To the editor:
As I
travel with my son on Lincoln's city streets, it pleases me that
some of the roads are being repaired and are easily traveled
upon. Today I had to go to Community Action on Fifth Street, and
for as long as I have lived here (since 1997) and have been a
client of Community Action, the road leading back to their
building is in much need of repair.
city could save money in the long run if they would repair that
road. There would be less repairs on employees' and clients'
vehicles, and the Head Start bus and their van if this problem
was taken care of.
I am
not sure if this has been brought up at city council or who I
would need to contact regarding this problem, but my son Chris
suggested that I start here by writing this letter.
Shocks on a vehicle can be badly damaged by traveling on roads
like this. Thank you.
Debbi G. Thompson
[posted 11-28-03]