Madigan begins new job;
search is on for successor

[JULY 2, 2001]  The Republican county chairmen who met last month to choose a successor to former state Rep. John Turner of Atlanta will be doing much the same thing this month, only this time they will be choosing a replacement for state Sen. Robert Madigan of Lincoln.

Madigan announced last week that he was leaving the Senate to take a position as a member of the Illinois Industrial Commission, the body that hears appeals for workman’s compensation cases if either the employer or employee is not satisfied with the decision made by an arbitrator.

His resignation was effective at midnight June 30, and he begins his new duties on July 2.

Madigan said he will be serving mostly in Chicago but will also sit on panels in Springfield and hold reviews in various other parts of the state. He will have an office in his home in Lincoln, but his main office is in the state of Illinois building in Chicago. However, he said, he intends to continue to live in Lincoln.


He was appointed by Gov. George Ryan to fill an unexpired term and will serve until the term ends Jan. 17, 2005. Then, if he wishes to continue on the commission, he will have to be reappointed by whoever is governor at the time. He confirmed that his salary in the new position is $101,790. His salary as a state senator was $64,269.

"When I first ran for the legislature, I wanted to serve for 12 or 13 years, then do something else," he said. "I’ve served a little longer, 15 years. Recently the governor asked me if I would be willing to serve on the commission. It is a job I feel comfortable in."

Before serving in the legislature, Madigan was a claims specialist for State Farm Insurance. While in the senate, he was chair of the Insurance and Pension Committee and dealt with legislation in this area. "I felt the Illinois Industrial Commission job was a natural fit," he said.

His believes greatest accomplishment as a senator came in 1994, when five statewide pension systems pensions for teachers, state employees, judges, General Assembly members and university retirees were in deep financial trouble.

"I was the Senate sponsor of the plan to bring these systems up to a safe and sound funding level without a tax increase," he told the Lincoln Daily News. "The plan called for continuing appropriations from the general revenue fund so there would be sufficient money in each pension system."

Unfinished business in the legislature which he would like to see completed is putting the retired teachers health insurance fund on a firm financial basis. The fund is running out of money because claims were greater than expected. He said he believes the two task forces working on the problem will come up with a solution before the November veto session.



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He would also like to see the legislature solve an age-old problem, finding additional funding for schools and reducing the tax burden on homeowners.

There were some hints that Madigan might be leaving his post, said John Parrett, McLean County GOP chairman.

"I kept hearing rumors that Sen. Madigan might be stepping down to take a position with a commission. I thought something might possibly transpire by August or September," Parrett said.

"Bob Madigan has been a highly respected state senator and has served us well. He will be missed by his constituents. He is well thought of and has an enormous amount of integrity," he added.

Mary Jane Jones, Mason County GOP chairman, said, "I am real sorry to lose him. He is well respected in Springfield. They listen to him, and they know he is there. He is a great loss to our district."

Madigan said he doesn’t know of anyone who has formally stepped forward to replace him.

His replacement, who must be chosen within 30 days of Madigan’s retirement, will be selected by seven Republican county chairmen, including the six who chose Lincoln attorney Jonathan Wright to replace John Turner. Turner was appointed an Appellate Court judge.


The 45th Senatorial District includes all of Logan, Mason and DeWitt counties, most of Tazewell and Woodford counties, and a part of Piatt and McLean counties. However, those boundaries may change later this year when district lines are redrawn to account for changes in the state’s population.

While Logan County GOP Chairman Ron Sparks had the heaviest weighted vote in the choice for the appointment to the 90th House district, Tazewell County Chairman Claude Stone will have the heaviest vote in the 45th Senatorial District.

Stone will have 45.2 percent of the vote, with the Woodford County chairman having 16.8 percent, the Logan County chairman 15.2 percent, DeWitt chairman 7.6 percent, Mason 6.8 percent, McLean 5.9 percent and Piatt 2.4 percent.

Stone said he has already had several people approach him about the appointment, but he referred them to the caucus chairman, Jered Hooker of DeWitt County. He said the GOP chairmen would not meet until after July 4.

[Joan Crabb]

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Fourth of July activities

[JULY 2, 2001]  Independence Day observances in the area include Lincoln Park District's traditional daylong activities, dedication of the historic Dunlap House in Middletown and dedication of a newly completed Habitat for Humanity home in Mount Pulaski. Click below for details on the holiday events.

LEPC hears plans for annual exercise

[JUNE 30, 2001]  The Logan County Local Emergency Planning Committee met June 27 to learn about projects in progress and continue planning for the Emergency Services and Disaster Agency and LEPC annual exercise.

The exercise, which simulates a disaster and provides training for the organizations that must cope with such a disaster, will be on Sept. 29 this year. Two simulations are planned, one in Mount Pulaski and one in Lincoln.

According to Mike Patridge, the Mount Pulaski exercise will be a simulated hostage situation and will be at the Mount Pulaski High School. Because the date is a Saturday, no students will be present, and students will not be used in the exercise, he said. The state police Tactical Unit and local fire and police departments will take part.


The second exercise, to be held in Lincoln, will simulate a chlorine leak. Chlorine is the most hazardous material usually found in a community.

Lisa Funk, member of the response and preparedness committee and an electrical energy dispatcher for CILCO, said she has applied for a $30,000 state grant to buy two Bullard thermal imagers, one for the Lincoln Fire Department and one for Lincoln Rural Fire Department. The imagers allow firefighters to see people trapped in a burning building or identify "hot spots" even through smoke and flames.

"These units are really important if a life is at stake," she said. Lincoln Fire Department does have one thermal imager, but owning another would allow an imager to be used by another fire department, she noted.

Terry Storer, secretary of LEPC, reported that he is working on the threat assessment that has been requested by the U.S. Department of Justice as part of its planning to combat terrorism. Each county in every state is to make a local assessment of its vulnerability to terrorist attacks and also of its capabilities to handle any threat that might come up. The assessment includes identifying sites and functions that might be targets for terrorist attacks, such as utilities, places where the public is gathered, and firms dealing with genetic engineering and other biotechnology.

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"It lets us see where we are and what we can do, then look at what we need to do to get where we need to be," Storer said.

The Department of Justice has $2 to $3 million available in grants to help communities prepare for terrorist incidents, he added. He said he would have the assessment finished by Sept. 1.

Dan Fulcher, president of LEPC, emphasized that while Logan County is good at dealing with tornadoes and floods, it needs to be better prepared for acts of terrorism, including bio-terrorism.


Sean O’Leary, liaison to LEPC from Illinois Emergency Management Agency, said that the state of Illinois is working on creating an Illinois State Police team that can respond to terrorist acts. He also said the National Guard has a team headquartered in Peoria that can handle hazardous material and terrorism threats.

O’Leary commended the Logan County LEPC on integrating the fire and police departments, as well as many other organizations, and on having representatives of so many community organizations at its meeting.

"You may be on the cutting edge of communities in the state," he told the group.

Meeting dates of Sept. 19 and Dec. 19 were set for the rest of 2001. LEPC will also have representatives in the emergency services tent at the Logan County Fair.

[Joan Crabb]

One more indicted by a grand jury in
the May death of a Lincoln baby

[JUNE 29, 2001]  Edward C. LaScola Jr., 19, of Hopkins Park was arrested at 11 last night, June 28. A Logan County grand jury indicted him yesterday with six counts of first-degree murder in the death of 11-month-old Daneysia Williams, daughter of his girlfriend, Kimberly Williams. The incident took place in Lincoln on Sunday afternoon, May 27.

LaScola was picked up by Lincoln Police Department and has been transported here. He is presently in the Logan County Jail waiting a hearing. He is being held on a $1 million bond. His first arraignment was scheduled for 10:30 this morning, June 29.

Logan County State’s Attorney Tim Huyett said that LaScola is the last of the suspects to be arrested in this case.


The Wright office

[JUNE 29, 2001]  Starting July 1, the office of Jonathan Wright, state representative for the 90th District, will be located at 407 Keokuk St. in Lincoln.

The office phone number is (217) 732-4011; fax number (217) 732-8971.

Wright replaces John Turner of Atlanta, who served almost seven years as the state representative from the 90th District. Turner is now a justice of the 4th District Appellate Court.

[News release]

Sen. Bob Madigan resigns from Senate, accepts post with Industrial Commission

[JUNE 28, 2001]  After 14 years of dedicated service to the 45th Senate District, Sen. Bob Madigan, R-Lincoln, is resigning from office to pursue another career opportunity. His resignation will take effect June 30.

"I have enjoyed every day of my tenure in the Illinois Senate," said Madigan. "It has been both a pleasure and privilege to serve the residents of the 45th District. Originally, I had hoped to serve 12 years in this position, but I have been blessed to serve even longer. For that, I would like to thank my constituents for their trust in my abilities. It has been a tremendous honor to serve as your state senator."

Madigan was appointed Wednesday by Gov. George Ryan to the Illinois Industrial Commission. His appointment will be effective July 2. The Industrial Commission administers Workers’ Compensation and Occupational Diseases Acts that provide compensation for accidental injuries or death suffered while employed in the state.

"I am grateful for this opportunity and proud of the confidence the governor has shown in making this appointment," Madigan said. "This will be a new challenge and one where I believe I can make a contribution."

As a legislator, Madigan has made several noteworthy contributions over the years. He currently serves as chairman of the Senate Insurance and Pensions Committee (formerly the Insurance, Pensions and Licensed Activities Committee). He is also a member of the Licensed Activities Committee and the Agriculture and Conservation Committee.


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In the General Assembly, Madigan was a leader in the fight to maintain the financial integrity of the five state pension funds, while boosting retirees’ benefits. He was the leading negotiator for the retired teachers health insurance program and for mandatory auto insurance and consumer issues. Madigan also fought successfully for HMO reform and a Patients’ Bill of Rights in Illinois. This year, Madigan successfully pushed for creation of an insurance ombudsman to advise the uninsured on their options.

In the area of agriculture and conservation, he passed the Conservation Enhancement Program and supported key proposals to diversify agriculture and boost rural economics. Madigan is immediate past co-chairman of the Illinois Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus.

Before his tenure in the Senate, Madigan served as Lincoln city clerk, taught special education and was a claims specialist for State Farm Insurance. He and his wife, Connie, live in Lincoln and are the parents of two adult children, Patrick and Amy. They are also the proud grandparents of 3-year-old Teran.

The 45th Senate District includes all of Logan, Mason and DeWitt counties and portions of Tazewell, McLean, Piatt and Woodford.

[News release]

Airport Committee to
look at golf course plan

[JUNE 28, 2001]  The Airport Committee of the Logan County Board will be looking at plans for a nine-hole golf course on property by the airport, probably at the committee’s next meeting on Monday, July 2, according to County Board Chairman Dick Logan.

The drawings will be supplied by a Colorado firm which contacted the board and offered to send them drawings if the board sent an aerial photograph of the airport property, Logan said. The "Executive Course" would be a par 3 with nine holes, would take up only 12 acres of the 28-acre site, and would not interfere with the operation of the present airport, he added. He said if the golf course were built, the board would probably lease it out or hire a management firm.

"We got a letter and had a phone conversation with the Colorado company," Logan said. "If we do build the golf course, they would hope to put in a bid, but we are under no obligation to them."

[Joan Crabb]

Making plans for the Fourth?

Schedule a trip to Middletown
and witness history

[JUNE 28, 2001]  The public is invited to the dedication of the Dunlap House, Middletown’s Stagecoach Inn, at 4 p.m. on the Fourth of July.


  • Invocation
  • Presentation of colors by Middletown American Legion
  • Presentation of certificates of recognition
  • Recognition of class of 1948 — flagpole
  • Dedication of the Dunlap House (Stagecoach Inn)
  • Speaker: Dr. Wayne C. Temple, Illinois historian
  • Tour of the inn
  • Music
  • Refreshments

The dedication will take place rain or shine.

People attending are asked to bring their lawn chairs.

The event is sponsored by the Middletown Bicentennial Commission.

[News release]

Police get grant for children’s
program on violence prevention

[JUNE 28, 2001]  Lincoln’s police department has just been awarded another grant, this one $28,900, to continue work on violence prevention with kindergarten through fourth graders.

At the Lincoln City Council meeting on June 26, Police Chief Richard Montcalm announced the approval of the grant by the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority. Montcalm, formerly in the position of community police officer, created the unique program for kindergarten through fourth grades. He said most such programs do not begin until sixth grade.

The program reaches all elementary schools in District 27, West Lincoln-Broadwell, Chester-East Lincoln and Carroll Catholic schools. The department has had funding for the program for the past 3½ years, but last year was the first time fourth-grade classes were added.

Every kindergarten class gets a 3½-hour lesson that deals with good and bad feelings and having disagreements in a positive way. First-grade classes deal with conflicts and how to settle them.

Second-grade sessions emphasize the bully problem, which often surfaces at that age. Third-graders learn cooperation and working in pairs, and fourth-graders build on the cooperation process and on conflict resolution.

The police department also works with the YMCA at seven locations after school and assists with summer camp, giving two violence prevention lessons each week of camp.



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Montcalm is also working on a manual that will become a model for other programs in the state, so that police departments in other cities can utilize the program.

Last year, Montcalm had an article about the program published in the Community Police and Exchange Newsletter, which reached about 70,000 police departments and schools in the state.

He said that after the article appeared he had many inquiries about the program, some from as far away as New York, California and Florida. He said he would also soon have a website for the program.

Along with his new duties as police chief, Montcalm still teaches the violence prevention classes, with the help of Officer Bob Rawlins. He also teaches classes on police and law enforcement issues at Lincoln College and is working on a master’s degree in law enforcement and justice administration at Western Illinois University in Macomb.

[Joan Crabb]

Safe Ride taxi company has new owner

[JUNE 27, 2001]  Safe Ride, the Lincoln area’s only taxi service, is now under new ownership, but for the immediate future riders will see no change. However, a 50-cent fare hike may be coming soon.

The Lincoln City Council granted the license to operate a taxi business to new owner Gary Donley and terminated the license of former owner Kevin Sampson at a meeting Tuesday evening. Donley has been managing the company for the last year and a half.

Noting that the company has been in operation for seven years without an increase in rates, Donley said he would like to increase fares for the four zones to $3, $3.25, $3.75 and $4. Increases would not apply to senior citizens or the handicapped. He said the rising price of gasoline and the difficulty in getting good drivers is the reason for the increase.

The council did not grant the increase, or even discuss the matter, because that request must first be heard by the city’s ordinance committee.

Bill Bates, sitting in for City Attorney Jonathan Wright, told the council that Donley has insurance coverage of $250,000 per passenger for personal injury or death and $500,000 for property damage, meeting requirements of the secretary of state’s office.

Because the city code requires that the taxi service must be needed, Donley cited the many senior citizens and children going to school who use it, as well as the deliveries of prescription drugs made from pharmacies both in and out of town to Lincoln area residents.

Alderman Joseph Stone asked Donley if the company would continue to use former state police cars and if Donley planned to improve the quality of the vehicles. Donley said he intended to continue to buy state police cars at auction because the company could not afford to purchase new ones.

Stone also asked if Donley intended to improve the appearance of his drivers. "The drivers now look extremely casual, with jeans and even cut-off jeans. They don’t present a professional appearance," Stone said.

Donley replied that he was putting a dress code into effect similar to the one used in Springfield. He described it as a "pretty standard" dress code.

Because Sampson’s license has already expired, the council, acting as the Public Vehicle Licensing Board, approved the license to take effect immediately.

The company presently operates two taxis, with hours on Sunday through Thursday from 5:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. and on Friday and Saturday from 5:30 a.m. until 3 a.m.

IDOT request

In other business, the council decided not to take any action on a request from Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) that the city take over Fifth Street, Logan Street, North Kickapoo, and service lanes of Postville Drive and Feldman Drive.

"IDOT is trying to rid themselves of unmarked routes," Street Superintendent Donnie Osborne told the council. I’m not sure it would be in the city’s interest to consider that." If the city takes over the streets, it will be responsible for all maintenance.

Alderman George Mitchell, chairman of the streets and alleys committee, noted that he had seen "little tiny stress cracks" on Fifth Street.

"If it becomes our baby, then we’re going to have to take care of it. We want to think about the obligation it lets the city in for."

Council members decided not to consider taking over the streets at this time. "The option is always going to be there if we want it," Osborne said.




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 Bids opened

Bids for a 2001 skid loader for the street department were opened. Bobcat of Springfield gave a final bid of $15,789 plus freight; Central Illinois Ag at Atlanta bid $16,479; McCann Industries of Springfield bid $22,510; Martin Equipment Corporation of Springfield bid $20,125; Cross Brothers of Mount Pulaski bid $21,000. The council will consider the bids at its next regular meeting July 2.


The council also heard a complaint that the hours of the animal control operation are not convenient and that telephone calls go unanswered. This complaint was referred to Logan County Board member Clifford Sullivan, in charge of the animal control division.

Vehicles parked downtown overnight

Another problem brought up Tuesday evening was the inability of the street department to clean downtown streets and remove snow because of parked vehicles. In spite of signs saying no parking from 2 to 5 a.m., some cars are always parked downtown, Osborne said.

"Some cars are in the same place every night. Some spaces have not been swept for years," he told the council. "It gets worse in the winter. We have complaints about snow not removed. They [car owners] would rather pay a $3 fine and have a parking place. The only way I know is to add towing costs."

Police Chief Rich Montcalm said that some cars have been ticketed every night, but owners continue to pay the fines and park in the streets.

Alderman Verl Prather, chairman of the police committee, said the only way to solve the problem is to make the downtown parking area a tow-away zone and charge for towing. The police committee will discuss the matter.

Individual requests from public

A request for signs on Oscar Street was also discussed. The petitioner has asked for "Slow, Children Playing" signs and for speed limit signs. Osborne said he believed the "Children Playing" signs would indicate the city condones children playing the streets. He said while some such signs remain in the city, the city is not putting up any new ones. He did recommended a speed limit sign of 20 miles per hour.

Council members also heard requests for curb cuts, sidewalk repair and taking down a sweet gum tree. Those requests will go to the council at the regular meeting July 2.

Other meetings

Mayor Beth Davis announced that the ordinance and zoning committee will meet at 6 p.m. July 2 to "revisit the ordinance and see what is required for a subdivision." Davis has said she would like to continue discussions with developer Rodney White about the proposed East Park subdivision on Sherman Street.

Plans for the subdivision stalled last week when the council approved White’s plat only on condition he pay half the cost of upgrading Sherman Street. White had asked the city to upgrade the street, at city expense, sometime in the future.

Davis also announced a public hearing on the appropriations ordinance on July 10 at 7 p.m.

The council adjourned to executive session to discuss compensation for the city’s assistant fire chiefs and well as a replacement for City Attorney Wright, who has been named to fill the unexpired term of state representative vacated by John Turner.

[Joan Crabb]

$10,000 grant will help restore old well

[JUNE 27, 2001]  Main Street Lincoln, the organization dedicated to revitalizing downtown Lincoln, will be getting some financial help from the state, according to Sen. Bob Madigan.

"I’m pleased to announce that Main Street Lincoln will receive a $10,000 state grant from the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs," said Madigan, R-Lincoln. "The money will be used to restore an old public drinking-water well from the days of Abraham Lincoln."

The well, now covered up, is located on the current site of VFW Post 1756, formerly Deskin’s Tavern, a place where Lincoln stayed on his travels throughout central Illinois as a lawyer.

Wendy Bell, program manager for Main Street Lincoln, said the $10,000 grant will be put to good use.

"The plans are to completely restore the old water well and make it part of the town’s official Lincoln sites," said Bell. "Restoration will once again make the well usable, and there are a number of ideas for promotion, including making the well a public drinking fountain … [and] bottling the water for sale, with a label depicting Mr. Lincoln."

The city of Lincoln is one of many Illinois communities participating in the national Main Street program, which was begun in 1980 to help communities revitalize their historic or traditional commercial areas.

[News release]


A week before the Fourth

Motorists breathe easier
as pump prices drop

[JUNE 26, 2001]  It really isn’t news, but you have probably noticed that gasoline prices continue to plunge lower and lower. The average price at the pump in Illinois right now is reported at $1.65. Area stations are posting a price of $1.49 for their base grade this morning. Over the weekend prices dipped as low as $1.34 in Bloomington in a regional gasoline price war.

The word in the gasoline industry is that we should expect prices to continue in a temporary downward trend. The Lundberg Letter, a petroleum industry newsletter, confirms this information from a variety of sources but reserves judgment on how low prices should be expected to go or how long they will remain low.

Industry insiders have stated that the price increases we experienced this spring were not intentional attempts to maneuver the gasoline market and make more profits but were rather the result of extremely low inventories and poor planning for increased demand at the refineries. The result, however, was higher profits for refiners and suppliers.


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Although the price increases were not intentional, insiders say that the refineries have learned an important lesson: They have more power than they previously had imagined. There is little competition at the supplier level because supplies are tight. All the refiners now have access to the same information, courtesy of satellite and Internet information sources. When one refiner decides to raise prices, the other refiners will follow suit and also raise prices. The result will probably be an unstable gasoline market for the foreseeable future.

So, for now, take advantage of lower prices. And let area fuel-station managers know that you appreciate the opportunity to save a little money.


Panel studying retired teacher
insurance program has first hearing

[JUNE 26, 2001]  The special Senate committee on the Teachers Retirement Insurance Program had its first meeting Thursday. The session dealt specifically with the financial health of the program, according to Sen. Bob Madigan, committee chairman.

"The Segal Company, which was hired to assess the financial health of TRIP, presented us with an abundant amount of information," said Madigan, R-Lincoln. "The information, including possible suggestions for addressing the financial problems facing TRIP, will be very helpful to the committee in crafting workable solutions."

Retirees under the Teachers Retirement Insurance Program face the potential for a large premium increase in order to keep the program solvent. An originally projected increase of 45 percent was recently lowered by the governor to 21 percent.

Madigan says the testimony at the first hearing clearly shows a very difficult and complex decision awaits the legislature and state government.

"When we look at the short-term solution that’s facing us now and coming up with a solution to be considered during the veto session, this committee needs to determine how best to reach that short-term solution," said Madigan. "We must determine whether our long-term goals for TRIP can be met while also addressing the short-term problem, or whether we make the short-term decision easier to reach now with an eye toward a long-term decision."

Madigan said the work the committee will do over the summer is very important to 40,000 people enrolled in TRIP now and to the thousands of retired teachers who will come into the program in the years ahead.

According to Segal’s Mitch Bramstaedt, using current data available, the 21 percent or even the 45 percent increase is not enough to save the program unless specific steps are taken.

"We calculate an increase of 54.2 percent would be required," said Bramstaedt. "However, if we were to blend in managed health plan costs, we find the increase would only be 44.8 percent.



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Bramstaedt also noted that the current method for estimating the state’s matching contribution to the program has consistently underestimated the match. He also said the current funding approach, which is a pay-as-you-go method, is inadequate because the population of retired teachers continues to grow and mature and the number of retirees needing medical care continues to exceed payroll increases paid by active teachers.

Steve Cyboran, also of the Segal Company, told panelists that a long-term funding mechanism that properly pays for the benefits over the working life of active teachers is needed; otherwise, TRIP will continue to face financial problems in the future.

"Medical costs are likely to continue outpacing payroll contributions made by active teachers, which is the main basis for the funding revenue," said Cyboran.

The next meeting of the special Senate committee on the Teachers Retirement Insurance Program has been tentatively set for July 26. The location has not been determined.

Members of the committee include Chairman Madigan; Republican Sens. Stan Weaver, R-Urbana, Tom Walsh, R-LaGrange Park, and Dave Syverson, R-Rockford; and Democratic Sens. Vince Demuzio, D-Carlinville, Denny Jacobs, D-Moline, Ricky Hendon, D-Chicago, and James Clayborne, D-East St. Louis. Other committee members include representatives of the Illinois Retired Teachers Association, the Illinois Education Association, the Illinois Federation of Teachers, the Illinois Association of School Boards, the Illinois Association of School Administrators and the director of the Illinois Department of Central Management Services.

The committee is directed to report its recommendations to the Senate no later than Nov. 1. The fall veto session begins Nov. 7.

[News release]

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