Dear Editor: To comment on the
letter written stating that Wal-Mart is in line with other
retailers, I would just like to say that I did work for Wal-Mart in
the tire and lube center. Unless their full-time hours have changed,
28 hours was considered full-time, and with my wage at the time
being $5.50 an hour, how could anyone feel this way?
We all have our opinions, and that is what makes this country of
ours great; on the other hand it can bring about criticism.
As far as the insurance goes, I agree with Mrs. Branson, but I
also know that if Wal-Mart, with their enormous employee count, were
to ask for better benefits from their provider, a deal could be
struck to provide their employees with way better coverage than they
have now, without costing the employees an arm and a leg.
If I am wrong, I stand corrected.
Josh Bruns
(Posted Nov. 30, 2005)
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