O'Neill and another citizen interested
in our youth, Shawn Taylor, discussed the need to hear what our
youth are interested in talking about. Taylor will be reserving
Logan Lanes for the "Town Meeting with Youth" from 6 to 7:30 this
Saturday evening.
O'Neill said he used to take a two- to
three-mile walk every day and would talk to youth during that time.
Since he has been on the county board he hasn't had that time or
connection. He sees setting a time to meet with youth as a means of
getting to know what they are thinking and need. He doesn't see it
as a time to preach to them but to talk. He hopes other adults will
come out to listen and connect too.
O'Neill is
contacting schools to get the word out to youth this week. He hopes
there will be a great turnout of youth and officials. All community
leaders are welcome to come join in the talk time -- the more the
better, O'Neill says.