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Writers [click
top of second column]
to higher taxes and fees
the editor:
reading last Friday’s Lincoln Courier article regarding Mayor
Beth Davis agreeing to a 16 percent increase in our sales tax, we
believe her action calls for a response from Citizens for Justice.
fall Mayor Davis led the opposition to the Casey Convenient Stores
Inc. effort to locate and build on nonproductive bare ground in
Lincoln, with very low taxable income, and turn it into $750,000
of taxable property. The city also should generate excellent
taxable income from Casey’s estimated $1,000,000 annual sales.
Casey also has the ability to help reduce Lincoln’s very
high gasoline prices. Lucky for us, sounder minds prevailed on the
city council and they overrode her, and Casey will now be allowed
to be a member of our community and add 10 to 12 new jobs.
the mayor lost in her bid to deny Casey from coming to
Lincoln, she then led the effort for the expansion to the city
sewerage plant that has created the highest sewer fee increase
ever in the history of Lincoln, a new 27 percent increase in fees.
With the constant downsizing by local industry, coupled with these
suggested higher taxes and fees, we may not need to expand our
sewer plant.
Davis has announced that she favors the citizens of Lincoln to
once again pay a higher fee to the area water company for the city
fire hydrants. This will lead to a new 16 percent increase in our
water bill.
if this isn’t enough, the mayor once again is leading a drive to
increase the city sales tax by 16 percent. What message do you
think this sends to new business and people considering locating
taxes and fees are the fast and easy solution to solve the city
budget shortfall. But we believe it should never be considered
until every effort possible has been made to cut enough operating
expenses in the city budget to balance the budget.
taxes and fees will discourage new businesses and families from
locating here. Higher sales taxes affect almost every local
purchase, including gasoline purchases. They will take away the
advantage local car dealers and other local big-ticket retailers
have over the big-city boys. We need every advantage we can get to
help and maintain both old and new businesses.
encourage Lincoln city council members to make every effort
possible to make the necessary cuts in the city operating expenses
and not raise taxes and fees.
now about the proposed new $3,000,000 industrial park. What is
wrong with the Spellman-owned industrial park on Fifth Street
Road? It has city services such as water and sewer very close by,
and it also has railcar access adjacent to it. And what is even
better, we don’t need to buy it; we only need to paint a new
sign indicating its presence and begin finding potential clients.
This idea will save us $3 million and we can start to work on this
project right now. Just think how much new real estate tax dollars
this will save everyone.
if you are not part of the solution, then you become part of the
for Justice, Inc.
C. Van Bibber III
the editor:
first want to express our sympathy to the families of the young
people involved in the recent fatality on Fifth Street Road.
Your pain must be almost unbearable, and we wish we had words to
comfort you.
said that, we are absolutely outraged at hearing that alcohol, and
who knows what else, may have been supplied from a parent’s
home, and the fact that this particular parent had recently lost a
child due to an alcohol-related crash is beyond our ability
to understand! Wasn’t one young person’s death enough?
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Task Force of the Healthy
Communities Partnership has worked for nearly four years to
coordinate efforts and enlist the support of the county around
prevention efforts for our youth. The task force has worked
tirelessly to educate young people regarding the dangers involved
in consumption of these harmful, even
deadly substances. We have provided activities,
educational events and worked with youth to fight ATOD use.
We have encouraged parents, business owners and the community at
large to join our efforts.
in the face of this tragedy, parents and community members will
consider joining the task force in this fight. Sadly, it’s
too late for one young man.
Eldredge, coordinator, Healthy Communities Partnership
Greenslate and Roy Logan, co-chairs, Alcohol, Tobacco
and Drug Task Force
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