
Good NeighborsFund-raisersA Day in the Life...,

DiasporaFamily and Friends in the Armed Forces,  


February 2002

Saturday, Feb. 23
SPONSOR: Lincoln Public Library
WHO: Public, high school age through adult
WHAT: Board Games Rodeo
WHERE: Lincoln Public Library, Pegram Community Room
11:30 am to 2:30 pm

SPONSOR: Lincoln Christian College
WHO: Public
WHAT: Spring play: "The Wizard of Oz"
WHERE: Earl C Hargrove Auditorium on the Lincoln Christian College campus
7:30 pm

Tuesday, Feb. 26
SPONSOR: American Red Cross
WHO: By preregistration; call 732-2134 noon-4 pm weekdays or (217) 522-3357 at other times
WHAT: Class covering adult CPR, infant and child CPR, and first aid (first of two sessions required)
WHERE: 125 S. Kickapoo St.
WHEN: 6-10 pm

Thursday, Feb. 28
SPONSOR: American Red Cross
WHO: By preregistration; call 732-2134 noon-4 pm weekdays or (217) 522-3357 at other times
WHAT: Class covering adult CPR, infant and child CPR, and first aid (second of two sessions)
WHERE: 125 S. Kickapoo St.
WHEN: 5-10 pm


March 2002

Sunday, March 3
WHO: Public
WHAT: Open house
WHERE: Logan County Courthouse Dr. John Logan County Building
WHEN: 1-3 pm

Friday, March 8
SPONSOR: Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce Government/Education Committee
WHO: Public; RSVP to 735-2385
WHAT: "Meet the State Candidates Breakfast"
WHERE: Room 49, Restoration Hall, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary
WHEN: 7:30-9 am

Saturday, March 9
SPONSOR: St. John United Church of Christ
WHAT: Craft show

WHERE: 204 Seventh St.
WHEN: 8 am - 3 pm; lunch available 11 am - 1:30 pm

SPONSOR: Beta Sigma Phi
WHAT: "School Daze" benefit dance for school supply project for area children

WHERE: Moose Lodge, 521 N. Kickapoo
WHEN: 8-11 pm

Sunday, March 10
SPONSOR: Atlanta Fire Department
WHAT: Pancake and sausage breakfast

WHERE: Atlanta firehouse
WHEN: Beginning at 7 am

Tuesday, March 12
SPONSOR: U of I Extension
WHO: Public
WHAT: “Salads,” presented by Jananne Finck, nutrition and wellness educator, Springfield
WHERE: Extension office, 980 N. Postville Drive
WHEN: Noon - 1 pm

Thursday, March 14
SPONSOR: Logan County Arts Association
WHAT: Classic Film Night showing of "On the Waterfront"

WHERE: Lincoln Cinemas
WHEN: 7 pm

Saturday, March 23
WHAT: Children's Community Health Fair
WHERE: Lincoln Park District ballroom, 1400 Primm Road

Saturday, March 30
WHO: Public
WHAT: Annual Lake Fork Community Sale

WHERE: Lake Fork
WHEN: Breakfast starts at 7 am

SPONSOR: Lincoln Park District
WHAT: Easter egg hunt

WHERE: Lincoln Park District, 1400 Primm Road
WHEN: 10 am









SPECIAL EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Beta Sigma Phi plans ‘School Daze’ benefit danceHOI scholarship program seeks applicantsRemote control racing meetingRotary gains new members



Beta Sigma Phi plans ‘School Daze’ benefit dance

Members of local chapters of Beta Sigma Phi have been preparing for their "School Daze" benefit to help cover expenses of the annual school bag project for Lincoln students.

Each year students are screened through CIEDC for eligibility for this program provided by Beta Sigma Phi. Students who meet the qualifications are provided with a school bag and all of their school supplies for the upcoming school year. The number of eligible students rises each year. For the 2001-2002 school year, bags and supplies were provided for over 80 children. All proceeds from Beta Sigma Phi yearly projects go toward this program.

The benefit dance is scheduled for Saturday, March 9, from 8 to 11 p.m., at the Moose Lodge in Lincoln. This will be an evening for adults, with dancing to the lively tunes of Music 4U DJ Service. There will be a cash bar, snacks, a 50/50 drawing, and door prizes that have been donated by local merchants.

When tickets are presented at the door, they will automatically be entered into the drawings for door prizes. Winners for the door prizes need not be present to win.

Tickets are being given away in advance from local members and at MKS Jewelers on the square. Complimentary tickets will also be available at the door. Donations are accepted and appreciated.

If you would like to obtain tickets or donate a door prize, please call the following Beta Sigma Phi officers: Janet Henrichsmeyer, president, 732-7146; Linda Sue Sheley, vice president and treasurer, 732-8610; or Tish Podunajec, secretary, 735-1085.

This is sure to be an evening enjoyed by all, and the children of Lincoln who will receive much-needed school supplies will certainly enjoy the benefits from the evening!

[Beta Sigma Phi of Lincoln]

HOI scholarship program seeks applicants

The 2002 Miss HOI Scholarship Pageant is set for the evening of Saturday, April 6, at the Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center of Morton. The program is sponsored by the Morton Area Players, the Morton Park District and Bearce Automall of Washington.

Entries are now being accepted from young ladies ages 17 to 24. Applicants have a chance to be the next winner of thousands of dollars in scholarships and to represent our area at the Miss Illinois Pageant in June.

Bethany Von Behren of Peoria, Miss HOI 2000, won more than $6,000 in scholarships through her competition at Miss HOI and Miss Illinois. Von Behren is a 2001 graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington and was a top ten finalist at Miss Illinois. She was also a preliminary talent winner.

This year’s show, "Celebrate America," will feature award-winning twirler Alyssa Gunderson, the current Miss Heart of Illinois. Gunderson is a special education teacher in suburban Chicago and has been volunteering for mentoring programs for the past five years. She has worked closely with the Bloomington Housing Authority and has started mentoring programs in four states. Gunderson is a 2001 graduate of Illinois State University.

The Miss Heart of Illinois program was honored at the state level for the quality of its show on pageant night, winning the Best Production Award in 2001. In 1999 and 2001, it won the inaugural Outstanding Program Award from Miss Illinois. Since 1998, it has awarded approximately $26,000 in cash scholarships to central Illinois women, thanks to area sponsors. Scholarship funds are sent directly to the contestant’ s university to pay for tuition only.

For more information on entering, sponsoring or volunteering for Miss HOI, e-mail or visit the official Miss Heart of Illinois website:

[News release]

[Alyssa Gunderson, Miss HOI 2001,
is crowned by Bethany Von Behren, Miss HOI 2000,
and Jennifer Powers, Miss Illinois.]

Remote control racing meeting

From Mike Geriets

An informational meeting on Feb. 7 at the Lincoln Park District was set up to explore the possibilities of having a remote control race league. This is how it came about...

I received a remote control truck for Christmas and was totally surprised to see how many kids and adults in this community have remote control vehicles. Not only that, but it was one of the hot Christmas items bought this past year. I know I have really enjoyed toying around with mine. I then bought my fianceé one as well. It seems a lot of my friends have them, and some have been tucked away in storage for many years. I have seen them get out the old dusty boxes, charge their batteries and get back to the sport.

What surprised me is that there is no structure to racing with friends, and it ends up being a free-for-all wherever you are racing. I then started seeing and hearing about actual competitive racing all over the nation. I did find out that the closest racetrack to Lincoln is in Jacksonville, Ill. With that in mind I approached friends of mine, Marcia Greenslate, director of the Lincoln Park District, and Roy Logan, program director. I expressed interest in possibly starting a league. Roy stated that Steve Klemm of Picture This Photography is also a fan of R/C vehicles and bought one for himself and his son. Steve, Roy and I met and scheduled the public interest meeting.

Remote control racing would help get youth involved in some type of a structured activity. It is a good way of promoting something positive in this community, along with having something that could be great for the entire family. It doesn’t take a lot of money. You can purchase vehicles for less than $50 and still have fun This is a great way to teach our youth and adults some fundamentals of racing while having structure, along with providing a certain level of competition as well.

If there is a strong show of support, the Lincoln Park District may assist in forming a league and provide a track for racing as well.

[Submitted by Mike Geriets]

Rotary gains new members

On Jan. 30 the Lincoln Rotary club made its biggest stride in membership history by inducting 10 new members. The ceremony was handled by longtime Rotarian Bob Albert. Sponsors of the new Rotarians were also recognized for their efforts.

President Marty Ahrends has made a commitment to Rotary International to increase the size of the Lincoln club by 24 members during her year in office. She has challenged all members to bring one new member into the club before April 1.

The Lincoln Rotary club meets at noon on Wednesday at the Lincoln Depot Restaurant.

New Rotarians, from left to right:  Jim Coop, Mary Bruns, Jim Ash, Cynthia Kelly, Guy Burke, Dayle Eldredge, Frank Adubato, Georgina Tisdale and Darren Humphries. Also inducted into membership was Bill Gossett.


Girl Scouts announcements

  • Girl Scout leader meetings:  the first Thursday of each month, at the usual time and place.

Websites with lots of ideas that Girl Scout leaders, families or kids can use: 

See the website for Girl Scouts, Land of Lincoln Council, at

You can send questions and suggestions to the council by clicking here:

Also, see the national Girl Scouts site at

Oasis update

The Oasis, Logan County’s senior citizen center, at 501 Pulaski St. in Lincoln, is open weekdays (except holidays) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center also is open on Friday and Sunday nights for table games. Dominic Dalpoas is the executive director. Activities are open to all Logan County senior citizens, regardless of membership.

Computer class

There are a few openings for the spreadsheet-database class scheduled for the week of Feb. 25, at 9:30 a.m. Call for a reservation. No classes are scheduled for March. If you are interested, call for information and a reservation on the April schedule.

Circuit Breaker appointments

Appointment times are available for Feb. 26 in Hartsburg, Emden, San Jose, New Holland, Middletown, Elkhart and Broadwell for people who need assistance completing their Circuit Breaker forms. Please call The Oasis for an appointment.

Think Tank with speaker’s bureau

The program scheduled for 9 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27, features Dayle Eldredge from Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital. Her topic will be "ALMH Happenings." Join us for an informative session.

Auction reminder

Mark this date on your calendars: Saturday, March 16. Join us at 10 a.m. at The Oasis for the second annual auction featuring merchant donations and gently used items. Mike Maske will be the auctioneer. Lunch will be available for a nominal donation.

The committee is now accepting those "gently used items" to be auctioned. Thank you in advance for your support.

Game winners

The weekday pinochle winner for Feb. 8 was Mable Hoagland. Bernie DePuy won the monthly lunch drawing from Hallie’s Lunch Box. Weekend game winners for Feb. 8 were Marie Spaits for pinochle and Tom Garrison and Louise Weibers for 5 in 1.


Friends of The Oasis members receive bimonthly newsletters by mail. For more information, people can call the Oasis at 732-6132 or 732-5844.

Happenings at the U of I Extension office

The local office of the University of Illinois Extension is hosting a series of educational presentations. Anyone and everyone is welcome. Programs will be at the Extension office at the northwest corner of the fairgrounds, 980 N. Postville Drive.

Reservations will be requested; programs will be cancelled if fewer than 10 people are registered. 

Call 732-8289 to make reservations. There will be no charge for any of the programs

Planned programs for the coming year through University of Illinois Extension:

•  Tuesday, March 12, 2002, over noon hour 12-1 p.m. — "Salads," Jananne Finck, nutrition and wellness educator, Springfield

•  Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 10 a.m. — "New Friends, But Keep the Old," Patti Faughn, youth and family educator, Springfield

•  Tuesday, May 15, 2002, at 10 a.m. — "Air Quality," John Fulton, Lincoln

YMCA news

Know they’re safe

Unsupervised teens do poorly in school, want after-school activities,
new survey finds

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A new survey finds that unsupervised teens are four times more likely to be D students than teens supervised every day. The survey, "After School for America’s Teens," released by the YMCA of the USA, finds that 59 percent of teens are left unsupervised after school at least one day in a typical week. And those teens are more likely to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and engage in sexual activity, and are nearly three times as likely to skip classes at school. In fact, compared to teens who are supervised, they are also three times more likely to use marijuana or other drugs

YMCA Teen Action Agenda programs already are proven solutions to the clear need for structured supervision after school. Ten percent of America’s teens currently are involved in YMCA programs, and the YMCA is committed to doubling the number of teens it serves to one in five teens by 2005. YMCAs help teens develop character and build confidence through programs focusing on education, career and life skills; health, safety and well-being; and leadership and service learning,

"The survey’s findings reinforce our belief that teens who are supervised are more successful — they get better grades in school and participating in after-school programs helps protect them from at-risk behaviors. That’s why we’ve made the commitment to double the number of teens we involve in YMCA programs to nearly five million," said Brock Leach, chair of the YMCA Teen Action Agenda and president and CEO of Tropicana Products, Inc,

Teens want after-school programs

The survey of 500 teens 14 to 17 years of age reveals a strong interest in community and neighborhood-based after-school programs. Even though many teenagers participate in after-school programs through their school, over half of all teens (52 percent) wish there were more community or neighborhood-based activities available. And, while more than 62 percent of teens left alone during the week say they would likely participate in after-school programs, the survey also found that two in three teens (67 percent) would be interested in programs after school that would help them get better grades, develop leadership skills and be more involved in the community.

Cornelius Abraham is a teen who says he’s the perfect example of how the YMCA programs can keep good kids from going bad. At a news conference on Capitol Hill, Abraham described how he came from a family broken apart by the violent death of his brother at the hands of his parents. "The YMCA was a haven for me in my childhood and teen years. Without the structure and support I found through the Y’s after-school programs, I would never have had the success I did in school and confidence to overcome the obstacles in my path." said Cornelius, a former Chicago YMCA teen and now a 20-year-old sophomore at Northern Illinois University.

Jessica Stone is another good example of how YMCA programs work. The 14-year-old from Seattle, Wash., comes from a strong, two-parent family. "Being involved in the girls’ leadership program has been a great experience. The mentors I’ve worked with have really helped me learn and think about my future, and now I’m able to help other kids as a mentor for them," said Stone.

Keeping teens out of the "danger zone"

Unsupervised teens are in the "danger zone" — the hours of 3 to 6 p.m. after school, when being unsupervised can lead to problems with alcohol, drugs, sexual activity and even crime. This danger cuts across race, income and family structure, as was found in the University of Minnesota’s National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, the largest-ever survey conducted with adolescents in the United States. Teens who are failing school and "hanging out" with friends are more likely than other teens to engage in at-risk behaviors.

"If we choose not to invest in addressing the unstructured, unsupervised time of teens, it does not mean that we are saving money. We can pay at the front end or we can pay at the back... but we will pay," said Dr. Robert Blum, co-principal investigator of the University of Minnesota study.

The YMCA’s "After School" survey also revealed that teens who participate in after-school activities do better in school and are less likely to engage in activities that place them at risk. Teens who do not engage in activities after school are five times more likely to be D students than those who do. Furthermore, nearly eight in 10 teens (79 percent) who participate in after-school programs are A or B students, but only half (52 percent) of teens who do not participate earn such high marks.

Local YMCAs have committed to teens

To date, more than 1,000 YMCAs have signed on to support the YMCA Teen Action Agenda, In addition to doubling the number of teens they involve in programs, these local YMCAs pledge to offer more programs and support for teens. Meeting the campaign’s goals — building teens’ skills and values, developing assets in teens, providing teens with meaningful roles in their communities, and placing teens with adult role models — is crucial to teens’ success.

"YMCA teen programs provide teens the safe, structured after-school activities that help them avoid risky behaviors while preparing them academically and socially and building the character and skills teens need to succeed and thrive as young adults," said Kenneth Gladish, Ph.D., National Executive Director of YMCA of the USA.

In 2001, America’s YMCAs celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the first Y, in Boston, Mass. One out of three Americans reports being a YMCA member at some point in life. Together the 2,372 YMCAs are the nation’s largest not-for-profit community service organization.

Today, America’s YMCAs serve 17.5 million people, including nearly nine million children each year, through a broad range of programs, including mentoring, youth leadership and volunteerism. Collectively, YMCAs are also the nation’s largest provider of child care. YMCAs are for people of ail faiths, races, ages and incomes. Financial assistance is available for all YMCA programs and membership.

To learn more about the YMCA, visit the website at

The YMCA Teen Action Agenda is sponsored nationally by JCPenney Afterschool and PepsiCo, Inc.

Note: The survey results are based on telephone interviews with a national sample of 500 teenagers, 14 to 17 years of age, conducted in January 2001 by Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates of Washington, D.C. The statistical significance of the results is plus or minus 4.4 percent at the 95th confidence interval level.

YMCA art program reaches out to youth

The YMCA Art Outreach program is designed to reach youth of junior and senior high ages, giving them a positive outlet to express themselves and to keep them off the streets during the hours when they seem to get into the most trouble — after school.

The YMCA accepts referrals from schools, churches and the court system for any at-risk youth that might benefit from the organization’s programs. The Y sets up contracts with area youth, addressing where they are having problems. The youth must maintain the contracts in order to continue in the program at no charge.

Five AmeriCorps volunteers who are experienced in several areas of the arts have helped with the program this year and have been great assets.

Regular classes have been offered since last September. The program began with a six-week mosaic tile class. At first the class met in Mrs. Sisk’s art room at Lincoln Junior High School, which was convenient for the junior high youth to attend right after school, but it wasn’t long before the program outgrew the art room.

The group needed a place for classes and space for studio work — a place to call their own. The YMCA found that place at the old Odd Fellows Gym. At first the group used the girls’ dressing room upstairs at the entrance of the gym. The walls were lined with shelves to the ceiling in order to hold art supplies that have been bought, donated and pulled out of the trash. (Yes, trash beside the road or in a dumpster is picked up if it might have potential for being turned into artwork.) So the class outgrew the new space rapidly and soon started occupying the boys’ dressing room.

Now the program has one room for storage of all the supplies and a small work area, potentially to house a small printmaking press for etching and a mat cutter. The youth will be taught how to mat and frame their own artwork. The other room is used as a working studio.

Since September, the art program has offered five other classes: cartoon animation, painting, mixed media, papermaking and photography. Prospective spring classes are on ceramics and printmaking.

A photography class is on hold until a program sponsor and a darkroom can be found so that the class can move on to the next level. The YMCA would be grateful to anyone who has any old 35 mm SLR cameras, tripods, filters or lenses to donate to the program.

The program is always looking for any useful donations — the possibilities are endless. Even though you think it might be trash, you might want to think again and call Shanda at the YMCA, 735-3915. It just might be a treasure to the art program.

And if you see a woman in a blue van pulling things out of the trash, just remember it is for a good cause.

[Provided by the YMCA]

YMCA has Fun Days when school is out

"School’s Out Fun Days," offered by the local YMCA, are just the right answer for both parents and their children ages kindergarten through sixth grade. Parents can preregister their children to attend these special days and go to work knowing that the children will be kept busy and safe on days when school is not in session.

Kids especially enjoy their day off from school, as they have lots of opportunity to socialize and play games with their school friends. Youngsters will also enjoy the benefits of a variety of planned special activities and lessons at each Fun Day. Some of the special activities are singing fun songs, enjoying story time, experiencing science lessons, art activities and lots of fun large-motor play. Various guest speakers visit from time to time to share healthy nutrition programs and other interesting information with the children.

All of the School’s Out Fun Days are at the YMCA activity center, 721 Wyatt Ave.

Here are the Fun Day themes for the rest of the school year (along with the elementary districts where school is out on those days):

Monday, March 4 — "Creatures That Crawl" (C-EL, WL-B)

Friday, March 15 — "Creatures That Climb" (WL-B)

Monday, March 25 — "Creatures That Fly" (District 27)

Tuesday, March 26 — "Colors of Spring" (District 27)

Wednesday, March 27 — "Geometric Shapes" (District 27, C-EL, WL-B)

Thursday, March 28 — "Crazy About Fractions" (District 27, C-EL, WL-B)

Friday, March 29 — "Easter Fun" (District 27, C-EL, WL-B)

Monday, April 1 — "April Fool’s Fun" (C-EL, WL-B)

Friday, April 12 — "Flower Power" (District 27)

Wednesday, May 29 — "Sports Fun" (C-EL)

Thursday, May 30 — "Community Helpers" (District 27, C-EL, WL-B)

Friday, May 31 — "Summertime Fun" (District 27, C-EL, WL-B)


Announcement forms are now available online! Print out yours, fill it out, and bring it or send it in to Lincoln Daily News. We welcome your pictures, black and white as well as color. This free service is extended to all of our readers. Your announcement will be posted online. Anyone, anywhere can read it! Now Aunt Betty in Florida, Uncle Bob in Alaska, and Cousin Frank in Fiji can log in and read your announcement on Lincoln Daily News!

[Click here to see and print the wedding announcement form]

[Click here to see and print the anniversary announcement form]

[Click here to see and print the engagement announcement form]

Purple Heart received

[JAN. 31, 2002]  In the first ceremony of its kind in the state, Lincoln area resident Iona Boyd received the Purple Heart medal awarded to her first husband, Pvt. Paul W. Kodatt, a medic who was killed in the Philippines during World War II.

[Click here to view picture page.]

Illinois State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka presented the medal in a ceremony at 10 a.m. Wednesday at The Oasis. She also gave Boyd other contents of the abandoned safe deposit box where the medal was found: a Pacific campaign service medal, a small three-blade pocketknife, a rifle bayonet with scabbard and a pocket Bible.

[llinois State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka
presents medal to Iona Boyd.]

Boyd said the items brought back memories. "I know he served his country well," she said of Kodatt, a medical corps medic. "I was left with three small sons," Boyd recalled, expressing pride in her sons. Colleen Cavit, Boyd’s daughter by her second husband, also attended the ceremony.

"We’re here to preserve the honor of the veterans of the past (who) made the world free for democracy," Topinka said, adding that the presentation was especially appropriate in a time of renewed patriotism. The more than 50 people present for the ceremony included representatives of city and county government, the Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce and the Oasis board.

The medal presentation was part of the Illinois Treasurer’s Operation Search and Restore, which locates owners of medals found in abandoned safe deposit boxes. "Our goal is to reunite these medals with veterans and their families," Topinka said. "It would be unpatriotic to auction them off, as we do when we can’t find the owners of items left abandoned in safe deposit boxes. If we can’t find the owners, we’ll look into donating the medals to a military museum, but our preference is to get the medals back to the rightful owners."

Boyd received a check for $399.50, the value of other contents of the safe deposit box that were auctioned before she was located. Topinka also presented her with a certificate signed by Gen. John Johnston, director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs.

Two other rightful medal owners have been located, according to Sam Collins, administrator of safe deposit box compliance in Topinka’s office.


[to top of second column in this article]

A display of about 40 of the medals, many with recipient’s names, is available for use by organizations in the hope of finding more owners. Shown at the 2001 Illinois State Fair in August, it includes a National Defense Service Medal and ribbon, Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star, a Silver Star, an Army Distinguished Service Medal and a Navy Cross. To have the display brought to your organization, call Jason Winnett at (217) 558-6999 or visit the website

Oasis Executive Director Dom Dalpoas said the senior center was selected as the presentation site because of its partnership with the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs. Mark Patterson of the department outlined the history of the Purple Heart. The medal, then called the Badge of Military Merit, was designed by George Washington to reward meritorious action by enlisted soldiers. Washington said, "The road to glory in a patriot army and a free country is thus open to all." Only three badges were presented during the Revolution, and the recipients were permitted to pass sentries and guards without challenge.


[Oasis Executive Director Dom Dalpoas
introduces Judy Baar Topinka.]


In 1932 the Purple Heart was revived at the instigation of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. In 1941 it was extended to members of the Navy, Marines and Coast Guard. President John F. Kennedy further extended it to civilians wounded while working with the armed forces, and President Ronald Reagan to those wounded in terrorist attacks.

[Lynn Shearer Spellman]

Heroes in our midst

Lincoln Area YMCA’s mentor-HERO program

[JAN. 31, 2002]  The Lincoln Area YMCA’s mentor/HERO program is one that provides a volunteer mentor to a youngster in need of quality one-on-one time with a positive adult role model. Mentors serve as a guide and in many instances as a tutor.

Each mentor and youngster meet for at least 30 minutes per week. In addition, monthly social events are planned for all mentors and children to spend time doing something fun and maybe new together.

Young people from kindergarten through eighth grade are eligible to be in the program. Teachers, parents, principals, anyone can refer a child to the mentor/HERO program. Mentors and children meet in a variety of places, but primarily they meet at the child’s school after school or at the Lincoln Public Library.

Mentors are trained on how to be the best mentor they can be and also in the YMCA’s child abuse and prevention program, the Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System. Background check is performed on each volunteer mentor. Additionally, mentors complete an application stating why they would like to become a mentor and are required to list three people as character references.


[to top of second column in this article]

The Lincoln Area YMCA has been offering this program to families for the past four years. Several of the mentors have been with the program for two to three years. These mentors have developed very close relationships with the children they mentor — relationships that will likely last for years after they leave the program. There are children waiting and mentors are needed right now.

If you have a child who is in need of a mentor or if you would like to become a mentor, please contact Sarah at 735-3915.

[YMCA news release]



People all across this country and, in fact, around the world, claim roots in Logan County. They have very interesting stories to tell, and some of them like to connect with those of us who stayed at home. Logan County Diaspora publishes the stories of former Logan County residents. With their permission, we also include their e-mail addresses so that old friends might be reunited.  If you wish to be part of the Logan County Diaspora, e-mail  

Diaspora correspondents

Click on names to see letters and stories.

v Indicates LDN sponsors

Family and Friends in the Armed Forces

Friends and relatives serving in the armed forces are listed here so we might all hold them in our thoughts, prayers and well wishes. If you know of other friends and relatives serving (they need not be from Logan County), please send the information to Along with the name, you are invited to include the branch of service, current location of service, postal address, e-mail address and relationship to the person providing the information (optional).

Jerome A. Allen

U.S. Air Force

At Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

Postal address: 5805 Mountain Home St.

Unit J-13

Nellis AFB, NV 89191


Class of ’00


SST Kenneth Allen
and wife Susan Allen (Elza)

U.S. Army-1AD-HHC

Weisbaden, Germany

E-mail: or

Jon Barton

West Point, N.Y.

Jon Bowers

Lackland Air Force Base, Texas

Josh Campbell


Justin Clott

U.S. Navy

Will be deployed in mid-January

(Address not available yet)


CDR Jim Cravens

(Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Lincoln)

U.S. Navy

At Atlantic Fleet Headquarters, Norfolk, Va.

Postal address: CDR James O. Cravens, N02GR

1562 Mitscher Ave., Suite 250

Norfolk, VA, 23551-2487-2487

E-mail:  or 

Staff Sgt. Evan Jay Downey, Karen and Ethan

U.S. Air Force

Mildenhall Air Force Base, England

1988 graduate of LCHS

Son of Lucky Eichner

Ben Estes

Fort Benning, Ga.

Charles Lindstrom Jr.

U.S. Air Force

At Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana

Postal address: 8525 Chalmette Drive

Shreveport, LA 71115


1981 graduate of LCHS


[to top of second column in this section]

Airman Chad M. Maxheimer
U.S. Air Force

Postal address: 9AEW JSOAC-S

Unit 10

APO AE 09351


Son of Mike and Suzie Maxheimer of Chestnut and Michelle Lowe of Mount Pulaski

2000 graduate of Mount Pulaski High School

Kevin McGinnis


Philip Nodine

Army National Guard

Fort Jackson, S.C.

In basic training

Michelle K. Ramlow


At Pentagon

Postal address: 5409-B Steeplechase Drive

Fredericksburg, VA 22407


Maj. James E. Reineke,
Deborah, Nathan, Emily

Air Force

Misawa Air Base, Japan


Pvt. Christian B. Skelton

U.S. Army

Scheduled to graduate from AIT in late March.

He and his wife will go to Germany in April.

Postal address: A CO 1-19th INF ITB

4th Platoon

Fort Benning, GA 31905-5630


2001 graduate of LCHS

Husband of Nahani Lynn Skelton

Robby, Ami-Jo and Angela Spickard

National Guard medical support

Tech. Sgt. Thomas Yarcho

U.S. Air Force

At Ramstein Air Base, Germany


Class of 82


Ongoing class reunion in cyberspace for 1960 graduates of LCHS


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