Thursday, June 20

Sesquicentennial Committee OKs ballgame, band, speaker and stage

[JUNE 20, 2002]  An 1860s-style baseball game, a period military band, an authority on quilt use on the Underground Railroad and a stage for major events all received funding at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Lincoln Sesquicentennial Committee.

The committee, chaired by Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis, is planning 11 days of activities Aug. 21-31, 2003, to celebrate the city’s 150th birthday. Twenty subcommittees report to the full committee.


The Ground Squirrels, a baseball team who dress and play in the style of the 1860s, will step up to the plate on Tuesday, Aug. 26. Opposing them will be a team composed of Lincoln greats — players who have starred on local teams over the years. Sesquicentennial planners hope to secure Ralph Gale field at Lincoln Junior High for the contest. The cost of the contract with the Ground Squirrels is $200.

Re-enactment chair Ron Keller was allotted $600 to secure the 33rd Volunteer Regiment Infantry Band to play for the sesquicentennial parade and a period ball on Saturday, Aug. 30. Musicians in the band come from throughout central Illinois. They play music of the Civil War era. Keller said the band might also be interested in re-enacting an encampment.

At the request of Underground Railroad chair Nancy Rollings Saul, committee members voted to pay Clarice Boswell of Plainfield $300 plus mileage to speak on pre-Civil War quilts and their use as signals to slaves escaping on the Underground Railroad. Boswell is a retired administrator and teacher from Joliet Township High School and the University of St. Francis in Joliet. She will speak in conjunction with the opening of an Underground Railroad quilt show in the courthouse rotunda. Saul said her committee is currently leaning toward having the quilt show juried.


The main stage for sesquicentennial activities will be located on McLean Street near the intersection with Pulaski, facing north toward the courthouse. Technical systems co-chair Greg Pelc was authorized to spend $500 for a retainer on a stage. Expected cost of the stage for three days is $5,000.


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Though the committee on Wednesday authorized expenditures totaling about $6,200, the sesquicentennial treasury currently holds just under $3,100, according to treasurer Paul Short. That includes $1,000 recently received from the city. Fortunately, most of the bills do not become due for some time. Sponsorships, souvenir sales and the city are expected to provide additional funding.

President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have both responded to their invitations to the city’s birthday party. Neither gave a definite answer, but both said the invitation will be considered as their staffers work on scheduling.


Mary Buckles Roberts, 1953 centennial queen, will be asked to participate in the parade on Saturday, Aug. 30, along with the newly crowned sesquicentennial queen. According to Alice Paulus of rural Lincoln, judging in the 1953 contest was based on sales of ice cream social tickets.

Parade co-chair Roger Matson said he hopes to include groups from various ethnic backgrounds important in the history of Lincoln, such as Scottish, Irish, German and African-American.

Organizers are looking for people who closely resemble the characters in Lloyd Ostendorf’s painting of the christening of Lincoln to participate in a re-enactment. Committee members are also asking for souvenirs, photos and movies from the city’s centennial celebration in 1953. All can be taken to the mayor’s office in City Hall.

Plans for Sunday, Aug. 31, the final day of the 11-day celebration, include a chicken dinner, nondenominational church service, John Schlitt of PETRA entertaining with Christian rock music, an orchestra comparable to the Illinois Symphony and a finale with fireworks display.

[Lynn Shearer Spellman]


One tired and hungry little bird

[JUNE 20, 2002]  Once upon a time (Monday night) there was a pretty little bird. A man who came from Bloomington saw the pretty little bird when he was visiting in Lincoln. He was at his son’s ballgame at a field near Lincoln High School.

After dropping off his wife and son, the man parked his van. When he opened the van door, he saw the little bird, which looked like someone’s pet, trying to eat the seeds on some weeds.


After the game, the family returned to the vehicle. The bird was still there, was quite hungry and trying to pick some weed seeds, and, actually, in some danger of being run over.

They could get within 2 to 3 feet before the bird flew away from them. So this is a tame bird, the man thought.

They tried to capture the bird. Each time, for nine tries, the bird flew away, circled and came back. The 10th time they captured the bird in a towel and put him in a sack.


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Back in Bloomington, they put the bird in a cage with some food and water. It promptly fell asleep, an exhausted little bird.

So, somewhere in Lincoln, perhaps near the high school, the man suspects there is a family missing a bird.

For now they’ll keep the poor little bird until an owner is found. If no owner is found, they’re thinking about taking it to the Bloomington zoo.

If you have lost your bird, please call or e-mail LDN at (217) 732-7443 or

[Jan Youngquist
and Henry Hanson]


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