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for the day that honors mothers
By Penny
12, 2001]
there’s one day during the year you make a concentrated effort to honor that
special woman in your life, it’s the second Sunday in May. My grandmother used
to say that when you took the mother out of a home, you took everything out of a
home. As someone who considers my own mother to be my best friend and can’t
begin to describe how important she has been in my life, I must say I think
Grandma had a point.
[click here for Part 1,
posted May 10]
your eyes and wish for the one thing
cannot do without, and when you do,
your heart you'll find it, always there,
that is dear but not so rare,
in the mesh that all your dreams flow through.
truth, no gift more happiness can bring,
so this day I give my love to you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Is A Mother?
mother is someone to shelter and guide us,
love us, whatever we do,
a warm understanding and infinite patience
wonderful gentleness, too.
often a mother means swift reassurance
soothing our small, childish fears,
tenderly mothers watch over their children
treasure them all through the years!
heart of a mother is full of forgiveness
any mistake, big or small,
generous always in helping her family,
needs she has placed above all.
mother can utter a word of compassion
make all our cares fall away,
can brighten a home with the sound of her laughter
make life delightful and gay.
mother possesses incredible wisdom
wonderful insight and skill —
each human heart is that one special corner
only a mother can fill!
Nelson Davis
of Mother's Day
custom of honoring mothers began thousands of years ago, when people
created myths about gods and goddesses who moved the sun across the
sky and twinkled the stars at night. Some of the first myths were
told by the ancient people of Phrygia in Asia Minor, who believed
the most important goddess was Cybele, the daughter of Heaven and
Earth, considered to be the mother of all the gods. The people of
Phrygia held an annual festival to honor her, and that is believed
by many to have been the first celebration to honor a mother. The
Greeks and Romans also celebrated their own powerful goddesses with
the Middle Ages another kind of celebration began, when many
children had to leave home to earn money and were allowed only one
holiday a year. The fourth Sunday during Lent was designated as the
day children went home to see their mothers. The day was called
"a-mothering" and the custom of "Mothering
Sunday" was started.
there were several suggestions for a day to honor mothers, Anna
Jarvis is considered the real founder of Mother's Day in America.
Born in 1864, she was only a year old when the Civil War ended.
Jarvis remembered her mother saying that a Mother's Day would help
heal the fighting and bad feelings caused by the war. So, when her
mother died, Jarvis asked her minister in West Virginia to have a
Mother's Day service on May 12, 1907 — now remembered as the first
Mother's Day celebration in the United States.
1909, almost every state was celebrating the special day, and on May
9, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation declaring
the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.
organized the International Mother's Day Association, and at the
time of her death, in 1948, more than 40 countries were observing
Mother's Day.
[to top of second
column in this section]
Mother’s Day is now celebrated in many different countries, not
all of them celebrate it on the same date or in the same way. Norway
observes the holiday on the second Sunday in February, and Argentina
celebrates it on the second Sunday in October. Lebanon celebrates
Mother's Day on the first day of spring, and South Africa uses the
first Sunday in May. In India, the Hindu people celebrate a 10-day
festival called Durga Puja in early October to honor Durga, the
Divine Mother.
Day in France is celebrated much like a family birthday, and it
occurs on the last Sunday in May. The entire extended family gathers
around the family dining table for dinner, and at the end of the
meal a beautiful cake is presented to the mother.
also has a family holiday on the last Sunday in May. Shortly before
Mother's Day the Swedish Red Cross sells tiny plastic flowers. The
money from these "Mother's Flowers" is used to give
vacations to mothers with many children.
to honor mothers are different in each country and even for each
family. Some mothers enjoy a special breakfast in bed made by their
children; some receive gifts, flowers, cards, or enjoy a family
gathering. Many churches hold special services to celebrate Mother's
Day, local restaurants have special menus and brunch items, and herb
farms and greenhouses hold special events.
for the day that honors mothers
By Penny
10, 2001]
there’s one day during the year you make a concentrated effort to honor that
special woman in your life, it’s the second Sunday in May. My grandmother used
to say that when you took the mother out of a home, you took everything out of a
home. As someone who considers my own mother to be my best friend and can’t
begin to describe how important she has been in my life, I must say I think
Grandma had a point.
mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.
that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother. I remember my mother's prayers
and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.
mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon
us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with
us in our sunshine desert us, when troubles thicken around us, still will she
cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the
clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.
mother had a slender, small body, but a large heart — a heart so large that
everybody's grief and everybody's joy found welcome in it, and hospitable
mother loves her child most divinely, not when she surrounds him with comfort
and anticipates his wants, but when she resolutely holds him to the highest
standards and is content with nothing less than his best.
Wright Mabie
there are many prime parental examples of the male species around,
they have their own day of honor in June. But Mother’s Day,
celebrated for thousands of years around the world in a variety of
ways, is the day designated to honor all the mothers, grandmothers,
aunts, family friends and women everywhere who affected someone’s
life in a positive way.
fact, most people do remember their moms on the big day. According
to research statistics from Hallmark, the essence of Mother's Day is
pampering, indulging, reflecting, honoring and remembering the
importance of family, and acknowledging the power of women. Mother's
Day is the third-largest card-sending holiday in the United States,
according to the card company, and approximately 132 million
greeting cards will be purchased this year for the special event.
to the International Mass Retail Association (IMRA), consumers spend
on average more than $100 on Mother’s Day activities, with cards
being the most purchased gift, followed by flowers, taking Mom out
for brunch, giving gardening items, clothing, jewelry and home
fashions. About 96 percent of all consumers celebrate Mother's Day
— the highest participation rate of all seasons.
49 percent of American households give Mother's Day greeting cards,
they are not all purchased for birth mothers. The holiday is
observed for a wide range of relationships. In addition to adult- or
child-to-mother/grandmother and husband-to-wife, the celebration now
extends to aunts, mothers of loved ones, friends and any other
person who plays a motherlike role. That, according to the IMRA,
reflects the fact that "traditional" is no longer
traditional — more than 35 million stepfamilies exist in the
United States.
to statistics from the American Floral Endowment Consumer Tracking
Study, Mother’s Day comes in second in terms of money spent on
flowers for holidays, with Christmas and Chanukah being first. More
people purchase flowers, houseplants, and outdoor bedding and garden
plants for Mother's Day than for any other holiday except Christmas.
More than 80 percent of people giving flowers give cut flowers and
outdoor bedding and garden plants. Of Mother's Day floral purchases,
66 percent are made by women and 54 percent are purchased for their
[to top of second
column in this section]
events in the area
Mother’s Day High Tea at Mari-Mann Herb Farm, 1405
Mari Mann Lane, Decatur. Reservations required; 24-person
limit. A popular event, offering 22 gourmet items served
with a variety of teas.
of the largest herb gardens in the Midwest with a large
retail gift shop, greenhouse, display gardens and warehouse
facilities. Reservations for classes and events may be made
by calling (217) 429-1404 or (800) 779-HERB.
Clark’s Herbal Country and Greenhouses, rural San
Jose, will have several classes on May 12, including
a lecture on fairy gardening and a class for children to
make potted gardens for their mothers. There are fees for
the classes, and reservations are requested.
gardens, craft barn and gift shop. Open on Mother’s Day.
Washington Park Botanical Garden, Springfield. The
conservatory and botanical garden are open noon to 5 p.m.
May 12 and 13. |
Smith, an employee at Clark’s Herbal Country and Greenhouses, in
rural San Jose, said a lot of mothers and families like to buy
flowers during the Mother’s Day weekend, and many children take
advantage of the workshops offered the day before the big event to
make their own gift to give to their mothers.
see a lot of woman here and a lot of mothers and daughters,"
she said. "Sometimes we have kids who like to pot up plants for
their moms and make them flower baskets," she said.
"Mothers are nurturing, and I think people like to give their
mothers plants and flowers to nurture. Most mothers like flowers.
Some mothers don’t buy flowers for themselves, so kids come out
and buy for them. A lot of people also buy gift certificates for
their mothers."
be continued)
here for Part 2]
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with arthritis
8, 2001]
with the pain and stiffness of arthritis doesn’t mean you have to throw in the
trowel or give up on those tasty tomatoes or fresh bouquets of zinnias this
summer. More than a million people in Illinois suffer from this disease, which
causes swelling in or around joints and can make it hard to do movements you
rely on every day at home, work or play. But if you love to garden and don’t
want to give up your summer vegetable patch or flower bed, there are several
guidelines to help you enjoy your green thumb this summer.
[click here for
Part 1]
any activity, you should consult your doctor or physical therapist
to see what necessary precautions you should take.
to garden during the times of day when you feel your best.
you begin to work in the yard, warm up your joints and muscles with
a brief walk or some stretching exercise to get your body ready for
the activity and help prevent injuries.
can garden longer and more comfortably if you pace yourself. To help
prevent stiffness, avoid working in the same position or doing the
same activity for long periods of time. Switch tasks every 30
minutes or so and take a 15-minute break every hour.
braces can also provide support and rest weak or sore joints.
you feel any pain, stop your work and wait until you feel better for
continuing. If you experience pain the day after gardening, scale
back the amount of activity you do the next time.
creativity and advance planning, you can create a garden that suits
your specific needs. Assess your abilities and arrange your garden
in a way that makes your tasks easier and conserves your energy. For
example, make sure your garden has a nearby water source so you don’t
have to carry watering cans or hoses long distances. Keep a storage
area or tool shed close to your garden so you don’t waste energy
hauling tools around the yard.
garden arrangements that are simple to maintain and help you avoid
awkward movements. Try arranging your garden in terraces with raised
beds so you don’t have to bend over. Planting raised beds will
eliminate some bending and make plants easier to reach. Raised beds
means that the soil level in the bed is higher than the surrounding
soil. A bed should be no wider than 4 feet across, but the length
can be whatever suits the site or gardener’s needs. Wider beds can
be subdivided into sections accessible from planks or
steppingstones. Raised beds provide more production per square foot
of garden and don’t require the usual space between rows because
no walking is done in the bed to cultivate or harvest.
[to top of second
column in this section]
wide paths throughout the garden so you will have room to move
easily. Trellises which support climbing plants and vines make a
vertical garden that helps you avoid bending while tending plants or
harvesting fruits and flowers.
you really want to simplify, try scaling back your garden and use
containers. You can arrange your plants in small containers rather
than a large outdoor plot in the ground.
lightweight pots, window boxes or other small and unique containers
so you will have manageable areas to work with one at a time. You
can arrange the pots at different heights so plants are easier to
care for.
you garden, be careful not to put undue stress on joints. Use tools
such as hoes or rakes that have long handles, so you can avoid
bending or stooping. If you have to work close to the ground, place
only one knee on the ground and keep your back straight, or use a
stool. While carrying supplies such as bags of soil, hold the bag
underneath with both hands and bend at your knees to lift it. You
can also put your supplies in a wagon or wheeled cart and roll it to
your destination.
your garden when the ground is wet, because the moist ground makes
weeds easier to pull.
with arthritis
7, 2001]
with the pain and stiffness of arthritis doesn’t mean you have to throw in the
trowel or give up on those tasty tomatoes or fresh bouquets of zinnias this
summer. More than a million people in Illinois suffer from this disease, which
causes swelling in or around joints and can make it hard to do movements you
rely on every day at home, work or play. But if you love to garden and don’t
want to give up your summer vegetable patch or flower bed, there are steps you
can take to continue your hobby.
the Chicago Flower and Garden Show recently at Navy Pier, the
Arthritis Foundation Enabling Garden gave practical strategies to
make gardening with arthritis easier and more enjoyable. Among the
characteristics of the display garden were raised beds, trellises
with vertical plants, sitting areas with benches and wide paths for
easy accessibility. The garden was a prime example of how a
beautiful, lush garden does not have to be only a dream for those
with arthritis.
Rasing, branch director of the Sangamon County area Arthritis
Foundation, said there is a common misconception that people
suffering with arthritis can’t continue to enjoy many activities,
like gardening. In fact, gardening and other forms of exercise are
some of the most important things they can do. Rasing said gardening
is a great activity for maintaining joint flexibility, range of
motion and quality of life, and by incorporating a few simple
modifications in to your gardening routine, you can keep your
backyard flowers growing without pain.

afraid they have to give it (exercise) up and afraid that it will
hurt to move. So it affects not only gardening, but affects a person’s
ability to enjoy walking or riding a bike," Rasing said.
"Actually, it’s been proven and supported by the Arthritis
Foundation, that exercise is one of the keys to pain relief. So if
you’ve never gone to a fitness club to work out, it doesn’t mean
you have to start. We tell people just to do what they enjoy and do
it to a point it becomes their form of exercise. If you have always
enjoyed gardening, that’s what we want you to do."
said that although exercises like working in the backyard flower
garden can still be enjoyed, people with arthritis may have to alter
the way they garden, what they plant and of course, be careful not
to overdo it. "They will have to maybe do it in moderation and
make some adaptations, but we encourage people to continue doing
what they always have done. Maybe they won’t get down on their
knees, use stools on wheels and other tools, ask for help for
tilling and other things they can no longer do, but they can still
be involved in other processes of gardening," she said.
same adjustments you make in a gardening situation may be the same
movement adjustments you make in your daily life. Exercise is the
key. It offers so many people a peace of mind and a natural
adrenaline boost, plus keeps their joints as mobile as
common misconception associated with the disease is that it’s a
natural part of aging and it only affects senior citizens. In fact,
more than half of the people with arthritis nationwide are under the
age of 65. The most common forms are rheumatoid, osteoporosis,
fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis.
is striking people of all ages. There are more than 100 forms of
arthritis. There are kids with arthritis," she said.
"There are 43 people nationwide with arthritis and more than
one million in Illinois. There are so many myths and so much we
still don’t know. But it does not have to be a natural part of
aging. Therapies, drugs and resources now available have almost
halted some of the processes. They have by no means cured it, but we’ve
seen vast improvements at keeping the highest quality of life
[to top of second
column in this section]
for gardening with arthritis
Arthritis Foundation, www.arthritis.org)
young plants to avoid dealing with tiny seeds that are hard to
shrubs or perennials that bloom every year so you don’t have to
flowers that are easy to maintain and require little care and don’t
need regular pruning.
miniature fruit trees or vegetable varieties that can be grown in
a carpenter’s apron with several pockets for carrying frequently
used hand tools.
tool handles with grip tape or foam tubing.
a stool, foam or kneeling pad with handrails while working near the
ergonomic tools with large grips and extended handles or use small,
lightweight children’s size tools that are easy to handle. Tools
with tubular steel handles rather than wood are also more
lightweight and easier to use.
gloves to protect hands and joints.
keep pruners sharp to make cutting easier.
sprinklers instead of large watering cans.
purchasing a hose caddy to store your garden hose so you can wheel
the caddy to your work area and unroll the hose as you need it.
mulch to reduce the need for watering and weeding.
using spray bottles to reach hanging plants or a water wand
extension for your hose to reach plants more easily
be continued)
here for Part 2]
— the elegant
27, 2001]
a member of the lily family, is an elegant vegetable included in many gourmet
menus. In ancient times, it was considered a luxury item, fit for a king. Today,
the cost may still seem lavish, but the scrumptious taste is worth every penny.
In our area, early spring is the season to enjoy locally grown asparagus, so
plan to include it in your meals.
greatest demand is for all-green asparagus, which is available
fresh, canned and frozen. White asparagus is found in some areas,
available fresh and canned. Some may grow a splendid, deep burgundy
spear that looks purple until cooked, when it turns green.
asparagus is a good deal. One cup of raw asparagus has only 31
calories, 6 grams of carbohydrate, 3 milligrams of sodium, a trace
of fat and no cholesterol. Green asparagus is also a good source of
vitamin A.
buying fresh asparagus, select green, tender spears with dark green,
closed tips. Store asparagus upright so that only the cut ends are
in water. For best quality use within two to three days, changing
the water daily. Since asparagus deteriorates rapidly after picking,
it should be eaten, processed or refrigerated as soon as possible.
prepare the spears, break or cut off tough butts as far down as they
will snap easily. Wash thoroughly, leaving stalks whole, or break or
cut into pieces.
can be steamed, boiled, sautéed, stir-fried or microwaved. Cook
quickly and watch closely, as asparagus is done when it turns bright
green and is tender with a bit of crispness.
microwave, place 1 pound of spears in a two-quart, microwave-safe
baking dish. Add a couple teaspoons of water, cover and cook on high
for four to eight minutes, until tender-crisp. Let stand for a
couple more minutes before uncovering and serving.
[to top of second column in this
list of seasonings and garnishes that complement the flavor of
asparagus is almost endless. Try with dill weed, chives, bacon or
bread crumbs. Or cheese, lemon butter, hollandaise sauce or pimento.
For the purist, toss freshly cooked asparagus with a teaspoon of
butter and sprinkle with a dash of salt. Enjoy!
pound asparagus spears
tablespoons butter or margarine
tablespoons flour
teaspoon salt
teaspoon dry mustard
cup milk
cup (4 ounces) sharp cheddar cheese, finely shredded
slices boiled ham, thinly sliced (about 6 ounces total)
asparagus until tender. Melt butter in heavy saucepan, stir in
flour, salt and mustard. Gradually stir in milk. Cook, stirring
constantly, until thickened. Add cheese and continue stirring until
cheese is melted. Be careful not to overcook. Divide asparagus into
six portions. Alternate direction of flower ends within each
portion. Place asparagus portions on and parallel to narrow end of
each ham slice, extending flower ends over edges of ham. Roll as for
Finck, nutrition and wellness educator, University of Illinois
Extension, Springfield Center]
and nutrition
26, 2001]
are not only good to eat, they are also a good source of vitamin C.
According to Jananne Finck, nutrition and wellness educator with the Springfield
Extension center, strawberries are a nutritious fruit. In fact, one cup of
fresh berries provides about 88 milligrams of vitamin C. This more than
meets the recommended daily amount for most children and adults.
are low in calories, too, with one cup of unsweetened berries
weighing in at only 55 calories. This makes these tasty
berries a low-calorie way to add flavor, nutrients and pleasure to
our meals. They are also great for snacks.
fresh berries carefully
you pick your own strawberries or buy them at the local grocery,
handle fresh berries gently. According to Jananne Finck, fresh
strawberries preserve their food value and quality if handled with
you pick your own berries, avoid placing them in the sun any longer
than necessary. It is best to place them in the shade of a
tree or shed. Avoid placing them in a hot car, if possible.
strawberries as soon as possible after picking or purchasing.
Before refrigerating the fresh berries, sort them but don't rinse
until just before using. Store the fruit in a shallow
container, uncovered, in the refrigerator.
[to top of second column in this
you are ready to use the strawberries, wash them quickly in cold
water. Be careful not to let them soak in water. Lift
the berries gently from the wash water and drain well before the
stems and hulls are removed.
may be kept fresh in the refrigerator for three or more days,
depending on the initial quality of the berry. After a few days in
storage, the fruit loses its bright color and fresh flavor. The
berries also tend to shrivel.
more information on freezing strawberries or other fruit, contact
your local University of Illinois Extension Office, 732-8289.
County Extension Unit news release]
for Adoption
These animals and
more are available to good homes from the Logan County Animal
Control at 1515 N. Kickapoo, phone 735-3232.
Fees for animal
adoption: dogs, $60/male, $65/female; cats, $35/male, $44/female.
The fees include neutering and spaying.
Logan County Animal
Control's hours of operation:
Sunday – closed
Monday –
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday –
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday –
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday –
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday –
8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Saturday –
Warden: Sheila Farmer
Assistant: Michelle Mote
In-house veterinarian: Dr. Lester Thompson
Big to
little, most these dogs will make wonderful lifelong companions when
you take them home and provide solid, steady training, grooming and
general care. Get educated about what you choose. If you give them
the time and care they need, you will be rewarded with much more
than you gave them. They are entertaining, fun, comforting, and will
lift you up for days on end.
Be prepared to take the necessary time when you bring home a
puppy, kitten, dog, cat or any other pet, and you will be blessed.
County Animal Control is thankful for pet supplies donated by
individuals and Wal-Mart.]
Logan County Animal Control has a near-full house. There are
about 16 dogs plus six young puppies and about 20 cats, with
four litters of kittens and another litter due any moment.
Sheila Farmer and her assistant, Michelle Mote, look forward
to assisting you.

[Five 6-week-old chow/shepherd-mix pups, boys and girls Will
be medium-sized dogs. These darlings were found dumped in an

[The other four piled up and went to sleep. He absolutely
demands attention by crooning you a song. He's gonna find his
home first if he has his way.]

[7-week-old Lab mix This sweet little gal performed to the
camera. Striking her best little sitting pose, she's assuring
you she'll be good if you just take her home. She makes strong
eye contact, postures playfully, and she's quiet to boot.]

[Two approximately 3-month-old Lab/Dalmatian pups wait for
good family homes. Their short hair makes them low maintenance
for more playtime.]

[Young, Lab/shepherd mix Said to be "really
friendly." Picked up loose in New Holland and never

[A 6- to 7-month-old mixed male Very friendly, loves people,
reminds you of a Sesame Street character. Will make a great
family pet. He was a stray.]

[Approximately 3-month-old female boxer mix Picked up as a
stray, she's very attractive and is shy at first.]

[Puppies' mama, 4-year-old lab mix Very friendly, happy,
gentle character. Will make a great family pet.]

[A young, friendly, black mix]
Ten reasons to adopt a
shelter dog
I'll bring out your
playful side!
I'll lend an ear to
your troubles.
I'll keep you
fit and trim.
We'll look out for each other.
We'll sniff
out fun together!
I'll keep you
right on schedule.
I'll love you
with all my heart.
We'll have a
tail-waggin' good time!
We'll snuggle
on a quiet evening.
We'll be
best friends always.
County Animal Control is thankful for pet supplies donated by
individuals and Wal-Mart.]
Logan County Animal Control has a near-full house. There are
about 16 dogs plus six young puppies and about 20 cats, with
four litters of kittens and another litter due any moment.
Sheila Farmer and her assistant, Michelle Mote, look forward
to assisting you. |
the cat section there are a number of wonderful cats to
choose from. There are a variety of colors and sizes.
cats available for free!

[Young male tomcat Attractive, attentive and very friendly,
he's ready to talk to you about anything.]

[Approximately 9-month-old female calico Pretty and young,
very sweet, has a style all her own. Will capture your heart
with her tender demeanor.]

A visit to
St. Charles and Geneva
Penny Zimmerman-Wills
14, 2001]
phrase "river town" brings to mind bustling,
rough-and-tumble spots — places like St. Louis or New Orleans. The
river constantly brings new people and new opportunities, then
carries them away again. But there is another kind of river town,
the kind where the waters offer a bit of tranquillity, an antidote
to change. That’s what the little Fox River brings to St. Charles
and Geneva, busy Chicago suburbs that nevertheless have managed to
hang onto their past. A vibrant downtown, beautiful old homes, vintage red barns and the timeless river all combine to
give the towns a restful dignity.
in the heart of the Fox River Valley, the shopping and dining
districts of Century Corners and Old St. Charles reflect the city’s
early beginnings. The Hotel Baker and the restored Arcada Theater,
both located on Main Street, pay tribute to the roaring 1920s, and
the Municipal Center, built in the 1940s, even manages to blend in
with its historic neighbors.
copper-clad gazebos on the Main Street Bridge offer a nice vantage
point from which to view the Fox River rushing over the small dam
and take a closer look at the city’s four bronze foxes, which each
represent a vital element of the community — business, education,
religion and recreation. The pieces of art were made in France and
given to the city 30 years ago by Herbert Crane, a local resident
and businessman. They certainly are not the only foxes around. Stone
foxes decorate yards, and toy foxes pop up in shop windows. The
Thirsty Fox pub welcomes parched visitors.
for several years I had intended to visit this area, partly because
of the touted monthly Kane County flea market, it was only recently
on a warm winter day that my husband and I spent a weekend in the
area. We did hit the flea market for a few hours one day, but I was
more impressed by the charming demeanor of the area and surprised by
the historic feel of the two communities.
off Main Street lies Century Corners, home to an eclectic mix of
small shops. You’ll find the Stonehouse on Cedar store, which is
part art gallery, part gift shop and even has a small shed tucked
away behind the main building stuffed with antiques like salvaged
concrete, turn-of-the-century urns from an Iowa bank and vintage
farm tables.
favorite discovery, and a required stop for anyone who loves to
garden, is Scentimenal Gardens, which is filled to the brim with a
variety of things related to plants and flowers. Several rooms offer
a wide variety of items including antique Majolica roof tiles, dried
flowers, hand-painted furniture, vintage oil paintings of pansies
and roses, wicker plant stands, leather furniture, candles, and
pottery. The owner of the shop is also a landscape designer, and in
the warmer months the shop features antique roses, kitchen herbs and
potted plants.

the street is Town House Books and Cafe, a shop crammed with both
books and personality. The maze of shelves invites you to wander,
perusing books at random as the floorboards creak beneath your feet
and the homey smell of coffee whets your appetite. Sit down and have
a snack there, or you can wander just down the street — maybe the
town’s airy chimes will be playing as you go — to the Warehouse
Confectionery. This spot combines folksy antique store and yummy
candy shop, including homemade chocolates. Don’t miss the
chocolate-dipped gingersnaps.
in this area of town is a store called Panache, located in a
restored 1800s cottage,
which owner Cheryl Herman has filled with an eclectic array of
antiques, home and garden accessories, French soaps, and dishes and
Street is also a shopper’s paradise, with shops lining both sides
of the street. Prairie
Gourmet offers unique high-quality kitchenware, cookware and gifts
for the gourmet cook, plus an array of cheeses and many other
specialty foods. The shop also offers on-site cooking classes.

are several places to spend the night, but if you want to splurge
and feel pampered, rest your head at the Baker Hotel. Built by
Edward J. Baker, a local philanthropist, businessman and millionaire
who is also responsible for Baker Memorial Community Center and many
local buildings, this 55-room hotel opened in 1928 and has become
one of the most famous spots in town. The hotel, called the Crown
Jewel of the Fox, has hosted many famous entertainers in its famous
Rainbow Room, including Tommy Dorsey, Guy Lombardo, Louis
Armstrong and Lawrence Welk. In 1996, the hotel underwent a $9
million historical renovation. Even if you don’t spend the night,
you should take a peek at this small hotel with grand illusions. The
marble floors, hand-stenciled woodwork, original antique walnut
furnishings and lighted dance floor are just a few examples of why
this hotel earned a reputation for being the grandest small hotel in
the Midwest.

all that shopping and walking leaves you hungry, there are many good
options. Before
hitting the Kane County flea market early on a Sunday morning, my
husband and I enjoyed a hearty but healthy breakfast at Colonial
Cafe, a local tradition since 1901. The cafe is known for its
all-day breakfast, home-style cooking and, maybe most of all, its
"kitchen sink sundae," which is actually two banana splits
served together in a
replica of a metal kitchen sink. We managed to resist the tempting
dessert items, kitchen sink and all, but those who do indulge win a
bumper sticker to prove they ate it all. The walls of the charming
cafe are lined with old black-and-white photos of former employees
as well as scenes from the restaurant’s past and its original
owner’s humble beginnings as a small, local ice cream
manufacturer. The restaurant also sells boxes of Colonial Ice Cream
for those who want to take the taste home.
areas of interest are located within a short walking distance, and
you can take a self-guided walking tour of the town’s historic
sites, which include several museums.
[to top of second column in
this article]
Dunham-Hunt House Museum, located at 302 Cedar Ave., is open
Tuesdays and Sundays in June, July and August. Built in 1836
with locally made bricks, this restored 19th-century home
is the oldest brick house in town and is listed on the National
Register of Historic Places. It was converted into a museum after
being owned by one family for 140 years. The site features six
different display rooms and hosts special holiday events.
St. Charles History Museum, located at 215 Main St., is open every
day except Monday and is housed in a remodeled 1928 service station.
The museum features rotating exhibits and permanent displays on the
history of the city, an extensive collection of Civil War, Native
American and 19th-century household artifacts, as well as
research archives and a gift shop.

William Beith House, located at 1850 Indiana St., is open Tuesdays
and Thursdays, June 6 though Aug. 24. This restored limestone Greek
Revival home was developed as a preservation study house, and
visitors can play detective discovering clues and piecing together
the history of the house.
Garfield Farm Museum, located at 3N016 Garfield Road in LaFox, is
open Wednesdays and Sundays, June through September, and by
appointment. Visitors can tour the only intact 1840s living history
farm and former Teamster Inn in Illinois being restored as a working
of the things that make this area special is the meandering Fox
River. Joggers trot by on walking paths, ducks slowly float by, and
an occasional fisherman tries his luck on the water’s edge. Follow
this river south, past small parks and Victorian homes, and it will
take you to Geneva.
you can easily spend a relaxing afternoon exploring St. Charles, one
of the best
things about this area is that just a few minutes away is the town
of Geneva, which has even more quaint shops, historic homes, and
more than 30 miles of biking and walking paths through prairies and
woodland settings. I’m very glad we decided to drive a little
farther and take time to discover this town.
thriving downtown business district features more than 100 specialty
shops located in historic storefronts and Victorian homes. Just on
State Street alone, there’s a store called Dingers Dog Bakery and
Boutique, selling low fat, all-natural dog cookies and imaginative
gifts for the discriminating owner and pets; an aromatherapy shop
and spa; and a European shop specializing in imported antique pine
tables and French fabric.
This is a shopper’s paradise, where everything from clothing and
housewares to gifts, jewelry and art is offered in shops along the
tree-lined streets.
of my favorite finds was Les Tissus Colbert — two floors of French
fabrics, antiques and furniture from England, Belgium and France.
Another whimsical store you won’t find just anywhere is Pariscope,
which bills itself as a French department store and is a like a big
candy store for adults who adore all things French. Everything from
vintage fabric to soaps and furniture is scattered about.
dining, I would recommend Le Berry Bistro, which is housed in the
Berry House Shops. Built in the Greek Revival architectural style in
1854, the historic Samule Berry house has been expanded and now
houses 12 shops and this restaurant on three floors, served by an
elevator which opens to the garden level and upper decks. The
restaurant’s specialties include leg of lamb, baked with crumbled
bleu cheese and served with grilled eggplant and tomato basil sauce,
and steak au poivre, a strip steak served with caramelized onions
and bordelaise sauce.
you’re just in the mood for a bit of light refreshment, don’t
miss Graham’s Fine Chocolates and Ice Cream. Owners Robert and
Beckie Untiedt are popular with local residents and tourists because
of their gigantic chocolate-covered strawberries and coconut almond
ice cream, among other tasty temptations. When I visited on an
unseasonably warm winter afternoon, customers were enjoying their
ice cream cones on Adirondack chairs plopped in the eatery’s front yard.
a pleasant town to spend a day walking around, because everywhere
you look you can see views of the river. Geneva owes its roots to
the Fox River, which was formed by the melting of the Great
Wisconsin Glacier that once covered the top half of what is now the
state of Illinois. The river was the reason settlers first came to
the Geneva
area, then known as the Big Spring. French traders and missionaries
first came ashore in the early 1830s to trade with the Indians and
settle. The city was called LaFox until 1850, when government
records were officially changed to Geneva.
has a strong Swedish influence, due to the fact that when a branch
of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad, which was built in St.
Charles, was extended to Geneva, Swedish immigrants began settling
there. Chicago was the dispersal point for many of the immigrants
from Sweden, and as the Fox Valley area became more populated with
the Swedish newcomers, the city even designated a home for those who
needed assistance.
has maintained its historical integrity, which can be witnessed at
the Geneva Historical Center, located in Wheeler Park, which
contains an interesting collection of rural and small-town
artifacts, costumes and furniture.
the two towns are located approximately 40 miles west from the busy
streets of Chicago and the main streets through town are usually
packed with traffic, there is still a quiet, genteel nature to these
cities. Despite obvious suburban sprawl surrounding the communities,
glimpses of their history can be seen in the form of vintage red
barns and farmhouses that dot the roadsides. Once you pass the
shopping centers and new construction sites and enter the hearts of
these two cities, it’s refreshing to see the
restored downtown areas look much as they did a century ago.
Part 1
A visit to
St. Charles and Geneva
Penny Zimmerman-Wills
13, 2001]
phrase "river town" brings to mind bustling,
rough-and-tumble spots — places like St. Louis or New Orleans. The
river constantly brings new people and new opportunities, then
carries them away again. But there is another kind of river town,
the kind where the waters offer a bit of tranquillity, an antidote
to change. That’s what the little Fox River brings to St. Charles
and Geneva, busy Chicago suburbs that nevertheless have managed to
hang onto their past. A vibrant downtown, beautiful old homes, vintage red barns and the timeless river all combine to
give the towns a restful dignity.
Charles, Ill.
on the Fox River, 40 miles west of Chicago
museums, five downtown parks, 20 antique shops and three
golf courses
to Hotel Baker, built for $1 million in 1927 as one of
the finest small hotels in the Midwest. Listed on the
National Register of Historic Places.
Downtown fine arts show
the banks of the Fox River
a juried fine arts show and children’s area.
Fox Rox and Chord on Bluesfest
tent sales, store specials, huge craft show and sale, live
musical entertainment and children’s activities.
16th annual St. Charles Scarecrow Festival
weekend of October
Park, Main and Fourth streets and citywide
one of the top 100 events in North America last year by the
American Bus Association. More than 100 whimsical scarecrow
displays, huge juried raft show, live entertainment,
children’s activities, carnival, food and more.
Kane County Flea Market
first Sunday of each month and preceding Saturday afternoon.
Noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and 7 a.m.- 4 p.m. Sunday.
Street and Randall Road, Kane County Fairgrounds
than 1,000 antique dealers have displays in outdoor and
indoor booths. (www2.pair.com/kaneflea/)
Night on Broadway at Pheasant Run Resort
E. Main St.
Theater and dinner
shows and weekday matinees for large groups.
French Market
and River Lane
in May-October
Vendors offer fresh
food, flowers and crafts under colorful canopies.
This festival
features six days of craft, art, rosemaling displays, music
competitions, entertainment, a carnival and parade. Food
stands throughout the downtown area offer Swedish and
American food.
of the Vine
full weekend in September
festival featuring food, music, wine tasting and antique
carriage rides.

here for Part 2]
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