LDC to be downsized or closed

[JAN. 12, 2002]  Governor Ryan announced on Friday that, “Either the Lincoln Developmental Center will close, or it will be downsized to a point where LDC could pass a federal inspection.”  Ryan has asked the Illinois Department of Human Services to develop both plans. If reduced, the facility would cut back employees and residents. The plans to close or downsize are being prepared by DHS director Linda Renee Baker and will be on the Governor’s desk on Jan. 31.

The announcement brought strong reactions from parties on both sides of the issue.  Advocates for deinstitutionalization, lobbying for community-integrated living arrangements for developmentally disabled residents, are growing impatient with the delays. As executive director of ARC of Illinois, Toby Paulauski said, “I really think the guy has got only one choice.  It’s time to make that decision and move on.”

LDC employees and the family members of residents remain hopeful that the facility that is home to more than 200 disabled residents will remain open   Still stinging from the moves of over 100 residents that have been sent to other facilities, they fear the future disruption, whether it be shuttering or cutbacks.  As Lincoln Parents Association co-president Linda Brown sees it, “At least he didn’t come out and close it.”

Still saying that he wants what is best for the care and safety of the residents, the Governor emphasized, “I have not lost sight of that mission or of my responsibility to their welfare.”


[Jan Youngquist]

LDC rally

[JAN. 12, 2002]  A rally in support of Lincoln Developmental Center was held this morning in the auditorium of Lincoln Community High School.  LDC employees are members of  AFSCME Local 425.

[All photos by Bob Frank]

[Click here to see more pictures]

[From left:  Bobbi Abbott, Mayor Beth Davis,
and Senator Larry Bomke]

[The room was a blaze of red]

[AFSCME was not the only union represented.]

[Don Todd, president of AFSCME Local 425]

Budget tops legislature’s agenda for 2002

[JAN. 12, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD According to Senator Claude “Bud” Stone, job number one for the General Assembly in 2002 is crafting a new state budget, one that is balanced, addresses priorities and is also realistic given the current financial climate.

"We have a difficult task ahead of us," said Stone (R-Morton). "We must find the right balance between the needs of the citizens and fiscal responsibility."

State government is still operating under the fiscal year 2002 budget that was approved during the 2001 spring session. The state’s budget year runs from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the next year. The Illinois economy has continued to slow over the past year and because of that the state is receiving less tax revenue than was anticipated. This prompted budget cuts by the governor during December and calls for budget belt tightening as the new legislative session gets underway.

"The Bureau of the Budget is still predicting positive revenue growth in the current fiscal year," said Stone. "However, the estimate of $500 million is about half what was expected when the current budget was approved last spring. As we begin work on the fiscal year 2003 budget, we must be cautious. It’s difficult to predict, economically, what this year will bring "


[to top of second column in this article]

For many legislators, such as Stone, this year’s budget crisis has a familiar ring to it.

"Although I wasn’t the state senator then, I do remember the financial problems plaguing Illinois in the early nineties," said Stone. "There were difficult decisions made, state spending was curtailed and Illinois came out of that decade fiscally strong.”

Stone believes state government should conduct its business in much the same way as a small business owner or family. When there is a reduction in income, spending is reduced and you make do with less.

"Illinois government must live within its means. That means we pay our bills on time and don’t spend more tax dollars than we take in," said Stone. "I’ve heard talk about fee increases or tax hikes as a way of increasing revenues to pay for programs. I’m opposed to that option. Taxpayers should not be further burdened, especially in times of an economic downtown."

Lawmakers returned to Springfield on Wednesday to begin the 2002 spring session. The session is scheduled to end May 17.

[News release from Illinois Senator Claude Stone]

Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Saturday, Jan. 12

12th day of the year


Reporter: “Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of Western civilization?”

Gandhi: “I think it would be a very good idea.”

“The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” — Muhammad Ali


---- — HAL 9,000th birthday (from "2001: A Space Odyssey")

1588 — John Winthrop, first governor (Massachusetts Bay Colony)

1588 — Jose Ribera [Lo Spagnoletto], Spanish painter

1665 — Pierre de Fermat, French lawyer and mathematician

1729 — Edmund Burke, British author (Philosophy & Inquiry)

1737 — John Hancock, patriot (first to sign Declaration of Independence)

1856 — John Singer Sargent, U.S., portrait painter (“Wyndham Sisters”)

1876 — Jack London, writer and socialist (“Call of the Wild”)

1893 — Hermann Goering, Nazi Reichsmarshall

1896 — Rex Ingram, Ireland, actor and director (“Elmer Gantry,” “God’s Little Acre”)

1903 — Igor V. Kurtshatov, Russian nuclear physicist (first Russian nuclear bomb)

1906 — Henny Youngman, England, comedian (“Take my wife please...”)

1935 — "Amazing" Kreskin, Montclair, N.J., mentalist and telepath

1944 — Joe Frazier, Beaufort, S.C., heavyweight boxer (gold medal, 1964 Olympics), champion (1968-73)

1951 — Rush Limbaugh, Cape Girardeau, Mo., radio personality


1493 — Last day for all Jews to leave Sicily

1519 — Maximilian I of Hapsburg, German Kaiser, dies

1583 — Holland begins use of Gregorian calendar (yesterday was 1-1-1583)

1684 — French king Louis XVI marries Madame Maintenon

1755 — Tsarina Elisabeth establishes first Russian University

1773 — First U.S. public museum established (Charleston, S.C.)

1816 — France decrees Bonaparte family excluded from the country forever

1829 — Friedrich von Schlegel, German cultural philosopher and poet, dies at 56

1903 — Harry Houdini performs at Rembrandt Theater, Amsterdam

1906 — First time Dow Jones closes above 100 (100.26)

1906 — Football rules committee legalizes forward pass

1921 — Kenesaw Mountain Landis becomes first commissioner of baseball

1946 — NFL champion Cleveland Rams given permission to move to Los Angeles

1948 — Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi begins his final fast

1965 — Porcupine in Washington, D.C., zoo dies at 27; oldest known rodent

1966 — “Batman,” with Adam West and Burt Ward, premieres on ABC-TV

1967 — Louisville, Ky., draft board refuses exemption for boxer Muhammad Ali

1976 — Agatha Christie, mystery writer (“10 Little Indians”), dies at 85

Sunday, Jan. 13

13th day of the year


“My mouth is full of decayed teeth and my soul of decayed ambitions.” — James Joyce

“There are those who say to you — We are rushing this issue of civil rights. I say we are 172 years late.” — Hubert Humphrey


1628 — Charles Perrault, France, lawyer and writer (Mother Goose)

1834 — Horatio Alger Jr., Revere, Mass., author (“Lost at Sea,” “Work and Win”)

1885 — Alfred Fuller, CEO (Fuller Brush Man)

19-- — Sam Woolworth

1919 — Robert Stack, Los Angeles, Calif., actor (Eliot Ness in “The Untouchables”; “Airplane!”)


?? — Charles III, the Fat One, King of Franconia and Roman emperor, dies

1330 — Frederick (III), the Handsome, duke of Austria and German anti-king, dies

1559 — Elizabeth I crowned queen of England in Westminster Abbey

1630 — Patent to Plymouth Colony issued

1695 — Jonathan Swift ordained an Anglican priest in Ireland

1733 — James Oglethorpe and 130 English colonists arrive at Charleston, S.C.

1863 — Thomas Crapper pioneers one-piece pedestal flushing toilet

1864 — Stephen Foster, composer (“My Old Kentucky Home”), dies at 37 in New York

1888 — National Geographic Society founded (Washington, D.C.)

1895 — Oscar Wilde’s “Ideal Husband” premieres in London

1920 — New York Times editorial reports rockets can never fly

1929 — Wyatt Earp, U.S. marshal (O.K. Corral), dies at 80

1941 — James Joyce, novelist (“Ulysses”), dies in Zurich, Switzerland, at 58

1942 — Henry Ford patents a method of constructing plastic auto bodies

1957 — Wham-O Company produces the first Frisbee

1968 — Beginning of Tet offensive in Vietnam

1978 — Hubert Humphrey, senator, D-Minn., and vice president, dies at 66 in Waverly, Minn.



Burwell sells out

[JAN. 11, 2002]  Reports say that a locally owned oil company, Burwell Oil Service Inc., has sold their business. Gene Burwell personally announced to his employees Thursday that he has reached an agreement to sell his 22 retail units to Thornton Oil Corp. of Louisville, Ky. According to sources, he explained that, "He wants to retire and his sons have no interest in perpetuating the retail business."

Thornton Oil Corp. is one of the 500 largest privately held firms in the United States. They have nearly 150 stores in five states including Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Connecticut. They operate with over $700 million in annual revenues.

The transaction, it is said, will occur March 1. It is expected that Thornton management will interview current staff to see which employees will be staying with the company.


Logan County Board meeting

County board moves to extend animal control warden’s contract, tables zoning petition

[JAN. 11, 2002]  In a straw vote at its whole committee meeting Thursday night, the Logan County Board indicated that it is set to approve animal control Warden Sheila Farmer’s employment for the rest of the year. Nearly half an hour at the start of the meeting was spent on discussing when to vote on a zoning petition, with the issue eventually being tabled.

Last month Farmer’s renewed employment term had been set for 30 days although her animal control colleagues veterinarian Lester Thomson and Deputy Warden Polly Farmer received one year each. The issue, according to board member Jim Griffin, was the need to clarify complaints and resolve communication problems at the department. After the apparent slight to Sheila Farmer, the board’s animal control chair, Clifford “Sonny” Sullivan, offered his resignation.

By Thursday, Sullivan was back in his position reporting that the committee is addressing the cat problem, which has surfaced at Lincoln City Council meetings. He said he is also working to straighten out the animal control telephone system so that calls can be automatically forwarded to the warden’s cell phone when no one is in the office. Animal control’s new hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays.

Board president Dick Logan confirmed that Sheila Farmer works at the will of the board, not on contract. Despite that fact, the board traditionally votes to extend her employment twelve months at a time because names of animal control employees must be submitted to the state annually. With this information the board voted 12-1 to continue Farmer’s employment until Dec. 1. Griffin alone opposed the measure, which like other straw votes taken at whole committee meetings will be decided at the following Tuesday’s adjourned board meeting.

The practice of taking straw votes on Thursday and final votes on Tuesday added to the confusion in the zoning issue. The case involved the petition by Alan Roos, who farms in Aetna Township about a mile from Chestnut, to rezone three of his 120 acres from agricultural to country homes use. He plans to divide the tract into three one-acre home sites. Before it came to the county board, the request had been approved 10-2 with one abstention and one voting present by the Logan County Regional Planning Commission and 5-0 by the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Zoning Committee chair Dave Hepler, representing the planning commission, moved approval of the petition. He said, however, that he personally opposes the measure because he prefers to rezone one parcel at a time.

Although Zoning Officer Bud Miller said the proposal meets ordinance requirements, Farm Bureau Director Jim Drew asked for postponement until implications of the Illinois Plat Act can be clarified. He said the law requires a subdivision plat to be filed for two or more parcels of land totaling less than five acres. Miller then read from the county subdivision regulations that a “redivision of land not involving more than three lots and not requiring new streets to be dedicated” is not a subdivision. Miller said he would ask State’s Attorney Tim Huyett for an opinion on the matter before Tuesday’s voting session.


[to top of second column in this article]

With board vice president Lloyd Hellman conducting the meeting, Dick Logan amended the motion to postpone the vote until Feb. 19, the date of next month’s voting board meeting. After quick approval of the amendment, board members were of differing opinions about whether to vote on the main motion immediately, on Tuesday or not until next month. Assistant State’s Attorney Mike Risinger was called in and gave the opinion that no further vote was needed until Feb. 19. But even that did not settle the matter, and discussion did not stop until the issue was tabled. Board member Dale Voyles made the motion to table. Griffin, Logan and White opposed the table. 

In other business Doug Dutz, Law Enforcement and ESDA chair, said only one bid has been received so far for an ambulance. Bids are due Friday, Jan. 11. He also reported that the county has been awarded a $15,000 grant to purchase personal protection equipment for use against terrorism. The grant comes from federal funds distributed through the state. Exactly what will be purchased has not yet been determined.

During their meeting the board found occasion to give two rounds of applause. The first round went to workers from Lincoln Developmental Center, whose spokesperson, Don Todd, president of AFCSME Local 425, thanked the board for its resolution of support. The second round was for Mary Elston, director of Community Action, whose group served 50 meals to firefighters and motel residents evacuated because of the American Legion fire.

Community Action committee chair Paul Gleason said $300,000 has been paid toward utility bills of those who qualify for the weatherization program, but the state has been slow to pay its share.

Finance chair Rod White said his committee is working out how to give a 50 percent advance to the three agencies that receive money from the Senior Citizens Tax – The Oasis, CIEDC and Rural Health Partnership. Last year the board gave a 100 percent advance, and it is moving toward giving none next year. The advance is paid from county funds, so the county loses the amount of the interest on the advance.

The board voted unanimously in favor of two highway projects:

-$40,000 to correct a scour problem on the Waynesville blacktop. White explained that a bridge piling is being undercut, undermining the bridge support.

-$18,000 as the county’s share of bridge replacement in Sheridan Township. Funding for the project is shared, with the state picking up 80 percent, the county 10 percent and the township 10 percent.

[Lynn Shearer Spellman]

LDC state-wide events summary

[JAN. 11, 2002] 

In Springfield Two Illinois House of Representatives committees are meeting to discuss past problems at the Lincoln Developmental Center and assess how to prevent similar issues from occurring in other state-run institutions. The disabled community and the mental health and patient abuse committees heard only the supportive LDC testimony on Thursday. The committees at two later hearings will hear other testimony about the facility. These meetings are scheduled for 10 a.m. on Feb. 5 and 2 p.m. on Feb. 6, both in Room D-1 of the Stratton Office Building.

In ChicagoThe Department of Public Aid and Public Health continues hearings at the Chicago office. These hearings assess official documentation, reports and testimony about infractions at LDC. Recommendations from these hearings are being given to Gov. Ryan for his consideration as to whether to keep the center open or to close it.

In LincolnLDC supporters have organized a rally. The rally will be at 10 a.m. (doors open at 9 a.m.) on Saturday, Jan. 12 in the auditorium at Lincoln Community High School.


Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Friday, Jan. 11

11th day of the year


“In politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword. Heresies in either can rarely be cured by persecution.” — Alexander Hamilton

“What every genuine philosopher (every genuine man, in fact) craves most is praise—although the philosophers generally call it “recognition”!” — William James


1757 — Alexander Hamilton, West Indies, first U.S. secretary of Treasury (face on $10 bill)

1842 — William James, U.S., psychologist and philosopher

1906 — Albert Hofmann, Switzerland, chemist (discovered LSD)

1926 — Grant Tinker, broadcasting executive (NBC-TV)


1569 — First recorded lottery in England is drawn in St. Paul’s Cathedral

1642 — Isaac Newton is elected a member of Royal Society

1775 — Yemelyan Pugachov, Don Cossack rebel, executed by tsarist Russia

1785 — Continental Congress convenes in New York City

1797 — Francis Lightfoot Lee, U.S. farmer (signer of Declaration of Independence), dies at 62

1803 — Monroe and Livingston sail for Paris to buy New Orleans; they buy Louisiana

1843 — Francis Scott Key, composer (“The Star-Spangled Banner”), dies at 63

1892 — Paul Gauguin marries a 13-year-old Tahitian girl

1922 — Insulin first used to treat diabetes (Leonard Thompson, 14, of Canada)

1963 — First discotheque opens, Whiskey-a-go-go in LA

1964 — First government report warning smoking may be hazardous to one’s health

1973 — American League adopts designated hitter rule

1977 — France releases Abu Daoud, a Palestinian suspected of involvement in massacre of Israeli athletes at 1972 Munich Olympics

1988 — Gregory (Pappy) Boyington, ace World War II pilot, dies at 75 or cancer

1991 — Congress empowers Bush to order attack on Iraq

LDC update: hearings continue

[JAN. 10, 2002]  More than a hundred miles apart, hearings concerning the fate of Lincoln Developmental Center are being held today.

Michael Bradley, an administrative law judge for the Department of Public Aid, will continue to hear testimony concerning the complaints of misconduct by LDC employees.  These hearings are taking place in the Department’s Chicago office.

Also, the Disabled Community and the Mental Health and Patient Abuse committees of the State House of Representatives heard testimony at 8:30 this morning concerning the “Quality Care of the Developmentally Disabled of Illinois: Lincoln Developmental Center.”

A support rally for LDC hosted by AFSCME Local 425 will be held this Saturday at 10 a.m. in the auditorium of Lincoln Community High School.

[Gina Sennett]

(See press release below for Lincoln rally information.)

Bomke testifies for LDC

[JAN. 10, 2002]  Springfield – Senator Larry Bomke and a crowd of Lincoln Developmental Center (LDC) supporters addressed a joint meeting of the House Disabled Community and Mental Health and Patient Abuse committees. Bomke (R-Springfield) spoke about the need to keep LDC open, citing not only the economic benefits to Lincoln, but also the requests from parents and families to keep the facility open. According to Bomke, the families of LDC residents who contacted him have positive experiences with the facility and want it to remain open so their loved ones will continue to receive quality care.

[News release]

Rally in Support of Lincoln Developmental Center

[JAN. 10, 2002]  We all know how important Lincoln Developmental Center is to the Lincoln community. It is a facility that provides quality care for people with developmental disabilities. Over the years, many people in the community have dedicated their work lives to this important care, while those receiving the care have become part of the Lincoln community.

Now this facility is being threatened with closure and those who live there are threatened with being moved to other facilities that their families have much less confidence in. This closure would also have a devastating impact on our community, causing widespread unemployment. We ask you to join us in a rally to express support for Lincoln Developmental Center. Gov. Ryan and other state officials need to understand just how valued LDC is by the Lincoln community. Come help us make that clear.

The rally will be at 10 a.m. (doors open at 9 a.m.) on Saturday, Jan. 12 in the auditorium at Lincoln Community High School.


[AFSCME Local 425 and LDC employees news release]

Governor Ryan restores $24 million in Medicaid funding for safety net hospitals

[JAN. 10, 2002]  SPRINGFIELD – Governor George H. Ryan today restored more than $24 million dollars in Medicaid funding for the state’s safety net hospitals that serve high volumes of Medicaid patients or for the critical rural hospitals providing Medicaid services in their community.

“These hospitals are important because of the medical services they provide to a large number of low income and disabled persons in Illinois,” Gov. Ryan said. “We have heard and understand their concerns and are providing them with some relief in fiscal year 2002 from the budget cuts announced in late November.

"My administration always had this as a priority. Unfortunately, we were faced with unprecedented and unexpected shortfalls due to the events of September 11 and a national economic downturn. We realized these hospitals serve a vital need to these communities and that is why we've worked hard to restore these funds."

Over the past three years, increases in social services have included doubling the funding for the CHIP program, providing health care coverage for those unable to buy private coverage; providing a five-fold increase to nearly $10 million for Healthy Families Illinois, a network of community based programs to assist at-risk new parents and prevent child abuse and neglect; and increasing medical assistance to the poor by 30 percent, providing $300 million in additional Medicaid services for 93,000 elderly, blind or disabled citizens.

During a meeting in Springfield, Ryan told hospital executives from the state’s safety net hospitals that he would restore a total of $24 million in Medicaid payments, including all of the Critical Hospital Adjustment Payments for rural hospitals.  

Woody Hester, president and CEO of ALMH when asked for a statement commented, "We are delighted to hear the news and applaud the governor's actions, but we have not heard all the details."


[to top of second column in this article]

The Governor will also restore between 55 percent and 66 percent of the total rate cuts for 39 inner city hospitals across the state.

“The budget problem in this state is real,” Ryan said. “Today’s action to restore significant funding to these hospitals should not be taken as a sign that we can somehow balance the state budget without making difficult and painful cuts. We must now move on to the fiscal year 2003 budget."

Ryan reminded the hospital executives that, during the fall veto session, he asked the General Assembly to pass the legislation necessary to spread the nearly $500 million in budget cuts more fairly. Because legislators adjourned without taking action, the governor announced $485 million in cuts that could be made administratively, including $114 million in cuts to hospitals providing Medicaid services. “My administration has maintained a strong commitment to provide healthcare for poor and disabled citizens in our state,” Ryan said. “That commitment has not wavered, despite the need to balance the budget.“  

Central Illinois hospitals will have vastly varying sums restored. Eureka Community hospital operated by Bromenn Healthcare will only see a check for $127 while OSF Saint James Hospital in Pontiac will receive $92,224. Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital is slated to receive $12,190 of the restored funds.

The bottom line locally is still a hard-hitting loss. With the original proposal by Governor Ryan, ALMH's share of Medicaid reimbursements was cut by $172,000 per year. With the restoration, ALMH will still be losing $160,000 per year in reimbursements from Medicaid. For every dollar they spend to treat a Medicaid patient, ALMH will only receive 7.9 cents back in reimbursement.

[News release]

Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Thursday, Jan. 10

10th day of the year


“These are the times that try men’s souls.” — Thomas Paine

“Intellectually I know that America is no better than any other country; emotionally I know she is better than every other country.” — Sinclair Lewis

“Anybody who has any doubt about the ingenuity or the resourcefulness of a plumber never got a bill from one.” — George Meany


18-- — Frank James, outlaw, brother of Jesse

1864 — George Washington Carver, agricultural scientist

1883 — Aleksei Tolstoi, Russian poet and writer (“Pjotr Peroyj”)

1898 — Sergei M. Eisenstein, Russian director (“Alexandr Nevski”)

1938 — Willie "Stretch" McCovey, first baseman (San Francisco Giant #44)

1942 — Jim Croce, Philadelphia, rock vocalist (“Time in a Bottle”)

1949 — George Foreman, Houston, Texas, world heavyweight boxing champ


B.C. — Julius Caesar crosses Rubicon, invades Italy

1429 — Order of Golden Fleece established in Austria-Hungary and Spain

1776 — “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine published

1810 — French church annuls marriage of Napoleon I and Josephine

1862 — Samuel Colt, inventor of six-shot revolver, dies at 47

1863 — First underground railway opens in London

1901 — Oil discovered in Texas

1917 — Buffalo Bill Cody, Army scout and Indian fighter, dies at 65

1920 — League of Nations established

1928 — Soviet Union orders exile of Leon Trotsky

1943 — Russian offensive against German 6th and 4th Armies near Stalingrad

1946 — U.N. General Assembly meets for first time (London)

1951 — First passenger jet trip made

1951 — Harry Sinclair Lewis, U.S. writer (Nobel Prize, 1930), dies at 65

1961 — Dashiell Hammett, U.S. detective writer (“Thin Man”), dies at 66

1978 — John D. Rockefeller III, U.S. billionaire philanthropist, dies at 71

1980 — George Meany, labor leader, dies at 86

In Chicago, Public Aid administrative law judge hears LDC problems

[JAN. 9, 2002]  Tuesday saw the first of a series of hearings led by the Departments of Public Aid and Public Health concerning the Lincoln Developmental Center. The hearings are being conducted in the Public Aid Chicago office, and are to consider the allegations of inappropriate behavior by certain LDC employees and to determine the center’s responsibility and fate.

Martin Feldman is the attorney for the Department of Public Aid. His case is based on two accounts of LDC patients requiring surgery after their disabilities led them to swallow inedible objects and another report of one employee who attempted to choke a patient with a sheet. He says that the center did not adequately care for and protect these patients. The employee had not declared previous work experience with the Department of Mental Health because he had signed a covenant saying he would never again work for that department.

Michael Scotti represents LDC and the Department of Human Services. He says that since the employee lied on his application, it was not the fault of the center. Concerning the swallowed objects, he again claimed that misconduct by “rogue” employees is not the fault of LDC.

The hearings are expected to continue over the next few weeks. Public Aid administrative law judge Michael Bradley said he does not expect to make a ruling until sometime next month.

[Gina Sennett]

Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Wednesday, Jan. 9

9th day of the year


“Finishing second in the Olympics gets you silver. Finishing second in politics gets you oblivion.” — Richard M. Nixon

“Duty, honor, country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying point to build courage when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.” — Gen. Douglas MacArthur


 1728 — Thomas Warton, poet laureate of England

1870 — Joseph B. Strauss, civil engineer and builder (Golden Gate Bridge)

1901 — Chic Young, cartoonist (Blondie)

1913 — Richard Milhous Nixon, (R) 37th president (1968-74)

1915 — Les Paul, guitarist and inventor (Les Paul)

1934 — Bart Starr, NFL quarterback and coach (Green Bay)

1941 — Joan Baez, Staten Island, folk singer and human rights advocate

1944 — Jimmy Page, London, rock guitarist (Led Zeppelin, “Stairway to Heaven”)


1570 — Tsar Ivan the Terrible kills 1,000-2,000 residents of Novgorod

1861 — First hostile act of Civil War, Star of West fired on Sumter, S.C.

1878 — Victor Emmanuel II, king of Sard (1849-61) and Italy (1861-78), dies at 57

1903 — Frank Farrell and Bill Devery purchase American League Baltimore franchise

for $18,000 and move it to New York City (Yankees)

1905 — Bloody Sunday; demonstrators fired on by tsarist troops

1939 — Johann Strauss, Austrian conductor and Royal ball director, dies at 72

1945 — U.S. soldiers led by Gen. Douglas MacArthur invade Philippines

1956 — Abigail Van Buren’s “Dear Abby” column first appears in newspapers

Union lawsuit seeks to stop LDC closure

[JAN. 8, 2002]  Monday saw a new step in the fight against Lincoln Developmental Center’s closing.  The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) filed a lawsuit in the Logan County Circuit Court in Lincoln to keep Gov. George Ryan from closing LDC.

The suit filed by AFSCME Council 31, which represents the nearly 700 LDC employees, gives two reasons why Gov. Ryan cannot legally close the center.  The first part of the suit asserts that, since the Illinois General Assembly appropriated funding for LDC for the entire fiscal year, then the center cannot be closed until June 30, when the budget officially expires.  The second part of the suit asserts that no health care facility can be closed without a permit from the State Health Facilities Planning Board because the closing would mean a change in state-provided health care.


[to top of second column in this article]

“The purpose of our lawsuit,” states AFSCME Regional Director Kent Beauchamp, “is to block the unilateral action that the Governor is threatening to take to close this facility, an action which we believe to be illegal.  It is also intended to give the General Assembly time to reaffirm its commitment to LDC by once again adopting a budget—this time for the upcoming fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2002—that includes full funding for this facility.”

A press conference was held by the plaintiffs to announce their suit.  Plaintiffs consist of AFSCME (represented by Kent Beauchamp and local president Don Todd), Sen. Larry Bomke (R-Springfield) and Eleanor and Norlan Newmister (parents of an LDC resident).



City council report

[JAN. 8, 2002]  At Monday night’s largely routine Lincoln City Council meeting, the announcements overshadowed the votes.

First, Mayor Beth Davis announced a rally in support of Lincoln Developmental Center at 10 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 12. AFCSME is sponsoring the rally at the Lincoln Community High School auditorium. Davis also noted that two hearings on LDC are scheduled for this week, one in Chicago on Tuesday, Jan. 8 and an Illinois Senate hearing on Thursday, Jan. 10.

Second, the Lincoln Sewage Treatment Plant has been chosen to receive the 2001 George W. Burke Safety Award. Plant Manager Grant Eaton said this is an unusual honor, awarded to only one person or group in the state of Illinois per year. Presentation of the Burke Safety Award will be made in the spring.

Mayor Davis announced two free workshops to guide participants in researching the history of homes and other buildings. The workshops, sponsored by the Lincoln Historic Preservation of Homes and Structures Commission, will be conducted Tuesday, Jan. 8 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and Tuesday, Jan. 15 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Lincoln Public Library.

Also at the city council meeting, the mayor and her department heads submitted their six-month reports. In Davis’s case, it was actually a nine-month report. She claimed three commissions established during her nine-month tenure: the Lincoln Mayor’s Commission on Disabilities, Minorities, Seniors, Veterans and Youth; the historic preservation commission and the Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission to plan the Aug. 27, 2003 celebration of the city’s 150th anniversary.

Receipt of a $28,900 grant to be used for a youth violence prevention program conducted through the schools was a key point in Police Chief Rich Montcalm’s police department report. He also emphasized formation of the 16-member emergency response team equipped with infrared rifles and protective gear. Montcalm said the team was implemented in a couple of drug busts where the situations were judged to be dangerous. After police obtain a warrant, the procedure calls for the emergency response team to secure the building before the arresting officers enter.


[to top of second column in this article]

Fire Department Chief Bucky Washam reported work on systematizing the training program and the procedures manual. He said the six firefighters who toured Ground Zero in New York and attended ceremonies there paid their own expenses for the four-day trip. City Engineer Mark Mathon said he is pursuing grants for the sewage treatment plant upgrade. Work on Union Street is finished. The Primm Road and Wyatt Avenue project is done except for some black dirt to be added, leveled and landscaped in the spring. Bids for resurfacing North Kickapoo from Keokuk to Lincoln Parkway will be let in April for work to be done in the summer of 2002.

Zoning Officer Les Last said that he is trying to speed follow-up on reports of nuisances and building violations. Two volunteers help to report the property violations.

The street department is planning to upgrade downtown sidewalks, ramps and business entrances. Mayor Beth Davis is seeking disabilities funding for part of the project.

City Attorney Bill Bates said that, at the direction of the Streets and Alleys and Finance committees, he is modifying the Illinois Municipal League policy on employee drug and alcohol testing to create a zero tolerance policy. That is, employees may be fired after one positive drug test. Samples taken are split, however, and an employee can ask for a second test using the other part of the sample. If the second test does not support the first, the positive test is cancelled, and the employee does not have to pay for the re-test. The council has not yet voted on the policy.

Union contracts for city fire, police and streets and alleys employees expire May 1. Bates asked committee members to prepare recommended contract changes to take to the bargaining table.

Votes taken during the meeting were routine acceptance of reports and bills.


[Lynn Shearer Spellman]

Police release sketch of bank robbery suspect 

[JAN. 8, 2002]   



Police have released a sketch of the bank robbery suspect (shown here, left). 


No further details have been released about the brazen daytime robber who hit the Sangamon Street branch of the State Bank of Lincoln on Friday, Dec. 28.

Part 6

A year in review

World and national events hit home big in 2001 as
everyday challenges and victories unfolded and prevailed

[JAN. 8, 2002]  For the people in Logan County, like those everywhere else in the nation, the defining event of the year 2001 was Sept. 11. Logan County’s response to the tragedy was not one of hate and fear, but instead a message of hope and healing. Many gathered on the courthouse lawn on Sept. 14 to honor the New York rescue workers who gave their lives to save the lives of others as well as to honor their own police officers, firefighters and rescue workers. Many also contributed to the fund-raising effort by county emergency workers to help the families of the New York fire, police and rescue personnel who died at the World Trade Center. And many found a new definition of hero — not an entertainer with a multimillion-dollar salary, but a man or woman, maybe one who lives next door, doing a job that needs to be done to help others.

However, other news also happened in Logan County throughout this unforgettable year. Here is our roundup of some of the more important and interesting local matters.

[Click here for a review of local events in January and February 2001]

[Click here for March and April events]

[Click here for May and June events]

[Click here for July events]

[Click here for August and September events]

[Click here for October and November events]


With an average temperature of 46.5 F, the Midwest experienced its warmest November on the climate record, which dates back to 1895, shattering the 1931 record by 1.5 degrees, according to the Midwestern Regional Climate Center located at the Illinois State Water Survey in Champaign. Four states set records for highest monthly average temperatures: Iowa (47.3), Michigan (43.7), Wisconsin (42.9), and Minnesota (40.8).

It was also the third warmest November in Illinois (49.4), Indiana (49.0), and Ohio (47.8); fourth warmest in Missouri (50.7); and fifth warmest in Kentucky (51.5).

Three-year Main Street Lincoln Director Wendy Bell announced that she will leave the Lincoln program in January, 2002, to accept a position with the state of Illinois Main Street program as program associate. Some of the highlights of her leadership have included the restoration of Scully Park, the completed mural on the back of the Neal Tire building, the restoration of the sculpture of the Indian Maiden and the first official City of Lincoln Christmas Ornaments, now in its third year as a collectible series.

Jonathan Wright, R-Hartsburg, announced that he would not run for a seat in the Illinois House of Representative next term. Wright could have run in either the 87th or the 100th District. He lives in what will be the 87th District, but because the 100th District in the new Democratic-drawn legislative map contains part of the current 90th District, he was eligible to run there as well. Wright said his conservative philosophy will be represented in the 87th district by incumbent Bill Mitchell, R-Forsythe, and in the 100th District by Rich Brauer, a newcomer from Petersburg. Brauer challenges incumbent Gwenn Klingler in the March 19 Republican primary election. Wright was appointed last summer to fill the unexpired term of John Turner of Atlanta, who accepted a seat on the Illinois Appellate Court.

All but one of the six new Logan County Board districts will have contests in the March 19 Republican primary. Four Republicans vie for the opportunity to challenge incumbent Sheriff Tony Solomon. The close of filing on Dec. 17 also showed two Republican candidates in both the regional superintendent of schools and District 100 General Assembly races.

Republicans James J. Pinney, Henry Bartman, Robert J. Brandt and Steven G. Nichols will oppose Sheriff Tony Solomon, a Democrat, in November. In the new General Assembly District 100, which includes Lincoln and southwestern Logan County, Gwenn Klingler of Springfield and Rich Brauer are the two Republican candidates. Vying for regional superintendent of schools in Logan, Mason and Menard counties are Jean R. Anderson of Lincoln and Robert P. Turk of Topeka. Incumbent George Janet has announced his retirement.

In countywide races, County Clerk Sally Litterly and Treasurer Mary Bruns, both Republicans, face no opposition in either party. Neither does Bill Mitchell, a Republican from Forsyth, running in General Assembly District 87, which includes the majority of Logan County. 


[to top of second column in this article]

For the county board, which will elect representatives by districts rather than at-large, six districts of approximately equal population have been created. Each will elect two board members. Candidates include 20 Republicans and one Democrat. In District 5, the four candidates include three current board members: Jim Griffin, Clifford "Sonny" Sullivan and Dale A. Voyles. Opposing them for the GOP slots is Patrick L. O’Neill. In District 6, there are three candidates for the two seats, all Republicans: incumbent Paul E. Gleason plus William "Mitch" Brown and Veronica Board Hasprey. In District 3, incumbents Tom Cash and Gloria Luster, both appointed in 2001 to fill vacancies, will compete with John L. Stewart for the two Republican slots. Democrat Harold G. Dingman will be the Democratic opponent in the November general election. The District 4 field of Republican candidates includes incumbents Terry "TW" Werth and David R. Hepler and challengers Stephan A. Mesner and Julia Pegram Gerardot. In District 2, incumbents Richard E. "Dick" Logan and Roger W. Bock face Scott E. Doerr and Robert D. Farmer in the Republican primary. District 1 has no contest, with only Republicans Charles E. Ruben and incumbent Lloyd Hellman filing. Two of the current 13 Logan County Board members are retiring at the end of their current term, Finance Committee Chairman Rod White and Law Enforcement and ESDA Chairman Doug Dutz.

The Lincoln City Council passed an ordinance that will put new sewer rates into effect as of Jan. 1, 2002. The two-step plan will raise rates for city residents from $11 a month to $14 a month for the first 18 months. After 18 months, unless the city gets additional money for the $9.8 million sewer plant upgrade, fees will go up to $16.39 a month. Commercial, industrial and institutional rates will also rise under a complicated formula that will increase fees considerably for many.

Both the City Council and the Logan County Board agreed to extend the present enterprise zone along I-55 to Elkhart, to the new power plant that will be built by Corn Belt energy. Corn Belt officials said that not only will the plant bring new jobs to the area, it may also open new possibilities for using Illinois coal. The environmentally friendly concept plant will use a new low-emission boiler system to reduce nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming, and scrubbers to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions. If the plant succeeds in reducing emissions as expected, it will give utilities a new way to burn Illinois coal and still meet strict clean-air standards, and Illinois may once again begin using its huge coal reserves, Corn Belt officials said.

Among the heartwarming Christmas stories, for the second year in a row Erv Guyett, owner of Collision Concepts, gave a car to a local person who truly needed one. Susan Cotton, who had been walking to her new job every day, got a 1990 Buick Century. The car had been repaired with about $1,000 worth of parts donated by Graue Motors.  Carroll Catholic School won the $5,000 in the Ho Ho Dough drawing, thanks to parents and friends who donated tickets. Principal Mrs. Mahler held the winning ticket.

In a daring daylight robbery at State Bank of Lincoln’s Sangamon Street location, a lone felon advised a bank teller that he had a gun in his pocket and demanded she empty her cash drawer just before closing time. The man, described only as tall and thin, never produced a weapon during the brief robbery. The bank employee was able to trigger a silent alarm, but the man had fled before Lincoln Police could get there.

By the end of the year, the threatened closure of Lincoln Developmental Center had not yet occurred, with Gov. Ryan saying he would make up his mind sometime in January. Parents of the residents continued to meet and to urge Ryan to keep the facility open, saying it is a good home for their loved ones. State Rep. Jonathan Wright, U. S. Rep. Ray LaHood, other politicians and area business and civic leaders have supported keeping LDC open. Signs saying “We support LDC” have sprung up in many Lincoln yards. Ryan has moved more than 100 residents to other facilities to increase the staff-resident ratio and sent a 27-man team of inspectors to assess whether LDC is meeting state and federal health and safety guidelines. Although state officials said LDC is still out of compliance in some areas, the $17 million federal funding was restored at the end of December, giving some hope to those in the area that the more than 100-year-old institution still has a future in Lincoln.


[Joan Crabb]

Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Tuesday, Jan. 8

8th day of the year


"If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason — for then we would know the mind of God." — Stephen Hawking

"Israel is still the only country in the world against which there is a written document to the effect that it must disappear." — Menachem Begin


1862 — Frank Nelson Doubleday, publisher, founder of Doubleday & Co.

1891 — Bronislava Nijinska, ballet choreographer

19-- — Fernand Petiot, bartender at Harry’s New York Bar in Paris, created the Bloody Mary

19-- — Hans Von Bulow, murder suspect (Sunny Von Bulow)

1902 — Georgy M. Malenkov, Stalin’s successor as head of CPSU, prime minister (1953-55)

1933 — Charles Osgood, New York City, news anchor ("CBS Weekend News")

1935 — Elvis Aaron Presley, Tupelo, Miss., singer

1941 — Graham Chapman, England, comedian ("Monty Python’s Flying Circus")

1942 — Stephen Hawking, English physicist ("Black Holes and Baby Universes")

1947 — David Bowie [Jones], London, singer and actor



1324 — Marco Polo, Venetian explorer and governor of Nanking, dies

1499 — Louis XII of France after papal divorce marries Anne

1675 — First American commercial corporation chartered (N.Y. Fishing Co.)

1838 — First telegraph message sent using dots and dashes (New Jersey)

1889 — First computer patented

1926 — Abdul-Aziz ibn Sa’ud becomes king of Hejaz; renames it Saudi Arabia

1954 — Elvis Presley pays $4 to a Memphis studio and records his first two songs

1962 — Golfer Jack Nicklaus, 21, first pro appearance; came in 50th

1976 — Chou En-lai, China’s prime minister (1949-76), dies of cancer in Beijing at 78

1992 — Menachim Begin, Israeli prime minister, dies at 78 of a heart attack

1994 — Harvey Haddix, pitcher (pitched game of 12 perfect innings), dies at 68

1996 — Francois Mitterrand, president of France (1981-95), dies of cancer at 79

Part 5

A year in review

World and national events hit home big in 2001 as
everyday challenges and victories unfolded and prevailed

[JAN. 7, 2002]  For the people in Logan County, like those everywhere else in the nation, the defining event of the year 2001 was Sept. 11. Logan County’s response to the tragedy was not one of hate and fear, but instead a message of hope and healing. Many gathered on the courthouse lawn on Sept. 14 to honor the New York rescue workers who gave their lives to save the lives of others as well as to honor their own police officers, firefighters and rescue workers. Many also contributed to the fund-raising effort by county emergency workers to help the families of the New York fire, police and rescue personnel who died at the World Trade Center. And many found a new definition of hero — not an entertainer with a multimillion-dollar salary, but a man or woman, maybe one who lives next door, doing a job that needs to be done to help others.

However, other news also happened in Logan County throughout this unforgettable year. Here is our roundup of some of the more important and interesting local matters.

[Click here for a review of local events in January and February 2001]

[Click here for March and April events]

[Click here for May and June events]

[Click here for July events]

[Click here for August and September events]


In October, it was a local story that shocked Logan County residents, when the news came to light that a federal inspection of the Lincoln Developmental Center put the facility in danger of losing its certification and 700 workers in danger of losing jobs if LDC closed. The $17 million in federal money LDC would lose is half its $35 million budget. Inspectors cited a shortage of workers, a lack of training for those workers and three incidents in which patients’ health was endangered. 

Gov. George Ryan ordered a series of reforms, including moving 90 residents from the 370-bed facility to other state facilities for the developmentally disabled and beginning a series of 30-day assessments of LDC. Administrative changes were also made, with Gwen Thornton, a former state prison warden, replaced as LDC director by Peggy Davidsmeyer, who has had 30 years experience working with the developmentally disabled.

Members of AFSCME and a group of parents of LDC residents protested moving residents for whom LDC has been home for a number of years. State lawmakers, local groups and individuals expressed their desire to keep LDC open and many, like the Lincoln-Logan Chamber of Commerce, began letter-writing campaigns. The parents group pleaded with Gov. Ryan not to close the institution, saying LDC has not recently had the staff and the leadership needed to operate at its best and suggesting that the state wants to close LDC basically for financial reasons. Gov. Ryan said he was thinking only of the welfare of the residents.

In other news in October, the Lincoln City Council learned that construction of Phase 1 of Brainard Landing, an affordable apartment complex to be developed at 21st and State streets, may begin as early as March of next year. Phase 1 will include four of the eight planned housing units and cost about $45 million. The entire 56 units in the finished development will be rented to those at or below median income — in the $18,000 to $36,000 range, depending on family size.

Logan County ESDA and LEPC successfully completed an exercise that tested emergency reaction to release of a hazardous material, in this case chlorine, from the Illinois American Water Company treatment plant at 1730 North Jefferson Street. Firefighters and police officers turned out to protect the community from the potentially lethal gas and stop the leak. State observers from Illinois Emergency Management Agency agreed that the county was capable of implementing their hazardous materials plan. 

Facing a deficit of approximately half a million dollars in its fiscal year 2002 budget, the county board voted to ask all officeholders and department heads to review their budgets for possible cuts in the approximately $5 million budget. Budget chairman Rodney White pointed out that the tentative budget contains no money for extra security or for new economic development initiatives. A memo read at the meeting announced formation of a Homeland Security Committee consisting of Sheriff Tony Soloman, board Chairman Dick Logan, Law Enforcement Committee Chairman Doug Dutz and Insurance Committee Chairman Dale Voyles. The committee is charged with improving security in the seven county buildings. 

On the heels of a sellout of its first classic film offering, the Logan County Arts Association planned its next event, a classical Spanish guitar performance by Christian Culleton at Trinity Episcopal Church. Association President Marshall Jacobs reported a meeting at which a "workable framework" for transfer of the Lincoln Cinema’s theater to the Lincoln/Logan Chamber of Commerce was devised. He said plans are for the arts association to restore the interior of the building with office space on the second floor. Work would start after GKC has completed a new theater complex, probably in the fall of 2002.

A check for $32,540 for the families of firefighters, paramedics and police officers who died in the World Trade Center terrorist attack was unveiled at a candlelight ceremony at the Logan County courthouse. The funds were raised by county firefighters, paramedics and police officers, who held fund drives at their local fire stations.

Development of a proposed 63-acre industrial park north of town could bring the Lincoln/Logan County area many financial benefits, but first the community must commit to supporting the project, according to Mark Smith, economic development director. Members of the Lincoln/Logan County Economic Development Council have been seeking a site for an industrial park for the past 18 months and now have an option to purchase 63.5 acres at Business 55 and Kruger Road, between the north Interstate 55 interchange and the Logan County Airport, for $678,000, he told a group assembled in the Lincoln College Library lecture room. The creation of the industrial park hinges on getting community support to finance the project, which will add up to a total investment of $3.1 to $3.3 million. Smith said he was looking for some future commitment from the city and the county board.

The Indian Maiden statue, now repaired, was returned to the lawn of the Logan County courthouse, this time on the south side, in a ceremony much like the first dedication ceremony 95 years ago, when the statue was first presented to the town by the Lincoln Women’s Club. Club member Burnetta “Bernie” DePuy was commended for her work in the fundraising effort to repair the marble statue.

In sports news, the Lady Railers volleyball team advanced to the sectional championship match by beating Effngham two games to one, after losing the first game 12-15.



The on-again, off-again status of Casey’s General Store coming to a Fifth Street location in Lincoln is now on for good. By a vote of 8-2, the Lincoln City Council agreed to vacate an unused alley so the firm can build a facility at 314 South Jefferson Street, across from the Postville Courthouse. A title search showed that the alley belonged to the city but had not been used or maintained. Casey’s will begin building in the spring.

The city council also learned that what was planned as one of the city’s chief tourist attractions, a drink from the Lincoln Well across from the historic Postville Courthouse on Fifth Street, may not be possible because the well has serious contamination problems. County Board member Terry Werth said the well has been pumped out three times, and each time it fills up the water is found to be contaminated with bacteria from human or animal waste. Werth said one solution might be to drill the well deeper in the existing hole, then line the well with a metal shield to prevent groundwater from seeping in.


[to top of second column in this article]

Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital has opened a new area for patients receiving outpatient care. The new same-day care area features private patient rooms in a newly refurbished area. ALMH has also joined the Regional TeleBurn Network being launched by Memorial Medical Center and Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, both in Springfield. The network will make possible improved early treatment of burn victims at ALMH by establishing a real-time, visual link between Memorial and Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital.

The county board heard the report of a feasibility study for a golf course at Logan County Airport and tentatively voted to approve the concept of an industrial park. Daniel Conway of THK Associates in Denver gave the results of his firm’s market feasibility study for an airport golf course. Based on demographics and number of existing courses, he said the area could support one more 18-hole course.

Before signaling that they would approve the industrial park concept, board members assured themselves that they were committing no funds. Economic Development Director Mark Smith said the Logan County Development Foundation would fund the feasibility study for the project and he was only asking for endorsement of the concept at this time. He added that if the board and the Lincoln City Council indicated they thought it was a bad idea, the Economic Development Council would reconsider. 

The Lincoln City Council also heard Smith’s request for support but did not put the matter to a vote. Several spoke in favor of the idea but others said it was not the right time for such a major project. Smith said he was satisfied with the fact that there were “no strong objections” to the industrial park proposal from the city council. An e-mail poll conducted by the Lincoln Daily News showed that 91 percent of those voting were in favor of the industrial park and only 9 percent against it.

The county board passed a 2002 budget with $8.94 million total expenditures and a $314,000 deficit in the general fund, the first time it has passed a deficit budget in seven years. Projected general fund revenues were $3.76 million and expenditures were $4.07 million. Levies designed to raise almost $2.6 million were also passed.

Lincoln College professor and museum supervisor Ron Keller told the Looking for Lincoln committee that tourism revenue sales are up after September 11, saying tourism has not slowed at all. Postville Courthouse representative Shirley Bartelmay also said Postville has had visitors recently from New York, Iowa, Texas and Florida. Bartelmay was recently credited by the state of Illinois for coordinating volunteers and was rewarded with a plaque for overall dedication.

On the last day of November, a groundbreaking ceremony for the new 47,000-square-foot Central School was held. The school will be built on the Seventh Street side of the grounds of the present Central School. Board members and state representatives took the shovels first, then Central School students were given spoons and plastic bags so scoop up a bit of dirt for a souvenir. After the new school is built, students at Lincoln Junior High will move to the present Central School, the junior high will be razed and a new one built, then the present Central School will be taken down.

In the ongoing story of LDC’s threatened closing, the 100-year-old facility survived another round of budget cuts at the state level, but is still facing decertification and loss of $17 million in federal funds. Gov. George Ryan gave the facility another 30-day extension to correct problems, but has continued the transfer of residents to other state institutions to improve the resident-staff ratio. The parents group continued to rally and urge Gov. Ryan to keep LDC open.

There was good news on the business front in November. It seems that Lincoln will once again have a retail business supply store. Glenn Brunk Stationers of Springfield has announced that they plan to open a Lincoln store somewhere downtown, perhaps by the first of the year. The firm is already serving customers in Lincoln. 

Groundbreaking ceremonies were held for a new warehouse at Willamette Industries, Inc., at the intersection of Lincoln Parkway and Fifth Street Road. The 70,000-square-foot warehouse is expected to be completed in April. The plant has already added six new employees and expects to add an additional four later. Willamette employs about 100 people in Lincoln.

Terry J. Brown, president and chief executive officer of State Bank of Lincoln, will retire the first of January. Chosen to be the new chief executive is Steve Aughenbaugh, currently department head for commercial and installment loans. Brown said his most significant achievement is the growth the bank has experienced during his 17-year tenure. 

Construction has begun on a Russell Stover Candies store on Lincoln’s west side, and the company expects to open it around Feb. 1. The site is at 901 Heitmann Drive, along Route 10 between GB Oil Travel Plaza and Holiday Inn Express. The company intends to employ 10 to 15 people locally and will hold a job fair for prospective employees. The store will carry the company’s full line of first-quality boxed chocolates as well as intermediates and seconds, both to be sold at discounted prices.

In sports, the LCHS Lady Railers volleyball team had a super season, even though they lost the super-sectional to Normal Community. Their season record of 29-8-1 is among the best in central Illinois. They were the winners of two regular season tournaments in Champaign and East Peoria. They lost only one Central State Eight Conference match and took second place in the conference. They repeated as IHSA Regional champions. They made the LCHS history books by being the first volleyball team to repeat as IHSA Sectional champions. Coach Charissa Howe reached her 100th win early in the season. Christina Xamis tied a school service record with eight aces in one game — the sectional semifinal. Senior team members Tina Cook, Kelli Gleason and Darcy White have all been recruited and will play college volleyball. 

Coach Kevin Crawford and his Lincoln Christian College Angels advanced to the Elite Eight at nationals, then once again made it to the Final Four and brought home a third-place place trophy. That makes six trips to the national tournament, including a national title, two third-place finishes, one fourth and two Elite Eights. Crawford was named NCCAA National Coach of the Year for the second time.

In Class A volleyball, Mount Pulaski took third place at the state tournament. They lost their semifinal game against Quincy Notre Dame on Saturday, 8-15, 15-9, 15-8. They then played Augusta Southeastern, who lost to Breese Mater Dei 15-12, 15-6. Mount Pulaski defeated Augusta Southeastern 15-6, 15-1. Breese Mater Dei defeated Quincy Notre Dame for the championship 15-8, 15-7. 


(To be continued)

[Joan Crabb]

Warmer December 2001 means lower heating bills

[JAN. 7, 2002]  "Below normal temperatures after Christmas Eve led to December 2001 dropping from 4th to 14th warmest December since 1895. Even so, temperatures were 5.6 degrees above average for the month," says State Climatologist Jim Angel of the Illinois State Water Survey in Champaign. The coldest December on record occurred in 1983 with temperatures 12.1 degrees below average.

"A bonus of these warmer-than-average temperatures will be lower heating bills for Illinois consumers than in December 2000, the second coldest December on record with temperatures 11.6 degrees below average. December 2001 heating-degree totals were 16 percent below the long-term average and two-thirds of December 2000 totals," says Angel.

In addition to warm temperatures, there has been a lack of snowfall compared to last December, which will be remembered as one of the snowiest. December snowfall normally ranges from two inches (south) to four to five inches (central) to eight inches (north), but December 2001 totals of one to four inches were confined to the northern half of Illinois. The snowiest station, Chatsworth (near Springfield,) reported five inches (21 inches in December 2000); Springfield, 3.3 inches (ten inches in December 2000); Chicago at O'Hare, 1.6 inches (30.9 inches in December 2000); Rockford, 0.5 inches (30.1 inches in December 2000); and Peoria, 0.4 inches (21.2 inches in December 2000).


[to top of second column in this article]

Soil temperatures at the 4-inch level also have dropped below freezing across the northern half of the state due to the recent cold without the protection of insulating snow cover. "Cooler soil temperatures may help kill off overwintering pests, but the lack of snow cover may leave some crops and landscape plants more vulnerable to cold temperatures.

"While precipitation has been below average in the northern half of the state due to a lack of snow, above average rainfall in southern Illinois resulted in some reports of damage to winter wheat due to saturated fields," says Angel.

For example, Anna reported 7.11 inches of rain in December.

[Illinois State Water Survey news release]


Today’s history

Compiled by Dave Francis

Monday, Jan. 7

7th day of the year


"Mahomet made the people believe that he would call a hill to him, and from the top of it offer up his prayers for the observers of the Law. The people assembled; Mahomet called the hill to come to him again and again; and when the hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said, ‘If the hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the hill.’" — Francis Bacon, on boldness

"And yet ... it moves." — Galileo


1800 — Millard Fillmore, Locke, N.Y., (Whig) 13th president (1850-53)

1822 — Lucius C.M. Bakker, Frisian physician and author (Goethe)

1910 — Alain de Rothschild, France, banker and baron

1928 — William Peter Blatty, New York City, author and director ("The Exorcist")

1942 — Vasili Alexeyev, U.S.S.R, weightlifter (Olympic gold, ’72, ’76)

1946 — Jann S. Wenner, publisher (Rolling Stone)

1957 — Katie [Katherine] Couric, Arlington, Va., TV news host ("Today")


1285 — Charles I of Anjou, king of Naples and brother of King Louis IX, dies at 58

1536 — Catherine of Aragon, first wife of England’s King Henry VIII, dies

1584 — Last day of the Julian calendar in Bohemia and Holy Roman Empire

1598 — Boris Godunov seizes Russian throne on death of Feodore I

1601 — Robert, Earl of Essex, leads revolt in London against Queen Elizabeth

1608 — Fire destroys Jamestown, Va.

1610 — Galileo discovers first three Jupiter satellites: Io, Europa and Ganymede

1618 — Francis Bacon becomes English lord chancellor

1695 — Mary II Stuart, queen of England, dies at 32

1714 — Typewriter patented by Englishman Henry Mill (built years later)

1782 — First U.S. commercial bank, Bank of North America, opens in Philadelphia

1890 — W.B. Purvis patents fountain pen

1914 — First steamboat passes through Panama Canal

1927 — Harlem Globetrotters play first game (Hinckley, Ill.)

1929 — "Buck Rogers," first sci-fi comic strip, premieres

1929 — "Tarzan," one of the first adventure comic strips, first appears

1943 — Nikola Tesla, Yugoslavian physicist (Tesla motor), dies at 86

Military addresses sought

It is a year like no other. Since Sept. 11 we are a changed nation. Individually, our daily sensitivity toward whom and what we have in our lives has been heightened. We are more conscious and appreciative, first about those we love and see everyday. Next, we have a newfound appreciation for those who risk their lives every day as rescue workers and protectors of life and property in our communities. We also now think more about our military men and women who are committed to serve and protect our country. Many are away engaged in battle, some are in waiting to go, all are ready to lay their lives on the line in defense of our freedom.

Lincoln Daily News is seeking the names and addresses, including e-mail addresses, of friends and relatives who are serving in the armed forces. They need not be from here in Logan County. If you know someone serving, please send the information to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com. A complete list will be made available and kept updated through the site so we might all hold them in our thoughts, prayers and well wishes.

[Click here for names available now.]

Name of person in military:

Branch of service:

Current location of service:

Postal address:

E-mail address:

Relationship to LDN reader sending information (optional):


Are we prepared for terrorism
in Logan County?

It’s on the radio, TV, in all the media. You hear it in the office, on the street and maybe at home — threats of terrorism. America is on high alert. Here in central Illinois, away from any supposed practical target areas, perhaps we feel a little less threatened, but we are still concerned. So how concerned should we be, and how prepared are we for the types of situations that could occur?

Whether the threat is domestic or foreign, violent, biological or chemical, our public health and rescue agencies have been preparing to respond to the situations. Lincoln Daily News has been at meetings where all the agencies gather together as the Logan County Emergency Planning Committee to strategize for just such a time. Our reports have not even provided every detail that every agency has reported; i.e., a number of representatives from differing agencies such as the health and fire departments, CILCO and ESDA went to a bioterrorism and hazmat (hazardous materials) seminar this past August.

Here are some of the articles that LDN has posted pre- and post-Tuesday, Sept. 11. Hopefully you will see in them that WE ARE WELL PREPARED. At least as much as any area can be. Every agency has been planning, training, submitting for grants to buy equipment long before Sept. 11. We can be thankful for all of the dedicated, insightful leaders we have in this community.


[to top of second column in this section]

America strikes back

As promised, the United States led an attack on Afghanistan. The attack began Sunday, Oct. 7. American and British military forces made 30 hits on air defenses, military airfields and terrorist training camps, destroying aircraft and radar systems. The strike was made targeting only terrorists.

More than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East have pledged their cooperation and support the U.S. initiative.

Online news links

Other countries




























Saudi Arabia



[to top of second column in this section]


United States










New York



Stars and Stripes
(serving the U.S. military community)


Washington, D.C.





More newspaper links



Time to register to vote

[JAN. 3, 2002]  Are you registered to vote?

The March 19 primary is rapidly approaching. The close of registration is Feb. 19. If you have moved, or if you have married and changed your name, it is necessary that you change your voter registration with our office in order to cast your vote in the election.

If you have questions about your voting eligibility, please contact our office at (217) 732-4148.

Sally J. Litterly

Logan County Clerk

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