Tuesday, July 23

Lincoln American Legion
Post begins to rebuild

[JULY 23, 2002]  "It’s important to rebuild this structure," Illinois Sen. Larry Bomke, R-Springfield, told the crowd gathered Saturday at the groundbreaking for the Lincoln American Legion Post 263 home, "so we can continue to honor America’s biggest heroes."

Despite the near 90-degree heat, five Legion dignitaries, Bomke and Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis dug ceremonial shovelfuls of dirt. Footings for the new post home were poured during the week, and the exterior of the building is expected to be completed by mid-November.

Emcee C. Wayne Schrader of Lincoln said he felt like he "lost a home" when the previous post home burned on Jan. 4. Logan County Commander Jerry Boward of Middletown added, "I’m ready for this to be built. There have been a lot of good times here."

Fourth Division Senior Vice Commander Chella Yeakel of Colfax said of the Lincoln Legion’s efforts, "It’s kind of a good and a bad feeling — bad that they have to do it, good that they’re going to rebuild and come back as strong as they were before."


[Photos by Lynn Shearer Spellman]

Post 263 Commander David Hennessey of Lincoln presented a brick from the burned structure to Senior Vice Commander Elvin Carey of Chicago. Other bricks from the previous post home have been sold as part of fund-raising. Approximately half the $630,000 cost of the building has been raised. Dorothy Morrow, chair of the fund drive, thanked other Legion posts for holding benefits but said contributions are still needed.


[to top of second column in this article]

Willie Hedrick, who represents the Sons of the American Legion on the building committee, drew the floor plans for the new hall. "What’s good about new construction," he said, "is that you can scratch what has been outgrown and do what you need to do." Improvements include a more open ballroom, a bigger kitchen with better work area, more washrooms and more storage.


Mary Patterson, past auxiliary department president from Lincoln, was an honored guest at the ceremony. The meeting room in the new structure, as in its predecessor, will be named the Mary Pat Room in her honor.

Seventeenth District Commander Gilbert Holocker of Washburn completed the roster of Legion dignitaries who took part in the groundbreaking. Other Legionnaires participated in the color guard and were among the crowd. A reception followed the ceremony.

[Lynn Shearer Spellman]

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