Thursday, Oct. 3


Universal Internet disruptions

[OCT. 3, 2002]  A nationwide outage in the Internet system is causing headaches for users today. The universal disruption appears to be caused by 40 backbones that terminate in Chicago not functioning. Other details about the situation are scant. WorldCom began having problems yesterday. The companies running the major lines that are affected are working on the problem.

 Local access to local domains (for example, accessing Lincoln Daily News from CCAonline) is still possible.

[Jan Youngquist]

Local vigil marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month

[OCT. 3, 2002]  The Lincoln Police Department, the Logan County Task Force Against Domestic Abuse and Violence, and Sojourn, an organization devoted to helping women and children get out of domestic violence situations, invite the public to attend their annual vigil, which will be at noon this Tuesday, Oct. 8, at the Logan County Courthouse.

Participants will walk around the square to show their support for ending domestic violence and abuse in our communities. Following this, Rep. Jonathan Wright will speak.

Wright will also judge the finalists in the District 27 fifth-grade art contest. Students were given the topic "What can you do with your hands besides hit?" One finalist was chosen from each of the six fifth-grade classes, and Wright will choose a single winner from among them. The finalists and their principals will be at the vigil with their artwork. The winner will receive a DVD from Police Chief Rich Montcalm. The other five students will receive a DARE prize of their choice — a basketball, football, T-shirt or hat.

[News release]

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