoughts, prayers and well wishes. If you know of other friends and relatives serving (they need not be from Logan County), please send the information to Along with the name, you are invited to include the branch of service, current location of service, postal address, e-mail address and relationship to the person providing the information (optional).

A1C James P. Allen

U.S. Air Force

820 Red Horse Squadron

Nellis AFB, Nevada

Son of John and Jo Ann Allen of Beason

2001 graduate of Lincoln Community High School

A1C Jerome A. Allen

U.S. Air Force

At Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

Postal address: 5805 Mountain Home St.

Unit J-13

Nellis AFB, NV 89191


Son of John and Jo Ann Allen of Beason

2000 graduate of Lincoln Community High School


SST Kenneth Allen
and wife Susan Allen (Elza)

U.S. Army-1AD-HHC

Weisbaden, Germany

E-mail: or

Jon Barton

West Point, N.Y.

Jon Bowers

Lackland Air Force Base, Texas

Josh Campbell


Justin Clott

U.S. Navy


CDR Jim Cravens

(Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Lincoln)

U.S. Navy

At Atlantic Fleet Headquarters, Norfolk, Va.

Postal address: CDR James O. Cravens, N02GR

1562 Mitscher Ave., Suite 250

Norfolk, VA, 23551-2487-2487

E-mail:  or 

Staff Sgt. Evan Jay Downey, Karen and Ethan

U.S. Air Force

Mildenhall Air Force Base, England

1988 graduate of LCHS

Son of Lucky Eichner

LTJG Frederick V. Dehner

U.S. Navy

Currently en route from Saldina, Italy, to the USS Annapolis, stationed at Groton, Conn.

Home on leave: Contact at 732-2861 


Son of Philip and Connie L. Dehner

1984 graduate of Lincoln Community High School

Ben Estes

Fort Benning, Ga.

[to top of second column in this section]

Tech. Sgt. Veronica Hasprey

39 CES

Prime Beef Deployed

Operation Northern Watch

APO AE - 09396 - 5000

A1C Chad M. Maxheimer
U.S. Air Force

Hurlburt Field, Fla.


Son of Mike and Suzie Maxheimer of Chestnut and Michelle Lowe of Mount Pulaski

2000 graduate of Mount Pulaski High School

Kevin McGinnis


Philip Nodine

Army National Guard

Fort Jackson, S.C.

In basic training

Michelle K. Ramlow


At Pentagon

Postal address: 5409-B Steeplechase Drive

Fredericksburg, VA 22407


Maj. James E. Reineke,
Deborah, Nathan, Emily

Air Force

Misawa Air Base, Japan


Pvt. Christian B. Skelton

U.S. Army

Scheduled to graduate from AIT in late March.

He and his wife will go to Germany in April.

Postal address: A CO 1-19th INF ITB

4th Platoon

Fort Benning, GA 31905-5630


2001 graduate of LCHS

Husband of Nahani Lynn Skelton

Erika L. Slayton

Illinois Air National Guard, 183rd Fighter Wing

Frankfurt, Germany

Postal address: Erika Slayton


PSC 5 Box 1000

APO AE 09050

E-mail address: 

Daughter of Lloyd (Ed) and Bridget Slayton

Robby, Ami-Jo and Angela Spickard

National Guard medical support

Tech. Sgt. Thomas Yarcho

U.S. Air Force

At Ramstein Air Base, Germany


Class of 82


Ongoing class reunion in cyberspace for 1960 graduates of LCHS


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