Monday, December 10, 2007
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Special Report

Illini Hoops: A Work in Progress

By Jeff Mayfield

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[December 10, 2007]  After witnessing the Illinois loss to Arizona on Saturday, I needed a few hours to catch my breath. There is little doubt in my mind that the Illini snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in that contest. In fact, they played so well at times that a case could be made that they could have won going away. But they didn't, and now that is all water under the bridge.

The haters are out in full force. They love every morsel of bad news in the program as they hope it will usher out the coach, the athletic director and anyone else they think doesn't measure up to their "own" greatness. Those who try to say anything positive about the team or the program are labeled as "merry men" and are immediately written off.

Regardless of which camp you are in, my question would be more to the point. What did you expect? Did you think that this team would never have any growing pains? As I said before and will be quick to remind everyone, this team will have some big wins and some terrible losses. Saturday was one of them. Games like that you have to win, but obviously sometimes you don't and that's why they play them.

I don't want to rehash the game. I don't want to second-guess and I don't want to overstate the obvious. They pay a lot of analysts ridiculous amounts of money to do that when I can find junior highers who will do it for free and be a lot less annoying while sharing the information.

What I would like to tell you about are the things that I saw that give me hope for the team's improvement:

First, I really liked the play of Shaun Pruitt. He had a badly sprained ankle and was doubtful before the contest. We had no chance without him and what does he do? Just a warrior's performance with 24 points on 10-of-11 shooting and nine rebounds. His post presence was as effective as I've ever seen him. He wasn't a "black hole" where the ball goes in but never comes back out. He'd toss it back out, reposition himself in the post, get it back and score. And while many are bemoaning the missed free throws (I won't because it only overstates the obvious), his 4-for-7 may be as good as it gets.

He was just huge. And at times I think he dissuaded the Wildcats from even coming inside the paint. We'll need more huge portions of Pruitt to find success in the weeks ahead. He especially will have to pass the ball out to the perimeter more as he will no doubt be seeing a steady bevy of double-teams and even worse on some occasions.

That brings me to the vastly improved play of guard Trent Meacham. He went off for 16 points on 5-of-10 shooting and six huge assists in 39 minutes. He knocked down three big 3s and had a chance to ice the game for the Illini. You can blame him for the loss if you want to, since he missed a free throw at the end, but the Illini are not even in the game without him. His ball control and heady play were keys when Illinois played well in spurts.

I personally liked how he put the ball on the floor, went around defenders and made some midrange shots, which is something this team will need to do more of in the future.

[to top of second column]

Shot selection will need to continue to improve as the season progresses, especially early and mid in the shot clock. This team's strength is not running special sets at the end of the shot clock.

Calvin Brock also really impressed me Saturday. He hit some big shots with people hanging all over him. He finished with 11 points but could have had more. He also dished off three assists and had three steals. He has absolutely insane hops. One time he was so far above the rim that they could have attached their special camera to him, but they would have had to wait to use it until he came back down into focus. He grabbed a wayward Illini shot and threw it down with authority but was just off balance enough to keep the ball from going in.

He's just playing with the kind of confidence that many of us hoped to see last season. Now that it's there, we need to be able to rely on him heavily. If he can become a consistent force, this team reaches its goal of more improvement.

Mike Tisdale, who tallied four points and two boards in nine minutes of action, and Mike Davis, who had four points, three rebounds and two assists, also made the most of their limited action. As they develop more and can be trusted to play more minutes, it will take a huge load off the starters.

If I could be so bold as to throw out a suggestion, mine would be to not let the fans get them down so much. Just concentrate on practice and on the next upcoming game. I see a lot of things to get excited about, but so many people are worried about the postseason and winning so many games, etc., etc. I say worry about today; tomorrow will take care of itself.

There also appears to be a little bit of a leadership void that is prime for somebody to step up and take. If the right player or players can take that step I think this team will have more upside than a lot of people think. Yes, it's going to be difficult, but not impossible. I know our defense will improve. I think our rebounding will too and maybe even our shooting.

Our bench will have to learn on the fly and give us bigger minutes game by game. Coaches will have to work harder than they ever have before. More adjustments and adaptations will have to be made than we have been comfortable with in the past. Perhaps even more sets will have to be learned and used than ever before. But I still think this team has potential, and I'm excited to watch it grow over the next few weeks.


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