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Response to Bruns letter posted Dec. 1          Send a link to a friend

To the editor:

I would like to make some comments on the letter posted about Wal-Mart's competition with local businesses.

First, Wal-Mart's picture studio competing with Picture This and Images is nonsense -- I don't believe the clientele would be the same. In fact, I am willing to bet that the patrons of the Wal-Mart studio can't afford to go and spend over $100 on professional photos. The clientele would just not be the same.

As far as the eye care centers -- maybe a valid point, but I recognize only one of the names as being good old mom and pop type. And if someone who has fixed income can get their vision care at a lower price at a Super Wal-Mart, then great.

On to the cell phones. The Lincoln Wal-Mart sells cell phones already now and has been for a long time -- longer than the Cingular store has been there. So should we scorn the "new" Cingular store for impeding on Wal-Mart's cell phone sales center? I mean, after all, they were there first.

I'm sorry, but every day I read letters about the price of gas around Lincoln, and I cannot believe that someone would be upset about another competitor coming in to maybe help regulate the price wars. It's just good business.

[to top of second column in this letter]

Pharmacies: Three corporations mentioned, one mom and pop. And, once again, the Wal-Mart HAS a pharmacy NOW.

I just really don't understand Lincoln. Change is good, people. When a company is offering to come in build their own infrastructure and streets and donate land -- it's a good thing. I really hope that someday Lincoln will let go of its Norman Rockwell dreams and have the courage to move on and grow.

Wal-Mart is already there. And has brought in an enormous amount of sales tax in the last 20 years. I'm sure that EVERYONE in Lincoln has shopped there -- why all the discontent now? Would it be better if the Lincoln Wal-Mart closed its doors? Think about that -- would you be willing to pay the extra money for the items now bought at Wal-Mart at a convenience or grocery store? I believe that if Wal-Mart would suddenly be gone, it would surely be missed.

Dawn Nikolai

(Posted Dec. 7, 2005)

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