Thursday, September 28, 2006
posted daily OVER THE NOON HOUR

of Lincoln Streets Department has just completed a temporary
renovation of the city section of Fifth Street Road, which runs west
of Lincoln Parkway up to Picture This Photography. The work was done
to eliminate potholes and provide smoother travel between now and the
time when a more extensive renovation that is in the works can be
[picture by Jan Youngquist] click on picture for larger image
Sept. 11
books donated to the library
Blagojevich to introduce legislation forcing cell phone companies to
be honest with their customers about costs
Illinois would be first to prohibit phony regulatory charges on cell phone bills
Technology Immersion Pilot
Project schools selected
World, national news
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Wednesday, Sept. 27:
City wrestles
restless topics
Issue 1: Racetrack owners seek early
Illinois' E. coli
case linked to bagged spinach
FDA says it is safe to
eat local, frozen or canned spinach
11 new cases of West
Nile in Illinois
CIEDC represented at national conference
Support group explores divorce-related topics
'Facing My
Walk feeds the hungry at
home and worldwide
Oasis update
Book Look:
'Confronting Your Spouse's Pornography Problem'
Lady Railers
pummel Chatham
Crucial conference contest with SHG
set for Thursday
By Rick Hobler
West Lincoln-Broadwell
baseball on first trek to state
Lincoln Christian
volleyball vs. Principia
Tuesday, Sept. 26
Monday, Sept. 25
Saturday, Sept. 23
Friday, Sept. 22
Thursday, Sept. 21