
[Brock Fink and Jane Ryan
paused with Pastor David at their confirmation on May 13 at Good
Shepherd Lutheran Church (AFLC).]

to feature ‘2 x 2 For Him’
19, 2001] The
Jolly Seniors group from Lincoln Christian Church invites people
55-plus to attend the group’s monthly meeting at the church
Fellowship Center, 205 N. Hamilton St., on Tuesday, May 22, at 10
a.m. This month's program will feature Rick Roy with "2 x 2 For
Koehler of Mount Pulaski will provide the devotion.
Salisbury steak dinner will be catered by Guzzardo’s. Suggested
cost for the meal is $4.
free transportation, please call the church office, 732-7618.
to host training in
new church leadership
16, 2001] Lincoln
Christian Seminary will host one of several upcoming "New
Church Leadership" training modules. Sessions will be May 23
and 24 in Restoration Hall on campus. This New Church Leadership
training module is offered through partnership with the Chicago
District Evangelizing Association.
New Church Leadership program offers specialized training to help
students become effective new church leaders and church planters. It
is designed for a variety of audiences: new and established church
leaders, church planters, ministry spouses, Bible college and
seminary students and faculty, and church lay leaders. Two-day
modules are offered on a quarterly basis throughout the country.
enrolled in the program have the opportunity to earn a New Church
Leadership Certificate upon completion of eight modules within a
two-year period. The courses may also be applied as credit toward a
master’s degree in ministry from Lincoln Christian Seminary. Those
who do not wish to pursue a certificate or master’s degree may
also take classes. All modules may be used toward continuing
education credit.
coordinator is John Wasem, founding minister of SunCrest Christian
Church in St. John, Ind. He has extensive experience in new church
leadership and training. He has served as adjunct faculty at LCS
since 1994.
and fees vary for credit, certificate and non-certificate
participants. For more information about the upcoming training
module at LCS, contact LCS admissions at (217) 732-3168, Ext 2274.
for Life raises nearly $8,000
15, 2001] "The
weather was perfect for the walk," said Jennifer Boeke,
director of Lincoln’s Crisis Pregnancy Center. On Saturday, May 5,
almost 40 people participated in the Walk for Life. Of the group, 30
individuals were sponsored walkers.
admitted that the attendance was down slightly from last year, but
the amount of funds raised during the day was still equal to last
year’s total. During the day, CPC raised $7,100 through sponsored
walkers, a bake sale and a T-shirt sale. Boeke commented that she
was glad the walk was downtown, because some people saw the crowd
and came over just to donate. Adding donations made before and after
May 5, the CPC has raised nearly $8,000 to help pregnant women and
girls in crisis situations.
group walked around the perimeters of Scully and Latham Park twice.
Also, Pastor Don Hoover of Lincoln Bible Church gave a devotion and
talk on adoption. A recently adopted 1- to 2-month-old baby boy was
in the crowd.
Jennifer Boeke offers a huge thanks to the 20 to 25 businesses that
donated door prizes for participants.
Ann Carnley]
family and their theological contributions to be celebrated
4, 2001] The
Neibuhr Historic Marker Committee of Lincoln announces celebration
activities on Saturday, June 23, at St. John United Church of
Christ. The date and place were chosen because it was here that the
internationally known theologian, teacher and Christian ethicist
Reinhold Niebuhr was ordained in 1913. Well known for his
theological writings, he was for a time virtually unknown as the
author of the "Serenity Prayer" made popular by the
12-step community and revered by many throughout the world.
dedication of the Illinois State Historic Marker will celebrate the
entire Niebuhr family for their contributions to theology and for
their service to the Lincoln area.
updates on the plans, call Lincoln Public Library at (217) 732-8878.