Monday, Sept. 16


Main Street Lincoln and Avon host
Pink Line Project on Tuesday

[SEPT. 16, 2002]  The Pink Line Project, a cooperative effort between Avon and Main Street Lincoln to raise funds for breast cancer research and distribute educational materials, comes to the Logan County Courthouse lawn at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday.

As part of the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade Day of Commitment in Lincoln, a pink line will be painted on the sidewalk on the north side the courthouse. Trees on the courthouse lawn will be decorated with pink ribbons. Pink lemonade and pink frosted sugar cookies will be given away.

Avon representatives will be on hand to sell the Avon "Kiss Goodbye to Breast Cancer" lipsticks, with 100 percent of the proceeds going to breast cancer research. Pink ribbons will be available for purchase in honor or memory of someone special. The ribbons will be tied on a tree that will be planted on the grounds of the Lincoln Depot.

"This will be great event for learning about breast cancer," noted Larry Adams, Avon sales representative. "It will be tribute to all women who have had breast cancer. We hope there will be a cure soon."


[Main Street Lincoln news release]

CITV is growing to Mount Pulaski

[SEPT. 16, 2002]  Beginning today (Monday), CITV will be adding Mount Pulaski to its service area. A 50 percent increase in viewer base will be realized by adding Mount Pulaski to the viewing area.

CITV programming is designed for you, the local resident, to learn more about your world and to air your opinions. Now, Lincoln and Mount Pulaski cable viewers will be able to watch Community Information TeleVision, including "Around The Town," "Wednesday Night Live," "FANdamonium," "LCHS/Lincoln College/Lincoln Christian College Sports" and more.

[CITV press release]

Articles from the past week


  • CITV is moving to Channel 5

  • Oldest known impression of the original Great Seal of the State of Illinois found


  • County board hears objections to country home zoning request

  • Volunteers needed to install playground equipment beginning 7 a.m. Saturday



  • LCHS students remember 9-11

  • Terrorism preparedness, homeland security

  • City responds to athlete death


  • Gov. Ryan, state officials present update on homeland security in Illinois

  • Officials announce new Navy Pier marine safety and rescue station


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