Wednesday, April 6


Governor proclaims Friday as Illinois day of mourning for pope          Send a link to a friend

[APRIL 6, 2005]  CHICAGO -- In recognition of Pope John Paul II's tremendous achievements and the millions who mourn his passing, Gov. Rod Blagojevich has proclaimed Friday as a day of mourning for Pope John Paul II. The proclamation coincides with the official funeral services that will be conducted on Friday in Vatican City.

"In the days leading up to his passing, Pope John Paul II displayed the same level of dignity, perseverance, and strong convictions of faith and morals that characterized his long and accomplished papacy," Gov. Blagojevich said. "Here in Illinois, citizens are mourning this sad occasion. However, we can all find comfort in knowing that Pope John Paul II has now returned home to his maker and will live in peace for the rest of eternity."

Pope John Paul II, who served as pope for 26 years, died Saturday. He is considered one of the most influential popes of the modern era, helping to bring an end to communism and spread democracy throughout the world.

"I encourage all citizens, both Catholics and non-Catholics, to join in commemorating the life of one of the most beloved human beings and one of the most accomplished popes that this world has ever seen," concluded the governor in his proclamation.

On Friday, the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago will toll the bells at noon and conduct a special Mass at 5:15 p.m., which will be attended by a representative from every Chicago parish.

Last Sunday, the governor joined the congregation at St. Hyacinth's Basilica to mourn the passing of Pope John Paul II. The governor also issued a proclamation ordering flags at all state of Illinois facilities be flown at half-staff until the pontiff is laid to rest. ["Gov. Blagojevich mourns the passing of Pope John Paul II"]

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Text of the governor's proclamation of the day of mourning:

WHEREAS, the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, left this world on Saturday, April 2, 2005. As the Pope lived out his final hours, millions of people in Vatican City, and billions across the globe gathered to mourn this tremendous loss to humanity, and to celebrate the life of this amazing man; and

WHEREAS, in the days leading up to his passing, Pope John Paul II displayed the same level of dignity, perseverance, and strong convictions of faith and morals that characterized his long and accomplished Papacy; and

WHEREAS, here in Illinois, citizens are mourning this sad occasion. However, we can all find comfort in knowing that Pope John Paul II has now returned home to his maker, and will live in peace for the rest of eternity; and

WHEREAS, on Friday, April 8, 2005, official services will be held in Vatican City to mourn the death of Pope John Paul II. In accordance with this day of mourning, the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago will toll the bells at 12:00 pm and hold special mass as 5:15 pm, where a representative from every Chicago parish will attend; and

WHEREAS, the State of Illinois proudly and faithfully joins the Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Chicago in this very sad and poignant memorial:

THEREFORE, I, Rod Blagojevich, Governor of the State of Illinois, do hereby proclaim Friday, April 8, 2005 as A DAY OF MOURNING FOR POPE JOHN PAUL II, and encourage all citizens, both Catholics and non-Catholics, to join in commemorating the life of one of the most beloved human beings, and one of the most accomplished popes that this world has ever seen.

[News release from the governor's office]

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