Still Watersthe em spaceWhere They StandBy the Numbers,

How We Stack UpWhat’s Up With That?

Shifting paradigms

Airlines, flags, prayer and the law

By Mike Fak

[OCT. 6, 2001]  I have been watching all the events that have entailed since the World Trade Center fell before our eyes and have noticed several strange and, in many cases, troubling issues coming before our eyes and ears.

I will tell you what stories have concerned me, and please let me know if you agree or have found other issues that you find out of place in the times we live in.

The airline industry will receive $5 billion in free federal funds plus an additional $10 billion in low-cost federal loan guarantees. I find no fault with helping an industry crippled by the events of Sept. 11, but question why the CEOs of these airlines continue to receive $4 million to $12 million a year in salary. In an industry that has laid off 130,000 employees, would not a significant pay cut by these executives have been appropriate? Could anyone say that cutting their pay from $12 million to $6 million would cause one of these executives to have to go on food stamps. All the Fed has stipulated in giving the billions is that CEOs of airlines don’t give themselves a raise for two years. Is that some type of hardship to an agency that has lobbied against the type of security actions that may have prevented their planes from becoming human bombs?


Six years ago, a national aeronautic safety committee headed by Vice President Al Gore had on the table requirements that all luggage be X-rayed, curbside check-in be stopped, and no baggage should be placed on a plane unless that person also is on the same plane. A dozen other security measures to ensure passenger safety in the air were recommended by the committee. The airline industry lobbied against these recommendations, stating they would cause hardships and delays in their flights. Gore made sure that all the recommendations were never approved. Two days after the recommendations were thrown in the wastebasket, $600,000 in airline industry political contributions made their way to the Democratic Party to re-elect the president. Doesn’t all of this sound wrong?


[to top of second column in this commentary]

CNN, that bastion of truth in the news, has directed all their anchors to not use the word "terrorists" in their description of the terrorists (I will use the word) or their activities, because these sick people have not been found guilty in a court of law. Are they serious? Do they expect me to ever watch their programs again?

Why is it that 80 percent of American flags are made in China? In a country that continues to export our jobs to other parts of the world to save a corporate buck, can we not have just one thing so simple and inexpensive as an American flag made in America? Maybe not. Our special forces, the Black Berets, have been getting their berets from China because they are 50 cents cheaper than a U.S. version would be. I personally have been forced on many occasions to buy items not made in this country. But I will promise you that my flags will always have a U.S.A. label on them, or I won’t have one at all.

Lastly, why is it that in the last three weeks in a country that sings "God Bless America," and pledges one nation under God at every event imaginable, in a nation that has a national day of prayer, a state day of prayer and city mayors throughout the land declaring a community gathering for prayer, that we still tell our children it is illegal to pray together in school. How does this concept make any sense?

Yes, after Sept. 11 we all are a little different than we were the day before. I’m a little sadder. A little more disheartened. And, it seems, a great deal more confused than ever.

[Mike Fak]

Reply to Fak (not for publication):

Response to Fak’s commentary: 


Water company, Illinois American,
tells city to butt out

By Mike Fak

[OCT. 4, 2001]  A few years back I wrote an article suggesting the city of Lincoln exercise the right of eminent domain and purchase the water company. Critics scoffed that I didn’t know what I was talking about and that there was no such opportunity for the city to regain control of this local utility.

Just about three months later the city of Peoria began proceedings to do just that, and I didn’t hear from anyone who thought I was crazy from that day on.

Now, a few years later, Lincolnites find themselves again in the midst of a sale of the water company to another mega-corporation. This time the potential purchaser has its base in Germany.

I am not an isolationist, but somehow mailing our checks to German businessmen just doesn’t seem right to me. In a country that continues to dissolve national ownership of skyscrapers and major corporations into holdings of foreign entities, can we not say no at least to local utilities being owned by foreign interests?

Personally, I like the idea of being able to catch the owner of a utility on the street corner and give that person either the praise or criticism I believe the company’s business practices deserve. Personally, I like the idea of the owner of a water company sitting next to me at a community function and seeing that person become involved in the community. Again, personally I like the idea of seeing the utility owner stand in front of the community and explain why a new higher rate for water is justified.


None of this will happen once a German corporation takes over our utility. We will be lucky if ever the day comes where anyone in the corporation’s hierarchy even visits this town.

Recall what happened a decade ago when Lehn and Fink was bought out by a British corporation. In a moment the factory was closed, jobs lost and buildings turned over to pigeons, based on decisions made by a board of directors 4,000 miles away. I am quite certain the new owners won’t just shut down and leave, but I have to ask what incentive is there for them to provide better service, improve infrastructure and maintain equitable rates for usage to a small town of strangers on the other side of the world. I don’t see any; maybe you do.


[to top of second column in this commentary]

Bill Bates, the city attorney, is an intelligent, meticulous man. His statement that the franchise agreement bears a right of first refusal clause allowing the city to step in on the purchase price is good enough for me. The question then needs to be asked if we as a city should take back our own utility. Yes, I know the skeptic in you asks how the city could afford, let alone run, a water company with all the other financial drains, such as a massive sewer project, already being argued before the council. I will answer those valid questions with a few of my own.

Regardless of the asking price, does not the fact that a foreign investor finds the possible return on investment lucrative enough to purchase something half a world away tell you that the business deal is a good investment? Why should we let a foreign corporation make that profit instead of the city of Lincoln? Why should we see a further erosion of state and federal corporate taxes as money goes to the governments of other countries instead of the United States?

I do have one other question. Where does our present water company owner, Illinois American, come off with the nerve to tell us to butt out of their affairs? The rights of the people of this city to become concerned and involved, if we wish, in the continued selling and escalation of the price of our utility is our right. Look it up if you want. The information is in the city, state and federal codes between the topics on democracy and self-rule.

[Mike Fak]

Reply to Fak (not for publication):

Response to Fak’s commentary: 

Old Glory

Submitted by retired Petty Officer Jim Cava, United States Navy



You are the most superlative most significant

Most sublime most singular most sacred flag in the world.

Your elegant and ever-meaningful colors symbolize

The true meaning of Americanism and American Patriotism.

RED defines Courage Zeal The Lifeblood of Patriotic Americans

WHITE defines Purity in Word and Deed Cleanness of Life Rectitude of Conduct

BLUE defines Faith in God Truth Loyalty Friendship.


You are the symbol of:

The land of the free and the home of the brave

The Greatest Nation in the World



You are the symbol of:

The fundamental and undeniable principles for which America stands:

HONOR - To be Good LIBERTY - To be Free

EQUALITY - To be One JUSTICE - To be Fair HUMANITY - To be Kind


You are the symbol of:

Our Declaration of Independence

To which we hold these truths to be self-evident

That all people are created equal

That all people are made one and the same

With a Heart and a Soul! - A Body and a Mind!

That all people are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights

That among these rights are:

LIFE - The right for us to Live

LIBERTY - The right for us to be Free

And the pursuit of HAPPINESS - The right for us to be Happy


You are the symbol of:

Our Constitution

The basic instrument of our government

And the supreme law of our land

That was founded upon the essential rights of all people

And which is the embodiment of democratic principles

With the promise that those essential rights will be respected and protected.


You are the symbol of:

Our Righteous and Almighty Creator

The Honorable / Patriotic Americans who founded our country

Devoted Parents and Teachers

Commendable Veterans

Dedicated Police Officers and Fire Fighters

Dependable First Aid and Ambulance Personnel

The Mentally and Physically Challenged

Younger Americans and Senior Citizens

Honest Workers and Selfless Volunteers

Honorable Americans and Upright Citizens


You are the symbol of:

Our true American Patriots

Our true American Heroes.

The brave American men and women

Made up of all races, colors and creeds,

Who gave and who are giving unselfishly of themselves in service to our country

To help us - And to protect us

Our basic rights and the basic rights of all people

And to defend our country and the principles for which she stands.


You are the symbol of:

The bravest and the greatest Armed Forces in the world

The United States

Navy Marine Corps Army

Air Force Coast Guard National Guard


You are the symbol of:

The bravest and the greatest Public Safety in the world

The Police Department Fire Department

First Aid and Ambulance Corps of the United States.


You are the symbol of:

All the Honorable / Patriotic Americans

Who answered the call of duty.

Who served our country to preserve and defend

The principles for which she stands.


You are the symbol of:

The Honorable / Patriotic Americans of

The Revolutionary War The War of 1812 The Mexican War

The Civil War The Spanish-American War

World War I World War II

The Korean War The Vietnam War Desert Storm

Bay of Pigs Beirut Bosnia Desert Fox Granada Haiti

Operation Allied Force Panama Persian Gulf Saudi Arabia.


You are the symbol of:

Our unsung American Hero

"The Honorable / Patriotic American Woman."

Who served our country with steadfast devotion

Not only in the Armed Forces of our United States, but also in civilian life.

Who through her bounty of abiding strength and gentle courage

Has mothered and safeguarded:

Honor, Liberty, Equality, Justice and most assuredly Humanity.


You are the symbol of:

Our extraordinary American Patriots

Our extraordinary American Heroes.

The thousands upon thousands of American Prisoners Of War

Who suffered - And who died, mercilessly at the hands of the enemy.

And the many who never came home.


You are the symbol of:

The hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Honorable / Patriotic Americans

Who sacrificed their lives, their loves, and their possessions

For our country in the line of duty.

You are the symbol of:

Their suffering and death - Blood, sweat and tears.

You are the symbol of:

The reality they have made for you and me, and millions upon millions

Of Americans to possess a magnificent birthright and the bountiful satisfaction

Of living in a country that is free and just.

You are the symbol of:

Their supreme patriotism and our everlasting gratitude.

You are


[Retired Petty Officer Jim Cava,
United States Navy]

This is the em space, a staff writer’s section with observations about life experiences in Logan County and elsewhere. Enjoy your visit.

— Mary Krallmann

Time to recycle a few leaves

In a corner of the bedroom are some old leaves. I’ve counted eight and a few fragments. They didn’t blow in. I brought them inside on purpose. Last fall they were a handful of color. I arranged them like a bouquet, with the biggest leaf in back. After admiring the bunch for a while, I didn’t know exactly what to do with it, but I didn’t want to just throw away my selections from the season’s bounty. They spent the winter and the spring and the summer in a stack on the floor, with the plate-sized leaf on the bottom. Out of the way next to an outside wall, they stayed relatively intact during their year indoors.

Recent moves of things around them broke a few leaf sections, and then I noticed how drab they looked overall. One is a faded green, two show signs of red, and one must have been yellow, but in general they’re not too exciting anymore. The two purple leaves decorating a spot in another room have more color remaining, but I’m about ready to part with the brown bunch.

It’s an encouraging development. Accumulating is easy, whether it’s leaves, ordinary household items, daily activities or concerns that clutter our minds. Soon there are too many leftovers taking up space. Some need to go.

It’s easier to recycle eight old leaves than many of the other things I’ve piled up. One of these days I’ll return the old leaves to their natural place out in the big world. First I’ll wait for more new ones to come down so there’s plenty of company for my discards.

I wonder what the new leaves will think of the old ones or if they’ll notice the difference. "What are you doing here?" they might say. "Where did you come from? There’s no tree here of your kind. Besides, you’re out of date. You’re not from our season. You smell like a house. You’re dried up and brittle."

But I think the fresh leaves and the older ones will get along. When the time comes for the impromptu mixer outside, they’ll rustle around, bump into each other and start mingling. It won’t take long. They’ll crunch up, get wet and disintegrate together, like so many others from years past.

Another little stack I’ve put together takes up less space than last year’s leaves. There’s little variation in size or color. They were parts of trees once, and now they’re dry bits of paper with words. It wouldn’t damage them if they were stepped on, but I keep a few on a desktop instead of on the floor. Among the quotations is this: "One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach." That’s also true of leaves on the ground, though I’ve been told of people who scoop them up in larger quantities to bring a sense of the outdoors inside.

I don’t go that far, but I do have a start on the next samples to admire for a while. There’s just a single leaf so far, but the three sections are almost like three leaves in one. I brought it home after it looked up at me from a sidewalk the other day. The middle part appears bruised and mostly brown, but to the right, only the pointed tip is dark. Below that there’s vibrant green bordering a red-orange inner section. To the left, the same colors are more muted, as if they bled into each other.

The season is still young, and for now I’m content with one new leaf — a new old leaf — until I see the next one.

[Mary Krallmann]


Where They Stand

Where They Stand is a commentary section that poses a question about a specific issue in the community. Informed individuals present their position with facts, opinions or insights on the issue. The following commentaries have been printed, unedited, in their entirety, as they were received. If you have further comment on the issue, please send an e-mail message, complete with your name, address and telephone number to


By the Numbers

Population estimates in Logan County
30,798 Total population, 1990
15,380 Rural population - 49.9%, 1990
15,418 Urban population - 50.1%, 1990
2,875 Projected births, 1990-1998
2,736 Projected deaths, 1990-1998
3,143 Persons below poverty level - 11.8 %
258 Average marriages per year
135 Average deaths per year

Alexis Asher

Logan County high schools: 1960-2000
1962 Middletown High School consolidated with New Holland
1972 Atlanta High School became part of Olympia School District
1975 Elkhart High School consolidated with Mount Pulaski
1979 Latham High School became Warrensburg-Latham
1988 New Holland-Middletown High School consolidated with Lincoln Community High School
1989 San Jose High School consolidated with Illini Central (Mason City)

Alexis Asher

Lincoln High School history


Lincoln School District


School buildings in 1859


"Grammar school" in 1859


High school teacher, Mr. January, in 1859


Central School opened


High school building started


High school dedicated, Jan. 5


Cost of new high school


Election authorized community high school District #404


Dedication of new Lincoln Community High School, 1000 Primm Road, in auditorium, on Nov. 9

Alexis Asher

How We Stack Up

This feature of the Lincoln Daily News compares Lincoln and Logan County to similar cities and counties on a variety of issues in a succinct manner, using charts and graphs for illustration.

Racial makeup of selected Illinois counties


What’s Up With That?


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