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Wal-Mart is not for communities in need          Send a link to a friend

To the editor:

I think bringing in Wal-Mart is a good idea! If you don't believe in equal wages for women, if you don't believe that hiring illegal aliens is wrong, if you don't believe in discriminating against the disabled, if you don't believe in pouring money into the American-made products or the old "made in America," if you don't believe in providing health care for the working poor, then I think Wal-Mart is for you.

Here in Arizona I have seen for myself the destruction of this corporation. I have worked as an eligibility worker for welfare. A very big percentage of my applicants for the state health care program were Wal-Mart employees. I ask you, Who really is paying for their health care? Certainly not Wal-Mart. It is you and I, the taxpayers. If the CEO would take a small fraction of a pay cut and pour that money back into the company for health care, taxpayers would benefit as well.

[to top of second column in this letter]

Seventy-five percent of products manufactured by factories in China for Wal-Mart are sold in the American stores. Wal-Mart owns the monopoly in importing cheap labor and cheap products from foreign countries. The foreign countries are getting richer because of this monopoly.

I ask you before you support Wal-Mart to ask yourself, What ever happened to Sam Walton's vision of "made by Americans and for Americans"?

Wake up, Lincoln. Wal-Mart is not for communities in need. It is for the greedy CEOs in need of more pocket change.

Let's get mom and pop back into business. After all, they are Lincoln's foundation.

Cathy Nash

(Posted Nov. 29, 2005)

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